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Loba from Apex Legends, she was requested quiet often ♥


My amazing patrons will get:

  💜 full size image

  💜 step-by-step images

  💜 PSD file

  💜 Wallpaper

  💜 full coloring video process 

  💜 NSFW version




Ooh, that’s a hell of an angle, haha. :D Brilliant work!

Will Martin-Foster

This is going to be a good term, I can feel it.


😳😵☠ Stompingmink.exe has stopped working 👻


Damn you dandon, you step up your booty game. I wouldnt mind if we would get 1 booty art per month 😍❤️❤️❤️


Finally lol


Oooh! Lovely as always Dandon.


Dam thats🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


Wunderbar!!! 🥰


The booty to rule them all!


Nice ass! 😮😳 Dandon! 😘

Gespenst Azurite

calling it now...a mASSterpiece in the making


Maybe they should have asked loudly instead of quietly


Kind of curious about the rest of this month cause Aloy & Loba back-to-back so far is a high bar.


*ping* "Thick Cake here!"


Oooh nice! I know she's totally you type haha.


Oh lord. That's my main. I have been blessed!


Oh wow, look at that booty! So far both ladies look awesome

Ciarán M

Oooooooooh! This is absolutely gorgeous, always a lovely treat when we get a derriere view like this 😉, while these colours are also so vibrant. Love the warm tones of her dark hair and skin set against the blue sky, with her white clothing also popping so nicely against her skin. The angle and pose are so very sexy too with quite the close-up view of her beautiful posterior as she turns her head to show her beautiful face and make eye-contact, I also really like how her braid makes this long curving motion as she holds it, adding a nice touch of dynamism to the pose and, to me at least, there's something cute and playful about it. The rendering is sensational as always with a tonne of detail to her hair and I really like how the colours transition from brown to orange, with particularly bright orange tips at the end of the braid, the blue lighting tinting the hair is also a lovely contrast. Her face looks wonderful too and I especially like the definition of her cheek and jaw with the light running along the top plane of her cheek and jaw with shadows running between them. The skin tones across her entire body and the definition of her anatomy is simply breathtaking, with her upper back in particular looking so good with mostly light tones along the skin, with deep shadows defining all of those small plane changes. I also really like the clear divide in light and shadow along her right arm, with a line of light running through her left shoulder and arm. Her left forearm looks especially great too with both lines of light and shadow running through it, with orange lighting in the shadows as well. Her absolutely magnificent posterior looks particularly appealing with the large sports of light on the top of each cheek, gently transitioning down into gradually darker shadows with more orange lighting to further accentuate the rounded shapes. Her thighs too benefit greatly from these features and I especially like the crease in the skin that separates her right butt-cheek from her thigh. Her bikini and accessories all look great too with the shining gold jewellery and the thick white straps for the bra. I especially like the panties with the rippling white material with the creases and folds running through it and the sharp shadows it casts down onto the skin. And the way you've rendered the central white material with tight folds and how it sinks in between the booty looks marvellous as well. Absolutely wonderful work on this one, Dandon! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 The character looks beautiful and sexy with an insane level of anatomical detail, contrasting lighting and warm, vibrant colours 😍💜


That look of hers... she's like "You know you want it." Hah, 🔥🔥🔥


God bless whoever suggested so soon that you draw this goddess. 😍 I instantly feel in love with her when I saw her in Apex Legends, and I'm so happy that you were willing to draw her so soon. 😊 Thank you so much! She looks amazing! ❤


As an avid Apex Legends player since the game's launch, I've been waiting for an actually good artist to draw some NSFW art of Loba for months. So far all of the other renditions I've seen of her have been mediocre at best. This is the best gift to me and the rest of the Apex fandom we could ever wish for. <3


Simply gorgeous! Amazing work, as always!


It is nice to see that you always listen to the requests, and she looks delicious!


Beautiful work, I love this pose and her expression too 🍑😍🍑😍

Star Tsurugi

Oh yes, please. Loba is definitely a babe worthy of being drawn by you.


Woo! Another beach queen! What a lovely skin tone she has, and that bounce light is just so nice and warm! Love the rendering on her back as well! Great work! ^^

Sergio Ayala

Yes finally a good Apex artwork, this is amazing hopefully we get Pirate Queen Lifeline or any other apex girls.


Honestly she was my most requested character for you and you exceeded all expectation. You were able to imitate the art style of apex so perfectly and added your own twist to it. Amazon dandon!


Hot damn 🍑 or 🍰?

Mazin Magician

omg Rare Dandon over the shoulder pose? Only for girls blessed with Loba's thiccness I guess! Love it.



Aimrys Klayne

Nice work ! She's beautiful :D


AMAZING! Great job :)


Choco waifu is always appreciated! :)

Robert Lopez

Loba has become famous for her booty. Glad to see you have made it pop. Another fantastic drawing.


Don't know who she is, but my gosh she's sexy!

Gerald L

Although I don't play that game or know any of the characters, this is still a nice image. I kept meaning to ask but I think the only major final fantasy babe you never did was Lulu from FFX, any plans on using that hot Goth chick? If not a summer maybe save her for a Halloween set lol.

Trung Vo

You always now how to deliver the good! <3


Hell You see art and you think this is it the next art can't be as good as this one But then this next art comes along and you see that it's just as great This is part of the problem I can't choose my favorite art or even a few arts, they are all great Thank you Good luck to all


I have no idea who this is or where she is from, but as always you artwork is absolutely incredible! <3

Ashley Mason

Gorgeous tones and shapes that mesmerize, her booty glows, it radiates. So sublime *-*


Quite but anyways the devs knew what they were doing with her design and her animations, https://twitter.com/Forestdale20/status/1264655815111106560 Will the fighting ladies from DoA be making their debut in the Beachequeen series this year? Christie, Lisa, Mila, Tina, etc? Lot of great bikini designs in the Xtreme series... or I'll settle for just a Beachqueen Lana Kane? https://swimsuit.si.com/.image/c_limit%2Ccs_srgb%2Cq_auto:good%2Cw_768/MTY5MjQzMzE4OTEzMDgyODQz/lanajpg.webp


Nice work with that cutiepie, no idea if Apex Legends was good or it was a total flop (I think the 2nd option, but always can be wrong 😂) Thats for sure that she turned out great, has wonderful curves, lovely round butt and her surroundings looks nice. 👌Hope rest artworks would be as good as the previous ones 😉 Still I guess fresher characters have greater chance to get painted :l Don't forget about "more classic" waifus that would also look great as beach queens like Nova (Sc2), Liara ((M)ass effect) or that funky duo from Evangelion - Rei and Asuka 😍 All the best, have lots of fun during this summer!


😲 She looks great! Thanks! 🙏 😊


Someone put some sunscreen lotion on that ass, cause that shine is *chef kiss*.


Your rendering skill is always great 👏 but unfortunately I don't feel any connection with this character 😥 Maybe BeachQueen Liara T'Soni will apper this summer? 😊 don't be shy Dandon 😂 a little blue star will fit perfectly between new girls 😇 Have a nice summer time 😎


OMG You really did Loba <3 I've been waiting for this. I just can't express enough how hot this looks! I'm loving her outfit so much and that skin color! Blends so well with the background. All the curves and back muscles are on point! It feels like you take a step forward detailing them each month! Once there was Neema and now this! Damn my top3 Dandonfuga artworks keep changing. You just outdo yourself so often :D


Hell fucking yeah!!!!


Amazing artwork!




I'm glad you like how she turned out, backviews are always challenging for me :3 Thanks so much, Ciaran ♥


Yeah, I wanted to show her booty, but I have to admit her frontside + corset looks also very sexy :3


Thanks so much, Gitas ♥ I hope you're doing well :)


I'll keep her in mind :) She's on my list for years now, sorry for letting you wait


such a nice animation XD I'll keep the DoA girls in mind, I would also love to draw some Tekken girls and MK is also still on my list :3 Thanks for your comment, Marv :)

Boreas Anemos

Ahhhh yes! It's summer, it means it's Beachqueen time! I love the pose, the expression, the hairdo... It's wonderful <3