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Hey :)

Yay, finally all batches have been sent out! :3 Sorry, it took a bit longer ♥

Please check your Patreon inbox! 📩

If you haven't received a message, please drop a comment or write me a message :)

Also make sure to have enough memory space ( $4 batch = 800 MB, $5 batch =1,5 GB and $10 batch =3GB)

(To unzip the files please use a freeware software like 7Zip or Winrar. Please make sure to use the CURRENT version.

Thanks for the great support! 💜


I'm looking forward to November artworks. *_* I'll create a poll with suggested characters soon. Are you looking forward to Cyberpunk 2077? I'm super excited, let me know if you would like to see some Cyberpunk related/themed artworks. :)

Stay healthy, have fun :3




A lot of my favorites! Thank you so much


Hello,I didn't get the message.


So excited for this batch! Though I didn’t see anything in my inbox yet 😅 New patron and long time follower, keep up the fantastic art!


I didn’t get a message yet. Thanks for this awesome art!


So excited to see this batch! :D The hype would already have been real given the wait since August, but then you chose some of the very best girls for it! Can't wait to browse these later, thanks so much for the brilliant work - here's to a great November!


I too did not see this glorious surprise awaiting me. But I am patient and your work is worth a few more overly anxious paces back and forth.... back and forth...


I'm definitely down to see some cyberpunk stuff!

Viewtiful Joe

Love the new closeup wallpapers!


I sent you a message, thanks so much for your kind words and for joining :)


Thanks so much, Julius. It was nice to make those batches, the break was nice but creating those artworks is better haha xDD Happy November :3


Fantastic work this month, your artwork is always so beautiful and inspiring. it's a great job. always take care of yourself and your health once again thank you and good continuation ฅ(^・ω・^ฅ)

Will Martin-Foster

I am so looking forward to Rayne and Juliet! Everything else is delicious frosting on the amazing cake!


I didn't get a message.


I didn't get the message. Did I join too late?


Can't Wait! Downloading right now :D


hi. I didn't get a message either

Star Tsurugi

Cyberpunk stuff would be cool. But I'll be downright surprised if you go past K/DA this year.


I already said in an earlier post that this would be your greatest month yet and i wasnt wrong. Everything about these packs are pure bliss and ive never had so much enjoyment simply browsing through subfolders! its no secret that i am bias but holy shit Dandon!- Rayne is absolutely off the charts stunning!, it feels like i have waited every moment since i first played Bloodrayne on the xbox when i was a young teen for the moment a top tier rated artist not only renders her but renders her with a multitude of erotic variants ;-; mah heart and soul ache with gratitude. you have without a shadow of a doubt set the standard (and a fucking high one at that) for Rayne art. my only one nit pick as that there is no preggo wallpaper version with her in her leather trousers and arm gear. buuuuut i can live with that :D


Your work is tremendous and I care little of the time in which delivered, but value your time spent on each rendering. Thank you so much for your sincerity and talent. :)


Absolutely awesome batch, Dandon! Thank you!! <3 I would loooove some CyberPunk inspired works!! :D And also maybe Keqing or Mona from Genshin Impact, that would be really nice. xD


Brilliant work Dandon, same here! been a longtime Bloodrayne fan! thanks for all your hardwork!

Ciarán M

Well before looking at the rewards, I have to say that Cyberpunk themed art sounds like a great idea! And seeing a new poll is always fun 😊 And as for the wonderful October artworks, I have to start with Rose as I do so love your OCs and hooo boy, you've come up with really fantastic variants here. I love the alternate outfit with the shining red bra and panties, that shiny texture is gorgeous, I love the shadows it casts onto the skin and the way the bra squeezes into the breasts. This particular style of bra also looks so very sexy on Rose's breasts with that great sense of weight that you painted them with. The addition of a naughty blue toy with that gorgeous lip-biting expression are so very sensual and I do also love the smiling expression for her too which looks both beautiful and cute 😊😻 With Rayne, I immediately like the extra open-mouthed smile that shows off her vampire fangs, likewise the lip licking is very sexy too. Speaking of sexy, the black leather lingerie design that you've given her is super hot! Love the smooth, shining black straps that run over her body, as well as the lighting and texture for the bra section. The variant with just the love-hearts is also very cute and fun 😻😻😻 The torn version of the normal outfit is very nice too, particularly with the bra rip that perfectly frames the nipple. And in this kind of closed-legs pose with this top-down angle, the red hair sneaking out from between her thighs and teasing that section is wonderfully sensual and sexy 💜 And with the tentacle version, I actually quite like how some of them are slithering around on the floor, while the tentacle rising up from behind being hidden and out of sight is a fun teaser too 😉 And of course the actual painting of Rayne's nude body is beautiful, I especially love her thighs and the natural way that her breasts separate and spread out. And as for Juliet... Wow! Firstly I do love the extra smiling expression with the parted lips which is very cute. And secondly, that lingerie addition is just beautiful, the pink straps across her body look so very sexy and I love the straps framing her breasts with the larger strip running across them, accentuating their shapes even more. The textures of the straps and ribbons looks terrific and the versions without the bra are super sexy too with her breasts spilling out from those framing straps. The versions with the repositioned arm are super sexy and I love the smiling expression and eye-contact when in this pose, the changed hand is also a great teaser too and looks so sensual when pressed against her body like that. The tentacle version is wonderfully naughty too with it once again sneaking up on her from behind as well as her lip-bite and changed expression 😉 And just like Rayne, the rendering on Juliet's nude body is just perfect and I particularly like the bright edge-lighting and how they accentuate her waist/hips, thigh and stomach. And for Batch 2, starting with Mirko, I immediately love the alternate smiling expressions which are just so seductive, especially so in the blushing version 😻 The "topless" variant with the dress rolled down is especially sexy with how it clings to the bottoms of her breasts and further defines them, while her fully rendered nude body is absolutely sensational in both poses. I especially love her stomach in the full-frontal pose, the textures and lighting here are just beautiful and the shapes have this real sense of volume to them. The extra bikini variant is a very fun extra surprise with the white tones really popping against her tanned skin and I love the teasing with the high-waisted panties and underboob with the bra. And those extra naughty variants with the purple toys are very fun too, particularly with the lip-biting expression which is just too cute and sexy. (And of course I love the fluffy white pubic hair 💜) Then we come to Tifa and just... Wow... Where to even begin with this one 😅😻😻😻😻😻 Well firstly, i do like the different poses for the hand at her face, having the finger down or having it pushing against her lip. As always, the blushing is especially beautiful and my goodness, the different states of clothing for Tifa look amazing, pretty much any combination of her lingerie looks incredibly sexy. The fully painted nude body is glorious and I really like the toned muscle for her mid-section and all the small plane-changes and definition there under her breasts, the breasts themselves are gorgeously painted and I love the real sense of weight they have and how they wrap over her chest. And like with Juliet, the repositioned arm is incredibly sensual, especially with the lip-biting expression 😻 And of course the tentacle variants are great, particularly with how they hug and wrap over the shapes of her body. Last but most definitely not least.... Neema! 😻😻😻😻😻 I was particularly excited for Neema as she is probably my favourite of your OCs and my word, the smiling expression with the blushing face is one of the cutest things ever! The extra underwear outfit with the white bra and panties is gorgeous, I particularly like the teasing as she slides the panty strap down one thigh, while the white colours go so well with her skin tones. The naughtier variants of her original outfit are fantastic with how it opens up to reveal her breasts while also clinging to one and defining the shape even more. Speaking of which, of course the fully rendered nude body is insanely beautiful and well painted, with the strong edge-lighting being so striking. And the cheeky reveal with the tail being pulled out is cute, sexy and funny all in one! 😉😹 Absolutely astounding work on the October paintings, Dandon! And I feel it appropriate to say that the Tifa painting may very well be among your very best artwork ever! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 Suffice to say, I plan on using Tifa as my PS4 wallpaper, she'll look fantastic on the big screen! 😻😻😻 And of course, I hope that you've been doing well and I'm excited to see what you come up with this month 😊


This batch was amazing, I think Mirko has to be my favorite out of all of them in this batch she looks gorgeous 😍


I'm so excited, already my day started great. You are the best!

Chris Harris

Maybe you should impose a futa penality on yourself where if you're late with the rewards the next month you have to include a futa version to one of the characters. xD Just kidding, mostly ;) Great stuff again Dandon. Thanks 🙂


Those Mirko ToonSquad costume images are some of the best art I never knew I wanted O.O


Hi. I didn't get a message.


I will simply say this.... I love you!


Hello! Love your work. I didn't get a message, not sure if I signed up too late for this round.


I just became a patron, am I too late?


Yes, good news for an end of the day))


Im excited to get my first batch. Havent gotten any yet


Incredible, this months artwork is something else. I'm glad your return has left such an impression :)



Aimrys Klayne

I'm in love of the 2nd Batch, just perfect ! All the ladies are gorgeous ! Thanks for the time you taking for versions and details ! Congratutalion for your work \o. ! I don't think to get Cyberpunk, i'm not interested but I understand the hype for it ! Stay healthy too ! :)

white lies

I didnt get the message yet but that are some great pieces!


Congrats Dandon! I was excited for Cyberpunk but after the 3rd delay I'm not as excited. I am sure I will still play it and enjoy it a lot but at this point it's kind of late.


beautiful as always thank you


Neema is always such a great addition! Oh hell yes! I was going to suggest V from CP2077 earlier but considering the game isn't out yet, isn't it hard for an artist to get the idea of how she looks? I also wanted to suggest maybe Sombra? It's been a while since the last time you did her and she also falls into Cyberpunk category of characters. That hoodie artwork you made with her all those years ago is still one of my favorites, mainly because of her insane cybernetic eye expression. If you reuse those would be awesome!


I just became a patreon of yours again(got a new card) Looking forward to what you'll be doing this month


Oh my, thanks so much!! Rayne was pretty much my kind of girl so I had fun with painting her versions, especially the bloody ones and the leather lingerie *_*


Oh yeah, I missed to play the game, but the character art is so good. I'll keep them in mind *_* Thank you, Chris :3


That Tune Squad tank variant though!


A small delay was absolutely worth it! Quick opinion on the girls: Juliet and Rayne are a fantastic throwback to the past, you've done them complete justice; Rose is a perfect nurse to deal with heart diseases and Neema is probably one of your best OCS ever, and I'd say this version is even better than the original: Crossover Mirko is quite delightful, you should continue with bold crossovers; Tifa, as I said when you first posted, is magnificent, even compared to the previous version you've done months ago. A small challenge/suggestion: thanks to your artworks I've got to know and play Helltaker (hilarious characters and great soundtrack) and Hades (50+ hours and counting, Adamant Rail is the best weapon): why don't you draw Lucifer or Judgment from Helltaker and Aphrodite or Artemis from Hades?


Thank you so much! Dandon! 😮 And thank you for replying to my message for Kale, I hope you draw her soon. 😅


Heeey, thanks so much, wow *_* I'm glad you liked the variants of Juliet, I reworked her eyes to make her look at the viewer because you mentioned that, I think it looks better now. Thank you, Ciaran ♥ It's nice to hear that you like the smiling versions, I realised that I often go for more grumpy looks in the SFW versions haha xDD It's a nice switch from grumpy to smiling.:3 And I feel very honored that you're going to use Tifa as your wallpaper, thanks so much ♥♥♥


Hmm, but the game will become better when they have more time to finish it :3 But I must admit that I also wanted to play it in November X°D


Thank you, Arch *_* I'll think about it, can't wait to play Cyberpunk~~ :3


Thanks so much for your feedback ♥ Artemis always seems a bit annoyed by Zagreus haha XD I'll keep them in mind :)


This might be your best set yet, ever one of em great!!


The reward is always loaded every month and the girls have so much presence. Their confidence and the way they carry themselves when displaying their naked body to the viewers really amp their sexiness. I like how you switched the wine to breast milk in Tifa's preggo version. That was pretty smart.

Viewtiful Joe

Cyberpunk Ciri would be really cool


Hi Dandonfuga! I haven't received them yet


🎊🎊🎊 can't wait to see the jewels you gifted us😁😁😁

Kuroinu fanatic

Absolutely beautiful job dandon well worth the wait 😊


Could I still get the October batch?


I really like these close-up wallpapers :3 Thanks for the amazing art Dandon!


In regards to suggestions, I would to see you draw Chun-Li again! You always draw her so beautifully! ❤️ Plus it would be awesome to see her getting a bit naughty 😉


Extra naughty this time around, LOVE IT, plus we really need to see the CP2077 with all that extra naughtiness. <3 <3


Dandon, awesome batch as always and more Neema is always a good thing. If you're looking for suggestions I think you should look at the ladies of Fate Grand Order. I'd love tosee your take on several of them.

Boreas Anemos

You surely outdid yourself this time :) There is no single favorite in this batch - the ladies are wonderful, each and every one of them. The number of versions just floors me, and the costume theme is astounding. It was well worth the wait and the anticipation. Going down for details: I mentioned before that blonde cheerleaders aren't my type. Well, now I must say - you made Juliet so good that I must rethink my position. Mirko's double-feature is great, I can only imagine how much work did it take (essentially, two characters in one). And I said it before, and I will say it again: your forethought about the details is amazing; I chuckled at the pregnant Tifa's drink change, to name just one. Regarding Cyberpunk... I've got mixed feelings for various reasons, but I'm sure to give it a try; it's not exactly my favorite theme - but, as evidenced by this month's ladies, your interpretations break my preconceptions! I know it's not voting yet, but I'd say: go for it :)


Later down the line. I can't wait to see which ships from Azur Lane Dan will draw

Robert Lopez

I was wondering if you’ll ever do a pack with just your OC’s? Another great pack of content.

House Of Rawlings

I'd love to see Kronya from Fire Emblem Three Houses in the future and MORE OC'S please!


I ❤ Neema!!!! 😘


Non stop November


hi i didn't get anything is that because i become patreon last week?


If you didn't join before 1st November, which is when Patreon processes the payments, then you missed out on getting this batch from here. You're still able to get this batch from Dandon's Gumroad store though ^^


I haven't received mine yet


i havent recived mine


Hello I just became a new patron! I want everything!! 😁


I didn't receive the batch.


Hi Dandon- I didn't receive this batch or batch 1 or 2 for Nov :(