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Thanks everyone for the response about Starfire! Looking forward to draw her! :)


My awesome patrons will get

full size image

step-by-step images

PSD file

full video process

NSFW Content




She looks beautiful! You did an amazing job!! :)


WOW! I absolutely adore this!

Ciarán M

She's magnificent, excellent job as usual.


Like Magneto said to another Raven in a different Comic universe, "Perfection".


So good! the world needs more Raven art :D


the way you draw hips is crazy ♥


Wow, the teaser looked great, this looks even better!


The integrity of your work is outstanding. You consistently bring your A game. Some of the artists I've supported are B or A students as well. However, it's quite common for them to crank out D work when they're an A student; and it's not because they're trying a new technique or style. So glad to see your support increasing; you deserve it! Thx Not familiar with this character, but she keeps reminding me of Domino. Great job


She looks amazing! Love the way you bring subtle definition to her stomach and hips. Keep it up man!


Very sexy...just...Wow!!


Wow! The way you drew her body and outfit so perfectly makes this illustration blow with sexiness. Also the gems on her belt are gorgeous, I'm curious how you made them have that unique shine effect. Another illustration that you hit right out the park and past the moon :)

Ashley Mason

Skin as dusky twilight, a perfect shade of sexy. Alluring in her mysteriousness, she has a look to kill, in more ways than one. I do like this Raven. :) Really beautiful work on her skin- just perfect. I missed the Starfire voting party, but glad she has many fans here to put their hands up. I only know these two ladies from Teen Titans Go, and seeing them as this lovely, I'd vote for that. ;)


Amazing work!


You're making me a fan of Raven....didn't see that coming. :3


Wonderful! Yet another masterpiece :D


Thanks! I always smile when I see your Ciri avatar, because she is amazing!! ;)


I really appreciate your words, thank you so much! It's an honor to hear this from you, Xcon, because you are one of my very first patrons ♥ Thank you for the continious support :) :) :)


Thanks a lot :) I'm glad you like that her stomach and hips, those are my favorite parts to draw/paint :)


Thank you, Jake :) I love to use "curves" in Photoshop to create shine effects :)


Best raven I have ever seen!! great work!! :D


Your work looks absolutely amazing. It must take a lot of time to do these. But in curious, where are the NSFW images found?


Thank you! :) NSFW versions are only in the batches I send per messages at the start of every month :O


Beautiful! Would love to see more ; )