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This is absolutely gorgeous.


Beautiful! Dandon! 😮


Nice 👌🏻



Ted Brown

. It's getting hot in here.


Back in 5min.....


That a freaking hot!!! 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Pervy Sage

Man I’m not surprised since the amount of love she’s been getting this past month, especially on the polls. But I have to admit this looks simply phenomenal!! I love both of the poses for her, as well as the vibes she’s giving off. Man I have to say it again you really captured her essences in this piece ^.^


This is now the canon version of Lola Bunny, a rightful successor to the original of Space Jam. Fantastic work!


Amazing, she's beautiful. You keep the essence of the character without the bunny ears lol. Great job!


Goddamn! Hips, thighs and underboob!


Dear god, this is perfection. You draw the best looking women!


yummy undertits


Perfection, indeed!!!!

Akuma Matata

Anyone else want to see more Genshin Impact characters? I'd love to see you draw Rosaria.


This is insane. (In a good way)

Ciarán M

I know she's in human form here but even so, Bunny is still a part of her name and so she feels very appropriate given that Easter will be here soon 😹 Also.... look at all that thiccness! Meow! 😻😻😻😻😻 (Yes, I know, wrong animal 😅) In all seriousness, this is delightfully sexy and a wondrous two-in-one deal! I love both poses for Lola, the left one looks so very sexy with the arch in her back, pushing out her breasts and butt and showing off her curvaceous shapes. I also love her extended stomach and the way she turns her head towards, as well as her long, flowing and meandering hair. The full body pose looks wonderfully dynamic too with her face and body turned in opposing directions, a strong curve to her torso with how she pushes out her hips, with her long legs looking so elegant as they flow down and out. The hair is great too with how the ponytail twists and curls as it wraps around her neck to drape over the shoulder. The colours are gorgeous, I love the overall vibrant warmth from the colours of Lola's blonde hair and tanned skin tones, with her blue eyes and the white and blue clothes adding a nice contrast. The super short-shorts with those little cut-outs on the outer thighs are wonderful with the underboob-exposing vest being a particular highlight 😻😻😻😻😻 The rendering is exquisite in both versions, I really like the hair, it has a beautiful texture to it, great amount of detail and the contrast between the light and dark tones is terrific. I also love the edge-lighting in the left version with cool-tones mixed into the fringe and some pinkish hue to the ponytail, making it extra vibrant. It really pains me to summarise as much as I'm about too but I'm afraid I must, lest I write two full size comments to describe both versions of her 😅 The skin tones and anatomy are fantastic in both poses, with a great mix of smooth blending but still with some painterly textures and brush strokes, the shoulder and thigh of the side-ways pose being a great example of this. The muscle tone in both is gorgeous with the aforementioned shoulder and upper arm being a great example, as well as the tight abs and inner thigh on the standing pose, with smooth blending and hard edges to really sell that definition. I also love the cool edge-lighting on her right arm in that pose, accentuating the shoulder. The clothes look lovely too with great textures and deep creases where the folds are, with those dark shadows really popping against the bright white, I also really like the subtle shine to the blue trim. And of course both faces look beautiful with the blue eyes being terrific highlights. Both faces also benefit from very clear contrasts in light and shadow that define the overall plane changes. Absolutely spectacular work on this piece, Dandon! I feel like this comment is pretty short given how much content is in this piece and I had to skip over so much lest I go on an never-ending tirade (I didn't even talk about the edge-lighting on the standing pose's legs or the pinkish lighting mixed into the sitting poses arm and abs... oh wait, I guess I just did now 😹). Well, the point is is that I love this painting and you did an amazing job on it! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 And as always, I'll be looking forward to the sexy variants and I hope that you're doing very well! 💜💜💜💜💜


Daaaaayum. 😁


I did not know I wanted this until I saw it.


A-MA-ZING! Once again I'm blown away by your skills! The sex appeal, the posing, the shadowing... how her stance accentuates the tiny bunny like features.. Happy to see you stuck with her original outfit! Thanks for yet another masterpiece! I already have over 200 of your works alternating on my phone background every 2 minutes and it just gets better and better every month! 🥰


And here I thought she only appeared on the poll once xD Love your interpretation of her so much with how her facial features echo her original design so well! That rabbit-esque smile especially! As always, you show an absolutely stunning grasp of anatomy! That upper arm is just... perfect *_* I see she's also found Bubble's stash of bubble gum too xD


Damn, Bugs is a lucky guy! Lol. Once again, another great piece of art. To be honest, didn't really notice the lack of bunny ears until the second lookover, that's how good the picture is. She looks thicc yet natural so that this physique is possible for a basketball player. Especially a professional one.


Oh btw Lumi is a few days away from done! I'll send you a message soon. Can't wait to show you her finally finished! ^^

Licorice Lain

Knew this was cumming. ;)


Just how a wanted her, you cheeky mind reader, thanks.


Finally we got another underboobs 😍 this month will be epic ❤️


Lola, the character who made us all say "I'm not a furry, BUT--" Nice work!


God fucking damn it


Lawt I'm in 💘😂 awesome job🏆

Boreas Anemos

I didn't expect ehr, but in hindsight, her appearance makes perfect sense :D Sweet legs, great posture, and a pretty face that manages to look good despite being clearly cartoon-stylized. I really like this work :)


Oh WOW, didn’t know what to expect from this, but it’s perfect! She still looks like herself, but that small vest and tiny shorts look even better on her human form! Amazing work! :D


*Jaw hits floor with a "bonk". Heart beats audibly and visibly outside of chest.* 🥰


Blessed be, I was hoping for this ever since the Lola Bunny costume image with Miruko from before.


Hey, two pics for the price of one? Is this a callback to your Mirko artwork from last year? That one had a Lola variant after all!


I wanted Nejire, but let me tell you this shit is top tier.


She can blow bubbles over my balls any time she wants!

Peter Chan

More barefoot plz!




That ain’t no bunny and honestly I’m really glad that’s the case.


https://media.tenor.co/images/666bcdb68674b17586efbd1ca2e5c20f/raw Your Lola far exceeded expectations and turned out the best one of all time and with some underboob as a skimpy bonus. A variant of her hand lifting her top up and flashing the twins with that look would have just killed us, epitaph and all. I don't have a feet fetish but this is starting to make me into Quentin Tarantino.


This...this right here is why I come to the comments section ❤❤


WOooow you really outdid yourself with this one!


Ooof. Amazing. That look, that pose. Hits the spot.


Man I love double poses. I am definitely gonna enjoy this one.


Definitely won’t feature this version on space jam 2.


I really love how you draw the female body Dandonfuga. 🥰

Will Martin-Foster

"My amazing patrons will get:" Chronic nose bleeds Erections lasting longer than 4 hours Shortness of breath Constant thirst


And you just scored an amazing dunk!!! You captured such a perfect expression on her face. Oh, such a beautiful American blonde! A great job, specially for using the same style you did on Usagiyama. Dandon, tell me if this isn't an excellent pose for working on Caska: https://danbooru.donmai.us/posts/4418427?q=lulu-chan92+


Just in time for Space Jam 2!


Thicc legs! Nice!




Damn, she's hot)) P.S.-Bugs hella lucky

Ashley Mason

OöO This is utterly superb! Lola Bunny couldn't be any more sexier and gorgeous than we have here, any more perfect. Love those firm legs, pointed for pose; the sublime muscle tone of her arms; and such a perfect face for her, that sultry look with smouldering eyes has me dreaming of more than playing basket ball. What is best, this complete all the bunny dreams of Dandon art! A perfect fluffle with Jessica Rabbit, Mirko and now Lola. The trio of bunny babes in the beauty of your art. Each one so perfect and fuckin sexy! Adore them!

Ashley Mason

Plus, I swear we got double lucky with two Lola here! This is worthy for a bundle easily! (Plus the amazing extras I know that'll come. Fufufu :3 ) Danke


Oh my stars! 🤩


You know, can I make a suggestion? I don't think you've done her yet but I was wondering if I could suggest Irene Belserion at some point in the future? She's the Queen of Thicc in Fairy Tail and the idea of you adding your unique touch to a pic of her sounds awesome.


WOW! Gorgeous interpretation! I've been loving all the new Lola fanart getting made lately, glad to see you join the fun :D


Omg so many?? Thanks so much for being with me for so long now, I'm very grateful for your support and that you still like my stuff means a lot to me ♥


Aaahah thanks so much ♥ https://media3.giphy.com/media/5dYlaHNyiLXtYPe3e9/giphy.gif