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Toph, aged up ♥ Third place of the latest poll :)


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Shes perfect!!!


She' really cute


Oh my fucking God yes! Hell yes!


Amazing!!! Looks great!


Beautiful! 😮 I didn't know she was blind! 👀 Tell me Dandon, are we close to Kale ? 😅 I would love to see Kale in sexy lingerie with her style jewelry Broly Z. She's a perfect candidate for your Lingerie Queen collection. 😍 Look at she has so much potential : https://goopics.net/a/UVIwX812

Pervy Sage

Finally, couldn’t wait to see her turn in the sun. Thanks so much Dandon you drew he so well T.T


You've managed to make her retain both her youthful cuteness and her strength, well done! Weird question, is this version still blind?


This is what I needed




She's super cute


That chiseled body cannot be contained by that belt, she looks so damn perfect. The shade of green for the clothes is very much on point.


Yes, just YES! 😍

Christopher Edwards

Oh man she looks amazing! Can’t wait for the other versions because I want to see those abs on her. ❤️


Yes please!


Nice little detail with the band aid on her elbow. Don't know if you are planning more artworks with the classic Avatar girls, but have you thought about redrawing Korra? You used to make so many Korra artworks back when her show was still in the air, would be cool to see her in your new art style. Maybe some Korra x Asami action too while you are it. lol


She looks amazing, Dandon! Such a great pose that reads so well, and I especially love her expression! ^^

Ciarán M

Ooooh, I am immediately in love with the colours in this piece. It's been so damned hot and bright over the past few weeks, that seeing a painting like this with predominantly cool blue and green tones is such a refreshing relief 💚💙 (I hate summer and the sun... but I love warm, summery paintings of course and I always praise the Sun in Dark Souls ☀️). But as I said, I really like the scene for this piece and the idea of having Toph using her powers with all these rocks floating around adds a really nice sense of motion to the painting. I also absolutely love her pose, she has this curving, dynamic feel to her with her shoulders and hips strongly slanted and opposing one another, with her torso and legs then curving in opposing directions too, ooooh! It's like this swaying, serpentine feel to her which feels quite appropriate given the green clothing 😹🐍 But seriously though, I do love the pose. She's dynamic, sexy, cute and fun and shows off her curves beautifully with how her hips are pushed out and I just love the contours of her waist. I also really like the positions of her arms, along with the boob-window in her clothing, they frame the exposed skin of her breasts really nicely and they add to that dynamic, leaning feeling of her body. And lastly for the pose, I really like what you've done with her eyes. I've never watched Avatar but I am aware that this character is blind, so having her mostly turned towards the viewer with eyes sort of wandering off and looking elsewhere feels like an interesting, realistic detail 😸 Of course, if you did go ahead and include variants with the eyes looking our way, I certainly wouldn't complain! 😉 And I love her smile too and the way her flowing fringe frames her face, I also always love sweeping strands of hair that fall in front of the face too, they always look so cute and extra sexy to me. And as for all of the rendering, black hair is also one of my weaknesses and you've done a great job making it look particularly vibrant, tinted blue from the outer lighting, while also having some subtle green bouncing off of her tiara thing. The hair has a beautiful amount of detail and depth to it, all of which is accentuated so nicely by the varying shades of blue mixed in. All of her clothes look fantastic as well, I really like the tiara with it's shining metallic textures, with the green overlapping the off-white metal and with a raised ridge running through their centres. Her bandage gloves are very nice too with thin crinkles running through them and well done detail where the bandages wrap and overlap themselves. I also really like the long brown gloves, especially where it rips over her elbow, still with additional tearing and fraying running down the arm. The wrist bangles and belt both look marvellous too with their own shiny textures and vibrant brown tones, while the golden balls have really well done depth with the shadows curving shadows and bounce-lights within them. The extra touch of having some additional colours tinting them is great too. And of course all of her green outfit looks gorgeous! I also love all of the creases and folds wherever the material is being bent by the movements of her body, which also adds to that tight feeling as it all clings to her, showing off her toned body through it. The colour is lovely too, particularly across her midsection, with a warmish tint to her right-hand planes, with cool shadows and subtle blue tint to her left side and hip. All of these colours and tones are beautifully blended together too, really showing off the definition of her body underneath, particularly with the contrast between the bright, warm lighting and the much darker shadows. I always love seeing really well painted stomachs and all the plane changes and how they connect to the waist, hips and pelvis and hoooo boy... Toph's whole midsection is looking glorious! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 And as for the sections of skin that we can see, well I immediately like her right shoulder with that bright edge-light and core shadow running down it. Both of her thighs are gorgeous too with strong contrasts in light and dark. I really like her inner right thigh with the rippling plane changes there, while the outside of the leg is lovely too with a thin edge-light and thick shadow. The other thigh is great too with a large, thick section of light separating the shadows, while we get more of that really nice, subtle blue lighting along the edge. Her breasts too look so lovely as well with a bright light shining on them from the side, with dark, contrasting shadows to really add that definition. (Oh and the bra looks gorgeous too with a great texture, folds and bounce-lighting. While I also really like her left shoulder and upper arm with more of that blue tinting on the edges) I realise that I completely forgot to mention her forearms which also look so good! I really love where all of the muscles and anatomy on both arms interlock, with a gorgeous rippling feel with the alternating light and dark tones. On her right arm, there's this nice greenish tint to the lighting that contrasts well with the brown material and skin tones, while on the other arm, the blue tinting also goes really well with the darker shadows and warm material. And lastly, I just love her face! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 The overall contrast with her face divided into light and shadow looks so nice, especially with the thin lighting running down her darker side. I love her nose which looks particularly cute, especially with that shine spot and her smiling lips look so lovely. It's hard to describe but it's almost like there's this cool tinting, especially on the upper lip that I find so appealing. And her pale green eyes stand out so nicely against the warm skin tones and dark black hair, looking very striking! Absolutely fantastic work on this piece! She looks so sexy, cute and dynamic with the way she curves and sways (I really need to find a more concise way of describing what I mean there 😅) Hopefully this comment wasn't too scatterbrained (compared to normal anyways), my stupid body decided I needed to wake up at 6am and not go back to sleep, so currently I'm half asleep and zombified which isn't ideal for my usual, rambly comments 😹 But never mind that! Like I said, the painting is beautiful and I'll definitely be looking forward to seeing what you do with Toph in the NSFW versions! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 (And if I may, some lovely, fluffy black hair at the centre of those voluptuous hips would look divine! 😻) And as always, I hope that you're doing well, Dandon! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Earth style is here!=)))))

(ง •̀_•́)づ)˚з°)

Onegai Muscle! The muscles!😍 The sight is magnificent! Sight, side... ? SAIDO CHESTO!!!! I just love fit girls!


Avatar Best Girl FTW!


Yes, we are ready for her to rock our worlds.


Und schließlich Toph! Wunderbar! Immer noch dein Lieblingscharakter in Avatar? Ich bewundere deine frühen Werke in diesen Tagen. Dein Ezio ist sehr mächtig. Gute Arbeit. Und der Titel: Che cazzo vuoi? Und Sie sagten, Sie sprechen kein Italienisch! Che cosa! Anche la coniugazione l'hai fatta bene! P.S.: It's making 19ºC these days in my city. I need my cold beer back (I am one of the few Italians who doesn't like wine XD just like your opposite to Germans). Please, help me! I'm freezing! LOL I need my 40ºC+ summer back ASAP


Talk about a glow up!

Carlos Rivera

yes, yes for the love of god yes. All praise to Dandonfuga.


Awesome job. Is Suki next?


Is she dressed like that because she couldn't see herself in the mirror xD. Great job as always Dandon!


Love it Dandon!!!😍😍 Almost looks like she has a nice package tucked up into her belt lol, and although you’ve said futa’s not your thing, alas one can only dream😏


Awesome job. Can’t wait to see Suki and maybe another Korra next 😉


I started the drawing twice because I was nervous painting her, love her and wanted to make her look good :) Thank you, Pervy :3


I would love to, really. I just hope it's not going to be too much Avatar stuff here haha XD I'll keep it in mind, Thank you Oregano :)


Oh yeah, summer can be hard, I don't like it to stick on my desk lol My drawing tablet gets weird when it's too warm, feels like a rubber and it's hard to draw on it XD I'm glad you like the colors here, loved to work with the green tones *_* I'll try my best for the variants :) Thank you, Ciaran. Please don't melt XD


My italian skills are limited to swearing XD It's nice that you remember my old stuff *_* I'm one of the few Germans who doesn't like beer. We could switch out lifes XD


She's on my list. It's nice that she's not forgotten, I really liked her in the series.


Awesome, I was really sad that we never found out what happened to Suki and Sokka in Korra.

Boreas Anemos

Aw. I just love all the little details - and her expression is just perfect. Not to mention all the muscles visible underneath, giving a great idea how the nude versions will appear ^^