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Starfire was also often requested :3 Hammocks are the best *_*


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*heavy breathing*


your art is absolutely fantastic :3


Can I ask, highly request, pray, BEG you for an explicit version dandon? 😱😱🥺🥺 I would need it so bad dandon.


Do Disney’s Mulan, I dare you!


Keep the beachqueen redheads coming, please!


Dandon and these redheads


Absolutely stunning artwork!


Love it, now all i need is the raven one to go with it. Thanks again the wonderful picture.


Oh my I can't wait to see the finished product!

Ciarán M

Oh my sweet merciful goodness! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 I can definitely concur, hammocks are awesome! 😹 Starfire is looking so incredibly sensual in this pose and with this angle, I love the foreshortening on her as she luxuriously lays back, all while casting this beautiful, alluring gaze with those captivating green eyes. I find the arms being raised like this to be extra sexy and I love the subtle curving and twisting of her body as her hips push to one side. Her hair is beautifully dynamic as it flows, curls, meanders and twists down and around her body and the colours here are utterly gorgeous with the fiery orange of her hair and tanned skin really popping against the pale background, likewise, those green eyes and her purple panties definitely pop against her skin tones. And wow, the teasing with that wet t-shirt as it clings to her body is damn near too much! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻 Something I also really like is the netting for the hammock, especially on Starfire's left side where it is pulled and twisted to fit her pose and it all has a realistic sense of weight to it. And of course the rendering on Starfire herself is utterly divine, her hair is glorious with just how much detail we see to so many interacting, overlapping and twisting strands, while the colour is gorgeous with the deeper colours transitioning out to brighter, warmer oranges at the tips. I am utterly in love with her face, her glowing green eyes are so striking and captivating and something about her expression is so alluring. I also really like the thin edge-lighting along her right cheek and nose that makes those features pop so very nicely. The skin and anatomy across her whole body is very beautiful and I really like the brightest spots of warm lighting across her arms and thighs and how they contrast with the darker shadows. The shadows that cut down the centre of her right arm and through her left thigh define the muscle so well and I love the light through the centre of her right thigh with the darker shadows on either side, defining those steep plane changes so nicely too. Her abs are absolutely glorious! The deep crease in the centre above the bellybutton and how the abs smoothly spread out towards hard edges to show how they pop from her waist looks amazing and really gives her this tight muscle definition but with beautiful, soft and smooth rendering 💜💜💜 Her clothes look great too, the transparent wet textures of the shirt and how it fades between transparency and opacity looks terrific, especially with the folds in the material still being defined. The rendering of her breasts through the material is so very appealing and well done too and the nipple tease is nearly too much to handle 😅😻 The purple panties are very nice too, I love the rich shade of purple and the the deep creases and folds that run through them. Absolutely beautiful work, Dandon! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 I adore the stunning warm colours in this piece and Starfire's face and gorgeous flowing hair are so captivating 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻


I didn't know that you can have a simple "galactic sexy goddess AI upgrade" button in a graphic editor - but here, you just pushed it.

Boreas Anemos

I see a significant redhead count in the recent drawings, is this a coincidence? Not that I mind ^^ More on point, the combination of her pose, her expression, and the wet shirt makes even this (relatively) SFW version really, really hot <3


That's a pretty awesome Starfire.


This was a very pleasant surprise


This might be my favorite so far! This is stunning and absolutely PHENOMENAL! ❤️


god damn was the first thing i said when i saw this


By Holy Fire, the Brightest Star was drawn again and damn she can make people melt with that look.


Omg yes 😍😍😍🤩🤩🤩


Breathless! That is literally what happened when I first saw this and just stared in awe. One of the hottest redhead fictional characters that exists laying dripping in a fine sheen with a wet t-shirt, arms above her head and eyes with an inviting gaze as if she is asking for more. More of what, I shiver at the prospects of what she wants. As if I were not excited enough by the first batch of this month, Starfire has me trembling. This is like the culmination of your best hits of redheads and bikinis combined into one. This is definitively one of your best ever already Dandon-chan! P.S. As long as it it isn't too difficult to do for you, I really hope we can see more wet t-shirt characters in the future. <3 <3 <3


NICE! Might have to finally change the batgirl art from my phone wallpaper.


Oh wow, such vibrant colours! Absolutely love this piece! And amazing job rendering her shirt btw! *_*


Beachqueen Raven next? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


So damn good!!


Oh, WOW! Your Starfire pictures are always so great, and the wet t-shirt is an excellent touch... you should do those more often! This month’s art has been incredible so far!




Robin is losing his mind rn😱😱🤤🤤 Lol also speaking of Titans, maybe you could do Raven sometime? I’d love to see how amazing a job you could do with her😍😍😍


Oh sweeeeeeet dayum. 😁 All we need is Raven to make this perfection now. 🤩


😍😍Amazing, I really love the pose, it works so well with the hammock and with this perspective too. Her expression is so seductive and I love the wet top too 😋😋😋. Her hair looks fantastic too, all the little curls and waves are so good🤩🙏🤩


sweet lord have mercy!! *bows* all hail her majesty!!!!!!


Nice job! Awesome work as always. And hammocks ARE the best, that's why I have one in my yard!




My Favorite DC Girl!


Only thing that can be hotter than this is if you ever make Starfire and her sister or someone else both dominate Raven. More wet shirts like this would also be great.


Love it, love all your Starfire drawings...i would love a fluffy version as Ciaran would say if you have time oh gifted one!


Already sexy character gets even sexier... 🙃


I don't think she's ever looked sexier. You did one Hell of an amazing job, especially how the top is kinda sticking to her skin, and giving us a nice preview of what's underneath.

Kuroinu fanatic

I hope there's gonna be some tentacle action 😊😁


Your beach queens are another reason to love summer

David Rudisill

Robin, you lucky bastard! Great work!

Eddie Murphy

She's such a gorgeous character, and you did an amazing job on her!


Fantastic work! The facial expression and pose really blew me away. Starfire was always a rather attractively designed character, and this really does justice.

Ashley Mason

OöO Oh glob! She is sublime in her all, settling in so comfy to the beachy theme and summer heat. I am loving the extra fun that has come with the beach queen's this season, adding more and more to the beachy theme in scenery and enticement with each. And here it is so satisfying and hot with Starfire lazying on a hammock under that shade of a palm, shirt soaked through for all it's goodness. It's a tease that has me sweating in her Starfire heat and salivating for more. It is a fantastic touch playing with the theme so perfectly. A queen to admire and ogle. I adore this! <3

Ashley Mason

And it would be remiss of me not to mention how scrumptious her skin is; scrumptious AF. Omnom. *-*


Ohhh damn.. if only i could eat her xD omg "my thoughts go too far"...


Okay you got me once again, I love her ♥ Time to have special beachvolley training hehe...


Love your artwork and Starfire looks incredible. Question: Can you do a similar one of Blackfire? Cause I have yet to see an artwork that does HER justice.