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Hey *_* I hope you're all doing well ♥

Loved to work on this one, the game is so good :3


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I'm in love




That’s badass


Wow, this is just amazing! One of my favourites you've ever made!


Best one in a while!!


She is so sexy! 😮 Dandon!


She looks so badass and I love it!


I already feel like being hunted - hope she catches me soon 😘 Wonderful and powerful, greatly done.


Wow... really showing your range again, Dandon! Going from Disney to anime to Assassin’s Creed... there’s nothing you can’t do, it seems! :D (Also - we won’t know who wins the cat fight between Eivor and Kassandra unless you show us, hehe...)


Omg yes! I've been addicted since release! I preferred Kassandra over the male counterpart then, and I do with Eivor as well! You just top it all off by giving us the sexiest versions of them imaginable! Amazing as always! 😍


Fire 🔥 this great

Viewtiful Joe

Ok maybe I do need to pick up the new AC game


She can pillage my hamlet, if you know what I mean.


I don't know who this gal is or what game she's from.... but she has my attention! Looking great Dandon!


Hmmm 🤔 now I may have to play the game


Looks cool! Glad you're enjoying the game. I misread the title though, I thought it said Elves XD!

Jon W

This is awesome!!!;


Wow, the details you added to the photos! The fur on the outfit and the muscles she has. Amazing.


The boss is at it again! Well done !


Oh wow Dandon! Now that's one hell of a way to start off the year! I'm utterly gobsmacked once again! And good lord, that fur! She's absolutely beyond amazing! *_*


😱😱😱😱😱 you outdid yourself Dandon!!👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼🙌🏼🙌🏼




Oh I was hoping you would do Eivor 😍😍 Valhalla is my favorite game of last year and of the series glad to see her drawn by you!


Eivor from AC Valhalla? Very, veeery interesting! I really thought you wouldn't draw her. Sweet surprise. Amazing work, just like the one you did on Kassandra (my personal favorite along with classic Lara Croft in 2019). Your Eivor is so beautiful! She's even better than the very game!

Ciarán M

Oh a surprise to be sure but a welcome one! 😻😻😻😻😻 To be honest, I never really thought of Eivor as a particularly sexy character but naturally your version of her may force me to rethink my opinion 😉😹 I really like the pose for Eivor here, it's simple but very sexy with her making full eye-contact with the viewer with a subtle tilt to her head and a sensual curving motion to her body as she slants her shoulders and sways her hips, her closed thighs accentuating her curves too. I love the opposing angles of her hips and shoulders as well as how you've incorporated her weapons into the scene, an axe held just off screen while she keeps her bow steady across her body. I like her expression a lot too with a subtle smirk as those beautiful blue eyes look our way, both of which pop especially nicely in the version with the face-paint. The outfit here looks fantastic, I really like the fuzzy, fluffy cloak across her shoulders with the cold metal medallion being quite a contrast to the softer materials. The ripped up bra hanging loosely over her breasts is a beautiful tease, imagining how easily it could be pulled or blown aside for a reveal 😉. The blue panties are a fun choice too with the blue being quite eye-catching when surrounded by the warm skin tones and brown leather. Speaking of which, I like the asymmetry with one leg covered by this leather, with the other left bare with a Viking version of the traditional garter belt with a strap connecting to a thigh-high tights. I've always found that style of lingerie so sexy and so seeing your creative adaptation of it here is a lot of fun too. And as for Eivor herself... Oh I'm in love with her! The combination of strongly contrasting lighting with bright rim-lighting against the shadows and a firm, fit and toned body is just pure perfection! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 I love her traps, collarbone, shoulders and biceps on both sides, one being more brightly lit with thin shadows running along the edges, while the other is bathed mostly in shadow with edge-lighting making the muscles really pop! The overall contrast is excellent, as is how both sides are beautifully defined. Her abs too are gorgeously painted with soft, smooth textures and I really like her exposed thigh with that soft light running down it's centre, smoothly blended into dark, starkly contrasting shadows, with a pale edge-light accentuating her curves even further. The breasts look amazing too with their strongly contrasting lighting and smooth rendering and god damn... I just can't get over the whole neck/shoulder area of her body, I just love it so much! Same with her left arm where the upper and lower halves connect with rippling light and shadow defining those muscles and their plane changes. And of course the textures of her outfit and weapons are excellent with shining metallics and their intricate patterns on her bracer and axe handle, as well as all of the dark leather across her body which is beautifully detailed. I particularly like the belt with it's indents and metallics stuck into the leather. The hair is so well detailed with overlapping strands and interlocking braids, with many little split ends all over that give it all this softness. And I just adore the face! Again, the strongly contrasting lighting looks amazing as it divides her face into two sides, with edge-lighting making the shadows pop even more. All of her features are exquisitely detailed and defined, her lips have a luscious texture with such a nice little shine along the lower lip, I really like her nose and those crystal blue eyes just melt my heart! 💙💙 Absolutely amazing work on Eivor! You've definitely made me a believer here, making her look so stunningly beautiful, alluring and sensual! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 And if I may, might I humbly request a particularly fluffy and voluminous cloud of hair for this presumably wild and untamed lady? 😉😻 Suffice to say, I can't wait to see all of Eivor's variants!

Boreas Anemos

Oh. Yes. While it's difficult to make favorites after seeing just one work from the whole month, I have a suspicion she is going to be a strong contender ^^ Also, the 'Exclusive' tagline made me chuckle. I know it would be too much to hope for such scene to be drawn, but it surely makes the imagination run wild 💜


Wow, Dandon phenomenal job!!! Firstly Eivor has sex appeal in assassins creed; however you’ve amplified her beauty to another level, i wish they gave her a slightly softer but still fit face like you did, because her features in game are fairly masculine. And idk if you did this purposely, but the face you drew has a slight resemblance of Scarlet Johansson. Who is Bae 😍. So Thank You


Nice work! But now that you've teased a Kassandra vs Eivor catfight, you can't just leave us hanging! :-)


You did such a great job with her face and hair. But this must be the best shoulder & chest area you have ever done. This is so aggressively sexy! I wonder if she has a celtic tattoo under her top? That defined muscle on her right hand! Those shoulder abs, those breasts...OMG she looks so freaking badass!


"DandonOdin is with us!". Seriously, this is a great piece of art, it exudes charisma, sexyness and raw physical power, fantastic way to start your (and our) 2021. Now we need that Cassandra vs Eivor catfight, I'd say.


Yoooooo fuck yesss, we NEED more Eivor art ❤️❤️❤️


Any chance for Lingerie Queen: Evie Frye to complete the trio of Assassin's Creed ladies. Also I forgot to add Second Sister (Trilla Suduri) to my suggestions message. The Empire's dark skinned mistress needs some steamy pin-up posters commissioned for her fellow troopers to boost morale. Sexy space nazi is hard enough to resist with only her helmet off.

Aimrys Klayne

Very beautiful ! Great job ! :D

Clem Barbarossa

Catfight? Ooh! We want the catfight! :D


Damn, another Queen in collection)) Great :D

Quentin Prucha

Oh my god, Kassandra has been one of my favorites and have been holding out for Eivor since Valhalla was announced! Definitely not disappointed


Can't wait for the finished product, getting big Avelyne vibes from her!


Loving this😍 I’m pretty sure I’m not the only one who’d love to see a Kassandra versus Eivor piece😍😍


looking forward to this !!


This is why we love you.


And I'm suddenly tempted to waste money on a game I know I'm going to regret.

Licorice Lain

WHERE'S THE SCAR, DANDON?! Wolf-kissed not looking very kissed by wolves (but by Morrigan from DA, apparently). :P

HellSpartan Z

when will the naked version be posted

Licorice Lain

Nah, she has that huge ass burn on her neck that the tattooist covers with ink.

HellSpartan Z

heh Idk why he didn't next you gonna whinge he didn't put her freckles on her face LOL

Licorice Lain

He, eh? I am just poking fun. The lack of the more rugged features makes her look more outright feminine.


You spoil us, Dandon' :)

Ashley Mason

I am enthralled by her, more than I am playing the game. An imagine more striking and powerful, with a touch of sexy that is superbly entwined in all that strength and power. I see her, and I hear that voice, gruff and strong. Love her.


I was waiting for you do draw her 😍😍 she’s perfect

Chris Harris

Great work here Dandon! With Kassandra and Eivor on the books (pun intended ;-) ), Aya and Eive might be a bit jealous xD Thanks for sharing. :-)


I am your Patron but I didn't get anything. Again D:


Hey Dandon ☺️ Eivor as a lingerie queen is a pretty good choice, didn't we all live this wild female character 🙈😁 Speaking of female characters, now that the release date of resident evil village is out. It's time for your turn of Lady Dimitrescu ❤️🙈, what do you think? https://ibb.co/0QPsthD https://ibb.co/99W4nLc https://ibb.co/gFWkzyt


I agree on Lady Dimitrescu


I really like the game, love the Viking theme *_* Thanks so much, Quinten *_*


She did well in the latest poll, I was a bit worried about painting her but since I started to play the game I was very into it haha XD Thanks a lot for your comment ♥


Thank you *_* I'll keep it in mind for the future, would be an interesting artwork *_*


I was quite surprised that they gave her so many scars, her model from the cinematic has even more scars than the ingame model O_O I really like that for a warrior woman xD Thanks for your comment :)


I think she's amazing, unique and elegant *_* I'll keep her in mind and I'm looking forward to the game, I wish I could play the demo xD Though I remember playing the demo of REVII was super stressful for me haha


This is gonna be amazing! 🤩

