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Something a bit different :3

I want to be able to create small comic projects in the future, here's my attempt of creating a full color page. ♥

Download the attachemt for a higher quality. 


My amazing patrons will get:

💜 full size image

💜 step-by-step images

💜 PSD file

💜 Wallpaper

💜 NSFW version

💜 full coloring video process




This is best thing


Oh hell yeah


I like.


This is incredible... the wet kiss and the ponytail grab in particular! Would love to see some full comics from you, if this is anything to go by...😳


Oh dayuuum.


Ooooooh boy!


So this is the start of a new project? Looks promising, I'd say we can expect great things in the future!


Ufff, nice


Whoa! So excited to see you trying out new projects like this! *_* Is this what you were planning with your recent cast of OCs? And wow, full colour pages? Your ambitions are always so inspiring! ^^


👀👀👀Tyzula😍This looks super nice, I love the attention to detail especially that wetness and the smeared makeup😳They both look so beautiful and you really captured their personalities too🙏🙏fantastic work


Very nice attempt, would definitely like to see more


That looks pretty nice indeed, Dandon! How long did it take to draw and fully render this compared to your standard pinup artworks? I imagine it required more time to do the posing and composition since its multiple artworks in a single image. If isn't something that disrupts too much your workflow then I don't see why not continue. Maybe get even more ambitious and make an entire batch that works like a comic with multiple pages. Just an idea. Cheers!


Yes yes yes, this is a great way to incorporate your art into a story we can all enjoy !


Hmmm, I love comics. It's a good idea to add this style to your repertory, like the chibi style. And this wave of Avatar characters you are doing is huge. Showing some love for these lovely girls, something that I always thought was lacking. I'm very anxious to see your work on Toph! And if we are to dream, let's dream big! Why not Kagerou (Basilisk)? She is THE beauty of Basilisk (along with Okoi). Akeginu could wait. Love her so much but I hate the Iga ninjas XD


Oh hella yes , if i say it directly it cant have enough hi res comics , and it is such a great idea to add it to ur repertory. Think many will appreciate the idea of doing so ; ))) , Keep up your great way of ideas and art =)


He, he boy. We can get comics from Dandon))) Nice, very nice indeed) Waiting for more<3


I love when you try new things, awesome job!! Keep doing so!

Sean Lennon

You show her Ty Lee! Blow Azula's god damn mind! XD


Nice start, and I'd definitely be interested in seeing more comics from you. Also still hoping to see your take on the best Avatar girl, Suki!


There's only one word I can use to respond to this: "Yes"




Daaaaaaaaaang, man. I LOVE this. Please keep doing these!


This might be TOO GOOD! AAAH


OMG!!! This has such level of hotness it reminds me of the Neema sex scene! This kind of change and NSFW only artworks are more than welcome, whether it's a single steamy scene or a comicpage. It's great that you want diversify your content this way. Now I understand what you were saying about wanting to create such ,,mini adventures'' with your OCs. I can only imagine what can be done with Bubble, Rose, Neema and others and this leaves me very excited for the future! I just hope sometimes there will be males involved in scenes as well :D Who doesn't love lesbians though <3 This is a great piece! Especially love the tongue action and how dominant Azula looks!


I think it is safe to say we all would LOVE more of this!

Dack Janiels

Very nice, I really hope to see more panels of this because it's really looking amazing.


Love the idea of mini comics by you. Your art really can make a page Turner💯


Omg please yes! What do I have do/pay to make Dandonfuga comics happen more often?


Fingers crossed that youll release one that doesnt have the chat bubbles as well. Love it either way!



Boreas Anemos

Oooh, I love every frame of it... the dynamics, the color, the style, the characters' attitude and expressions, the amount of detail! Wonderful work :)


pixelating the censorship heart made me chuckle :3


It took longer to draw it, it has a different workflow, I talked about it with another artist and got some nice tips for the future :3 Thanks for your comment *_*


Yeah, I prefer girls but I'll also draw some males in the future :3 Thanks a lot for your comment, Arch *_*


Was soll man sagen Azula und Ty lee 😍 perfekt hätte ich gern als Wallpaper 😍 mach bitte auch noch so ein Wallpaper mit Azula und Ty lee bitte 😇 deine Arbeit ist einfach mega danke dandon für diese Bilder :)


Omg, I remember asking for this not too long ago, and holy shit it looks great!👀 Ik I speak for all of us when I say: 1


2: we would love a continuation of this! (Sorry idk why it posted separately


This is the picture that made me want to support, is there a NSFW one?


The kissing omg 😩😩😩😩


I became a patron after this was released. Is there any way to see the uncensored version?