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I rewatched some of my favorite Avatar episodes, it's still such a great show *_* Couldn't resist to draw the lovely Azula :3

Just to be clear, this a an aged up version, she’s an adult in my version. 

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lets gooo


Nice! My favorite character in The Last Airbender!


Ahh, that evil yet sinfully sexy lady. 😁


She’s on fire! :p


Gesichtsausdruck perfekt wiedergegeben

Rhaena Arashi

Azula is great to be sure, but where is best girl Suki?


Loving the new feeling these more recent "simpler" pieces are giving off since you switched over to the softer (pencil?) brush for their lineart a couple months back. So soft, chonky and fuzzy... They're such a nice complement alongside your full illustrations with their sharper lines! *_* (Don't get me wrong though, I'm still completely in love with that ink brush of yours *_*)


Ah, Azula! That amazing body almost makes up for the genocidal insanity... almost. You’ve really captured her personality here, amazing work! :)


This is a welcomed surprised

Ciarán M

Oh wow, the whole demeanour that you've given Azula just radiates pure sexiness! 😍😍😍😍😍 I love how she looks towards us with this menacing smile while so sensually and dynamically posing her body, shoulders and hips slanted with a twist through through her torso and hips pushed to one side, accentuating her curves. I like the asymmetry in the arms as well as the legs as she raises her left leg. Her choice of clothing is delightfully sexy too, showcasing her toned figure while being very teasing with only small panties and her nipple pushing through the bra. The colours here are gorgeous too, her skin tones, despite mostly being in shadow, have such a warm quality to them, especially her shoulders, chest and left thigh where it pushes forward into the warm light. I love the lighting with a mix of white and warm edge-lighting across her body, with her right hip and thigh being beautifully accentuated by the thin white light running along such a large area of shadow. And I just love her entire right shoulder/upper arm, the lighting there is very striking with the thick white light, the warm half-tones and the dark shadows along the upper arm. Her face is lovely too, great expression and lighting, while I also love the white and blue lighting mixed into her black hair that really makes it pop! Lovely work on this one, Dandon! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 She just radiates such a sexy, alluring and sinister vibe and I adore it 😊💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Gerald L

very nice, I think she's one of the perfect examples of the saying 'bad bitch' lol


Well this is fantastic


At the beginning of the show she was alright but i realy didn't like that she turned into a maniac towards the end.


You managed to portray her perfectly: menacing, confident, scary, evil and downright sexy!


Holy moly it's Azula <3 good, good=)))) Nice work Dandon <3




Loved the show as a kid. Good to see you gave her another shot.

Chris Harris

A couple alterations to that costume and she could qualify as a Beach Queen. 😉 Great stuff! Thanks Dandon.


I blame her for me liking women who are agressive :/ You did her justice lmao.

Star Tsurugi

Hot. Pun intended.


Wow, she's on fi--wait, someone's already done that joke. Let's go with "smoking" instead. :-)


Comparing this image to Ashoka, Harribel and even Blaze - it's amazing downgrade 🤔🤯


Would love to see her in a combo wallpaper along with Mai and Ty Lee one day.


I'm kinda torn in-between. From the one hand this Azula is smoking hot, her pose looks nice and her outfit is super nice. From the other one i can't kill that feeling that this work was made in total rush. I don't know Dandon, seems you've got other important thing to do than painting pretty waifus. Havefun whatever you're doing...


Yeah, she definitely needs the Beach Queen treatment.


This is great and I love it but there’s an issue. Canonically, Azula is only 14.


holy shit that's yummy!


Almost perfect, just 1 hair out of place. I really like the subtle way you aged her up!


Wouldn’t mind seeing Korra & Asami (if you haven’t already done either of them yet)


Beautiful! Dandon! 😘


I am ready to be invaded.......


Goddamn those hips (and that smirk)


You know, I was rewatching this show and taking a look at her and thinking "now if only she wasn't so batshit insane." But I guess some guys like girls who want to conquer, dominate, intimidate, and keep them in a constant state of fear. But ya, it's unfortunate how hot she is.


I’ve been waiting for you to do an Azula piece for so long 🙂

Draven Shadow

WOW! It's just one awesome work after another!! 😍😍😍

Mazin Magician

This is the best set you've done yet. I lost.


I've never been happier to be a patron. Can't wait for the full size!


It seems to lack some depth compared to the previous 2 artwork of the set.

Ashley Mason

Azula is looking incredibly sexy! Lovin' her. Lots of spunk, a little bit of fire and all that sexy!! I love the style you bring to Azula- something about it feels fresh and vibrant. I do love it! The rendering and shading works sublimely with the finer curves and lines of her body, and allows the colours to truly pop, from her scarlet red top and knickers, the brilliant blue fire glistening off her raven hair and her silky skin tones. So good!! *-*

Ashley Mason

That is one of the many things I love about your art; you play with different styles and finds what works best with a character. And here, it works superbly!


Hey, i rewatched all of Avatar not too long ago. Still pretty good. Who is your favorite character out of that show Dandonfuga? Mine have to be Zuko and Toph.


It's amazing how badly M. Night Shyamalan botched the live action movie with so much good material to use from the source material. Kind of like how Disney botched the Star Wars movies. HA! I'm not frustrated or anything. I was playing the Jet Set Radio games again recently and the soundtracks still kick ass https://youtu.be/RGA4PilHdr0 https://youtu.be/ugo6ASPVu9g Shame Sega said they're not interested in another Jet Set Radio game.


Thanks! Yes, I love to change brushes from time to time, especially for more simple artworks :3 The ink brush is king, I think I'll use the brush till the end lol xDD ♥


This one was not meant to be a fully rendered artwork, I wanted to stay close to the animation style which I totally admire. :)


She's meant to be an adult in my artwork, she's simply aged up, imagine her not becoming insane and having fun at the beach :3


There was a lot of drama in her backstory and she became a very interesting character. Thanks for your comment :)


I like to vary styles from time to time and I wanted to stay close to the original animation style :3


Ohh so hard to choose. My most favorite is Toph. I always loved Sokka's humour and Appa is so fluffy *_* I forgot about how sad the episode was when the kidnapped Appa T_T


Thanks for sharing the soundtrack *_* I wish they would go for a new Avatar animated series :3


I don't rush my artworks. I like to go for different styles from time to time and with Azula I wanted to stay close to the amazing artstlye of the series. It's important to try out things to evolve. :)


Damn, what perfect timing, since I'm watching through Avatar for the first time right now! (A little over half way through book 2.) This is super nice, as is all of your work. Now I can only hope that you draw Katara at some point!

Kantai Collector

She looks stunning, one of the best artwork of Azula out there! Can you do Ty Lee and Mai too?