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ahhhhhhhh <3 that perspective is perfect!


She looks gorgeous!!!!! You did a magnificent job!!!! :)

Ciarán M

Fantastic work, love the perspective, love everything about it really.


Those hips!! This looks incredible!

Ashley Mason

I've always like Zatanna. I don't know a thing about her, other than her name (mostly) and being magical. I just love her character design! And I am loving this! You've added that magical showtime number to her. The perspective really selling that, a sexy peek from under her top hat, hips to seduce with cane poised and ready, just waiting to break into magical song and dance. <33


I like her character design too! I've never read a comic with her in it, shame on me. I'm glad you like how the pic turned out, Ash! :)

Ted Brown

As you've noticed Zatanna is one of my favorites .. and she's always really fun to commission simply because she's got a great design. This is simply put, FANTASTIC. I love the pose/angle. The shadows add that little bit of mystery and magic. This is one of the best images of Zatanna I've seen (and I search them out!!!)