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And here's Fran, third winner of the latest poll *_*


My amazing patrons will get:

💜 full size image

💜 step-by-step images

💜 PSD file

💜 Wallpaper

💜 NSFW version

💜 full coloring video process




Daaaaayum. 😍 Beautiful work!


Yes! I love it

Marcos C.

Amazing! Stunning work as always Dandon!


Wow Fran looks damn gorgeous! Amazing job as always!


Another “dream come true” choice. Absolutely nailed it, as ever. What an amazing month! 😍


Love to see a dark skinned queen.


Sexy! Dandon! 😮


Wow, stunning!


I didn't know who she was at the time, but now, now I approve 🤣🤣🤣


Oh my good god yes!!! 😍😍😍


Im not horny, you’re horny!

Ted Brown

OMG! this is just fantastic. Love her expression.


Seriously, that's the best Fran I've ever seen, and I've seen some...


If she had red hair she'd totally be your type haha! Great job on the hair texture!

Edgar Mendoza

Yes! So glad she was one of the winners


I must confess I did not vote for her. and I was wrong. Then again, with your skills, you could make pretty much any character fantastic. Loving the fierce yet playful pose and the contrast between the "armor" and the skin.


oh im looking forward to this 1!

Ashley Mason

While she may have come 3rd in the polls, she is definitely number 1 to me. More than I could have imagined. Adore Fran. And I adore this painting of her. <333


Goodness, when I said before that you had the patience of a saint when rendering hair, that wasn't supposed to be a challenge XD And wow, your rendering keeps on getting even more amazing! Absolutely gorgeous work, Dandon! *_*

Ciarán M

Oh very, very glad to see Fran and she is looking utterly spectacular here! 😻😻😻😻😻 Firstly, colours here are looking great with Fran's warm skin tones really popping against the cool-coloured background, as well as her own white hair and blue-steel "armour". I particularly like the tanned skin of her face being framed by her white hair, really drawing the eye there. The angle is very interesting too with some subtle foreshortening on her body, nicely accentuating the curves of her hips as they spread out, while of course I love her face being in full view. The pose is very nice with an overall curving motion to her body as she flows out from the top right of the image down to the bottom left, with a nice twist to her body as she turns it towards us. I really like the hair too as it cascades down alongside her body, twisting, curling and overlapping on itself. And of course the rendering is utterly divine, the hair is just this intricate weaving of interlocking detail with a really nice overall divide between dark tones on the left and light on the right that is gorgeous. And I love her "crown" (not sure what else to call it and crown sounds better than hat 😹), the blue steel has this lovely reflective shine to it and the detail of all of those swirling patterns is just insane! Likewise, I love the breast-plate, "corset", skirt and greaves on her thighs, that cool, blue steel texture is just beautiful, the detail on the entirety of all of it is amazing and I love the lighting on the metal on the breasts as well as the skirt with a great overall contrast between light and dark, similar with both sides of the corset. Her bow also looks awesome too with it's wooden texture and the way those thin shadows cut through it, defining thin ridges running through it. And as for Fran herself, hoooo boy, I'm in love! 😻😻😻😻😻 Her whole demeanour is just so sexy, casual and luxuriant with how she leans back while looking towards us with this sly smile. And as I'm sure you must know by now, I love clear contrasts in lighting, which Fran is most definitely benefiting from here with her face divided into two distinct tones as a warm light bathes it from one side, accentuating her features beautifully. Likewise, her abs are utterly glorious with dark shadows cutting through the overall light tones, sculpting her toned features with a gorgeous mix of hard edges and smoothly, softly blended tones. The thighs, particularly her lesser armoured one, are very striking too, with that left thigh having this thick core-shadow separating the warm light and cool shadows on opposite sides. I especially like the mix of cool tones and lighting mixed into the shadows there too. Her left arm has a similar effect with a warm edge-light on one side and cooler one on the other, creating a nice contrast while accentuating it's shapes. And of course, her breasts are utterly divine with perfectly painted smooth skin tones, clear contrast in light and dark tones with lighting that really makes them pop! Suffice to say, those warm skin tones also look amazing being framed by the black clothing above and to the sides, as well as the steel armour below, with abs too looking amazing framed by the armour on both sides. Absolutely tremendous work on Fran! She looks so beautiful, sensual, seductive and is just marvellously painted! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Long suggested and Finally here ❤️ thx so much 😊


I can see why she won, she's hot 🔥🔥


The gal we didn't know we wanted until we saw her. Absolutely love the pose btw. It's kinda like a "she knows she's hot and she's not ashamed of it."


OMG YES! so good >.<




Beautiful like a Smith & Wesson 329PD and devastator like a 4 gauge shotgun shot.


I gotta admit you did amazing, and thank you


As someone who is not only a fan of the Final Fantasy franchise, but who also plays a nice chocolate skinned Viera (albeit black hair with red highlights compared to Fran's wonderfully contrasting white) in FF14, I am glad to see more and more of these lovely ladies in Dandon's style.


Great job with her, it is always nice to see more darker skin tones - and kemonomimis. Very eager to see the NSFW versions for her as well. :) Still hoping for some more dark elves from you soon though. :D


That’s epic hair! I bet it took forever to do. 😅


And with this third artwork from the pool we are all winners! 😂


Absolutely knocked it out of the park! Her hair looks particularly amazing. Great job with the armor too!

Kuroinu fanatic

Wow fran looks amazing great work dandon 🥰


That pose. That look on her face. This is gonna be a helluva batch.


Love it!!! Especially the way she’s holding her bow😏😏😏


Another choco skin lady with white hairs, can't get enough of that! :)


Dandon said Olga will be part of a future batch

Draven Shadow

Totally outstanding as always!! 😍😍😍


Best bunny waifu is heeeerrrreee!!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Oooh *_* Thanks so much XD It's so nice to her that you like the metal parts ♥ I kinda liked to paint them xD ♥

Boreas Anemos

Neat! I'm not a fan of the common fantasy trope of "armor as bra, no padding", but considering it's the part of the character, it fits. The rest is, expectantly, great! Those ears... those ears!


Hottest anthro character ever created imo, reimagined by a god level artist. Thank you Dandon!!!


Fran is tasty