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Hey hey, 

I hope you're all doing well. ♥

Since a few hours I'm trying to send out the batches. Sadly, there is/was an update with the Patreon message system and I'm currently not able to send out bulk messages. :( There are other artists with the same issue and the Patreon support knows about the problem. I sent messages to you, but the status is "Message sending in progress...". I'll try it again over the next hours and I hope it'll work or I have to find another way to send out the batches to you. I really wanted to send the artworks to you in time this month.

I would be grateful to get a hint if someone of you received a message from me to know about which Tier got their content :)

Sorry for letting you wait.





my heart can’t handle that lingerie 🥰😫


If you think you can distract me from the delay with Lisa in sexy lingerie, you're entirely correct! :-)


I got sent home from work, I have all day 😂


I have not recieved a message. Not sure if that helps you debug... If there's anything that we can do to help, let us know!


I haven't received anything yet!

Pierre Johnson

for this I can wait, yes wait I will. As long as necessary I shall. PRAISE!!!

Kuroinu fanatic

I haven't received your messages if that helps dandon 😊

Pierre Johnson

people are having trouble sending/receiving messages to single recipients too


I did not receive a PM from you but would say all 43 messages in my inbox are flagged as "Unread" and I've read all of them before today. So that is strange. To your question, I have "Pink Chest Loot" tier membership and did not get a PM from you today. Sorry about this mess and best of luck.


I have not received anything as of yet. Good luck in getting it solved, Dandon! Sorry patreon is causing issues.


Update: now when I access the Inbox I get this message (presumably from Patreon): "🛠️ We're on it. We're in the process of making improvements to your inbox. Known issues around unread and pending bulk messages have been reported and we're working to solve them as soon as possible. Thanks for your patience." As of this post.


I didn't receive a message yet 😅idk why they have to change things😍I'm super excited for these batches though🤩🤩🤩


got the first batch for the 10$ tier so far

DMR Playz

No, $8 tier


Duude, that sucks :(

Chris Harris

No message here. No worries about the wait :) Does this count toward the futa penalty I mentioned before? xD


I haven't received a message from you yet but I hope it goes well. Keep up the good work!

Ashley Mason

That is balls. Mega balls to patreon mailing. Hope they solve their balls soon. For balls is balls. Balls. I received batch 1 for Golden Tier so far. Sitting in my inbox ready to download. :3


Patreon being Patreon again


No message yet. :)

Aimrys Klayne

Nothing for me at 8$, we'll stand for your work patiently !


I got an email for the first batch for the Golden Loot Chest ($10) one as well.


Somehow, I got an email message with the links to the first batch (only) of the $10 tier for November - but it does *not* show up here on Patreon at all. Not entirely sure what that means - I only mention it since you asked for feedback about all this. Also, the timestamp on the email I got for that first batch is 5:19 PM (EST) - if that helps you at all.


No message yet for me $8 tier

Kuroinu fanatic

I have not received the most recent batches i received last month's 🤨i am in the $5 per batch tier


No message for me. I’m in the $8 tier.


Didn't receive one yet, am in $4 for each batch. Looking forward to get 'em 😎


No message here and I'm in the 4 dollar tier.


No message yet, $4 tier. Who was the 3rd lady Dandon?


I'm still dying to know who the third one is for batch 2 as well.


Hiya Dandon, I got an email notification from Patreon that you sent out messages for the first batch for my tier ($10 tier) at 11:19pm CET. It doesn't appear in Patreon's "messages" page though, but I managed to get access to them through the links in my email notification. Also the previous "batch" messages from you seem to have been combined with our other PMs as well strangely, but nothing there for this month yet despite the email notification. Hope it's not causing you too much trouble and Patreon can solve it easily ^^


Haven't gotten a message for the pink chest tier yet. Maybe it would be easiest to make a post for each tier that links to the corresponding download page?


Nothing yet but good thing comes to those who wait.


Nothing yet


Not a problem, what' s a few more right? Also as a just-in-case, I'm a Golden Loot.


Hiya, haven't received your message. Sorry they messed up your delivery :(


it's not a problem you're always worth waiting for im in the GOLDEN LOOT CHEST and haven't received your message yet


Ohhh I see the issue now. I’ll get the notification for the message but it won’t appear in my inbox. I love the unified threads, but I hope this issue is resolved server-side soon.


no worries, we'll wait :D Hope your doing in the mean time


Don’t worry, we’ve waited this long. What’s another day gonna do?


Hi, Dan. That's inconvenient. Haven't gotten anything yet. But, no worries. I know you'll get it to me as soon as you're able.


The app is definitely acting funny. I got an email saying you sent me a message but when I go to my messages working the app your message isn’t there.


I have no issue with waiting a little longer. If it’s on Patreon’s end then it’s their problem to fix.


Checked my messages, says Patreon's running updates. That might be it. Hope you're all good Dandon!


Same, I have the message that Patreon is performing an update on the messaging system.


Looks like the update is done. Now all your messages come in one thread.


Violet tier here and did not receive a message yet =( stupid Patreon update.


Nothin for the Pink bois yet.


I haven't gotten it yet either. For some reason, it screwed with my messages being received.


Nothing yet also Lisa lookin thicc~ 👌


I got it. Thanks for all you do! Happy Holidays! Golden Loot Chest Tier


Got my first batch waiting on the second. Golden loot


I haven't received it yet. I appreciate all your hard work.


I've haven't gotten anything yet.

Chuck Moore

Still haven’t gotten mine.

Marcos C.

I've received nothing yet


Still waiting but it will worth it.

Kuroinu fanatic

I haven't received it yet either I know dandon is hard at work trying to get this batch out, it'll be worth the wait 😊


Hi Dandon, I haven't got the batches yet and I'm in the Violet Tier. I'm a eagerly awaiting for your awesome works!


Ciao Dandon, nothing for me too. PINK LOOT CHEST


Nothing for me as well..... why did they have to do this.... swear they just wanna tick off creators.


Golden Loot chest. I've recieved batch 1 but not batch 2

Han Nakamoru

Nothing for PINK LOOT CHEST until now.


Violet Tier here, still nothing

Kuroinu fanatic

Got a message but it doesn't show anything when I click on my inbox


Received the first one now, got a notification from my email, still waiting for the second.


That's great, I think it works now, but slowly. I wait several minutes with sharing between the different batches, please check for the second batch in 20 minutes and let me know if it worked ♥ :)


I received an email about the release of art. Very happy!


I just got batch 1 for pink loot cheat tier


I'm in Pink Loot Chest Tier and as of now I've received only the 1st artwork batch!


Alight, just got batch 1 for Pink Chest, hope this works out soon D:


I just got batch 2 for pink loot chest

Ashley Mason

If it helps to know, I have both Golden bundles... And they are juicy good. :3


Everything ok with me. Both batches came. Just blockbusters, all of them. Vielen danke, Dandon!!!


Hi, I rec'd Nov batch #2 but not #1. batch 2 was great!

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2021-07-19 23:55:30 correction, I refreshed the mediafire link & it popped up.
2020-12-11 03:21:18 correction, I refreshed the mediafire link & it popped up.

correction, I refreshed the mediafire link & it popped up.