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Hello guys, I hope you're all doing well ♥

Tax information:

I wanted to give you an update on some changes that we’ll be seeing which may affect some of your pledges.  Due to new laws passing in several countries and US states, Patreon  will be required to start charging sales tax on some pledges starting July 1st. 

Less  than half of all patrons will be charged sales tax, and for most, the  amount will be very small. For example, sales tax rates in the US range  from 4% to 11%, so on a $5 pledge, that would be between 20 cents and 55  cents. 

Whether or not you will be charged sales tax depends on your location, and what  is considered taxable there. Not every pledge is taxable, not all benefits are taxable in every location, and sometimes only a fraction of a pledge will be taxable. The money that Patreon collects as a result of these laws are paid directly to local governments.

I’m  working closely with Patreon to ensure I’m able to save you as much  money as possible when it comes to sales tax - which is not something  that’s possible with other platforms. I set up detailed information about the various tiers for the Patreon staff so this'll help to pay less taxes.

If you’re in a location where sales tax will be required, you  should expect to receive an email from Patreon with more information about this very soon, but I wanted to make sure you were aware of these changes way ahead of July 1st when they go into effect.

If you have questions, you should be able to find answers here. If you still have questions, the best place to get an answer is from Patreon’s customer support team, here



I recently received a message from the Patreon support about a copyright claim for my artworks that include Nintendo characters. I'm no longer allowed to create such artworks here, so from now on there'll be no more characters drawn by me which are licensed by Nintendo.

I know this is a real bummer, I was very sad when I've read the message because I'm a fan of many Nintendo franchises myself, it's part of my childhood and I loved to draw those iconic characters. I hope you understand that I'll stop drawing them because I don't want to risk a suspension from Patreon. ;_;

Sorry for the wall of text.

Take care ♥




Thank you for letting us know ^_^.


Couldn't you consider drawing those characters in a different platform?


Thanks for the info Dandon, that’s totally understandable; a real shame about the Nintendo thing, I wish they weren’t so litigious all the time. Your Nintendo girls were always some of your very best work! I hope there will be some way for you to revisit those characters again in future, but for now, we can all just look forward to what you continue to create. There are lots of other ladies to choose from, after all! :)


Wow for Nintendo to bust a nut over one of millions of images of there characters. Well I like to see more of your original characters anyway.


I hope people dont get mad about the change. It sucks for everyone that this happens, but it would be even worse if something happened that would make it harder for you too do this kind of work. I know another artist I support moved too putting... unpatreon like content too another platform, but its up too you if you just want too not make the art. I'm not gonna stop supporting, I love your art too much and it is a legitmatly exciting part of my month too get the message from you about it.


Can you draw Nintendo characters for Gumroad only, for example?


Cheers for info, and no worries, kinda bummer if it goes for Nintendo, but i can live without these character, looking forward for other lovely ladies to get painted by you than ;) All the best and biggest hugs in the Universe :) <3


Thank you for taking the time to post this very detailed update. Sorry to hear about the Nintendo situation. I really loved your work in that area.


Gotta take risks in life


Thank you for the updates! And oh no! I hope it's nothing too serious with the copyright claim. Hope you're doing alright :( Whatever happens though, we'll be with you all the way! ^^ Besides, your OCs always give those characters a run for their money anyway *_*


Dammit Nintendo, hope you're alright Dandon!


Thanks for the update and for being so upfront with us. It's a shame about the tax and copyright, but it happens. I hope things go well for you.


The entire internet drawing Nintendo characters, Nintendo is going to make claims against the entire internet?


See, I think its more of a content based issue. Due too the adult nature of Dandon's Art and Nintendo's family friendlyish vibe, or even that specfic brands family friendly vibe, that they are unhappy with the fact that their characters are being used this way and money is being from use of their characters.


Nintendo has a very peculiar stand towards fan arts.



Ciarán M

While it is a shame that we won't get to see any more Nintendo characters (I absolutely love your Beachqueen Samus painting 😻😻😻), there's still plenty more non-Nintendo characters out there! And maybe we'll even get to see more of your beautiful OCs 😊 So I wouldn't worry too much about not being able to paint Nintendo girls anymore 😸


I kinda figure that Nintendo was going to pull this later on down the line anyway, they tend to do this to everybody. It's like you try to love them sometimes then they're like "aww but it's not making us money".


thanks for the info, it's sad but good continuation.


Nintendo did amazing step to self destruction 😂 the biggest stupid move in history of marketing. If I didn't see character pictures on the internet I would never have discovered some games. Now we can wait for self claims like Sony did with last for us 2 😂😂😂 claiming rights fir photo on their twitter 😂😂😂


Thx god we already git lingerie queen rosalina <3 So this means no more Bayonetta right? That's really a shame... But I understand your decision :)


there are two certainties to life death and taxes I will continue to support you and your beautiful artworks the taxes are not a problem for me the real sad thing is that Nintendo hit you with a copyright claim it’s a shame to lose the opportunity to illustrate so many lovely characters but please don’t put yourself at risk The world needs wonderful and beautiful works like yours

Ashley Mason

Well, balls. Hope everything tax related is sorted out with relative ease. And mega balls to Nintendo. It's their loss. We all know they secretly want bikini Rosalina. Shame. (I think it sucks and wouldn't ever want you to jeopardize your patreon of Peach Tiddy.)


Here come the governments to steal more money with their "taxes" as if there aren't enough taxes already. Copyright claims are bs, art is free speech but Patreon's hands are tied. I think Sakimichan got a claim too from Disney a while back. No more Mario, Zelda, Samus, Splatoon or Pokemon. Guessing your Bea artwork that was supposed to be next is now canceled. Though I don't think Bowsette counts since it wasn't made or owned by Nintendo.


The tax stuff was expected tbh (European patrons have been paying it since 2015 when EU laws came into effect, was bound to happen in other countries sooner or later.) Sorry to hear about the copyright claim, that sucks... Nintendo's loss really, but oh well. Totally understand that you can't draw them anymore, plenty of great characters from other places to draw! :)




Nintendo have been going after artists like that forever. It's really disappointing to know that they haven't stopped, and I hope it hasn't shaken you up too bad.

Tyler Durden

What a shame about Nintendo..


A thought. Shadow those types of work in your packs. Don't need to say anything about it in a post.


I hope you manage to find a workaround for nintendo characters. Gonna be a much shallower pool with all of them out of the mix for the time being


It’s ridiculous how anti fun Nintendo japan is. Olds fucks see fan art of beloved characters and immediately say “stop that”. fuck em

Star Tsurugi

Yeah, I saw the Nintendo BS on some other patreons as well. It sucks.


This will definitely affect the majority of your patreons, so I'm glad to hear you will keep up the fight. Will read the new info later, but since I live in germany, I might be save. As for Nintendo, their target audience are teenager, families and kids. Not trying to defend them, but they have valid reasons to stop content-creator or artist from making something that is not appropriate. I personally don't have a strict opinion on that. Nevertheless, as a huge Nintendo-fanboy myself, I feel your disappointment. Stay healthy, Lady Dandon.


I'm surprised it took Nintendo this long to come after you to be honest. They don't really mess around when it comes to their properties. Bummed we won't be seeing Team Rocket's resident redhead but there's still plenty of other women you can tackle even with the ban.


Wow that really sucks for you, i also love Nintendo characters and you draw them so well, but i don't understand why they would do that. But i gotta ask for you Dandonfuga, is it just for Nintendo characters ?


We aren’t going anywhere you have all our support


Some artist still draw Nintendo characters, they just try to make sure no one uses the actual names. That sometimes works. If the name isn't used in the post in any fashion including the comments, then it might work.


Looks like Nintendo is back at it again with their BS


Darn, I was looking forward to you doing a piece on Bea from Pokemon. Nintendo is annoying with their copyright stuff. It's a shame they do this because it really stifles their fan communities, but I mean I get they want to keep it family friendly. Still there's plenty of characters that you can draw, plus your OCs which are all wonderful. You will have my continued support. Hope everything else is good, stay safe.


I've been disappointed by Sony and Nintendo lately. They've become really heavy handed. They've gotten so strict with censorship and fan art. What got me in to your art in the first place were your OCs. They're really important to me because they're like children of the artist who created them. As long as we get to see them again from time to time I'm happy.


all about the new world order of snow flakes where everything and anything is offensive and degrading.... pretty sad because them doing dumb crap like copyright bans on FAN ART ruins indirect advertisement for their work.... but Nintendo has not been known for brains in recent years so its no huge surprise.......also amusing how only known GOOD artists are being targeted by this idiocy because im sure it wont stop the flood of fan art in general only the good ones will be gone -_-;;


Actually, this is stupid from Nintendo as such artworks publicize their products... (and it would hilarous if it was just because of public image since they owned love hotels long time ago ^_^ )


The tax thing doesn't bother me. The Nintendo thing kind of dumb. People do fan art of so many characters and cosplayers do the same thing. What you can do is not announce the character, and magically include it in our batch, and not available on Gumroad. 😅


Well, I can get over the taxes, tbh. But, Nintendo, well... it's a monetization thing. Those are their IPs and they will do all they can to protect them. It's nothing new or surprising. But, sad, all the same. You do great work, Dan! And I will continue to throw support your way as long as I can! I'm sure the best work is yet to come! Keep it up! 😄 (That's what she said! #bonerz)


Wasn't the wave of Nintendo "copyright strikes" on Patreon known to be a troll?

Aimrys Klayne

That's a bad news for your creativity :( But keep goin' your awesome work ! I love Nintendo's characters, but do what you can for being safe. You can draw a lot of beautiful lady :3


I don't mind paying tax as long as I can still support you! As for the Nintendo characters, that is a huge bummer, I don't know if it was a troll or not, but you need to be safe. At least now you can do more OCs!


Sad to see this as this eliminates some of the most incredible characters from future works like Samus, Midna, Zelda, and more. Nintendo again being idiotic in being overprotective of their IPs instead of seeing the free advertising potential. Thank you for the heads up though.


Dang. That sucks. I was hoping for more Nintendo work from you.


This has been happening to a lot of creators that draw Nintendo fan art. Have you considered doing what some other creators are doing which is do not mention them on here, but you can post them elsewhere and just quietly include them in reward packs?


Just alter the characters a bit and call them a different name, like instead of Tifa it could be Tina :P


Thanks for the tax info update, much appreciated; what is not appreciated is how heavy-handed and anti-content creators Nintendo has become. A shame we'll no longer get Nintendo-related artworks, but it's better to be safe than take useless risks; there are plenty of girls to draw, and we all greatly like your OCs.


Those are some really unfortunate news about Nintendo. It's also a bit confusing because I always thought that fanart doesn't fall under copyright. I fully understand though that you want to stay safe ❤


Of course Nintendo....ugh. How about some apex characters next?


wow...Nintendo being cunts strikes again...In any case, i'll keep supporting your awesome work!


I believe Sega owns the Bayonetta IP though Nintendo publishes 2 and 3.


So just for starters,that means no Urbosa,Midna,Princess Zelda,Mipha,Ruto,Samus,Peach,Daisy,Bowsette amongst said bans on Nintendo characters.


But you can still make Nintendo characters on other platforms, right? Nothing says you can't enter a gentleman's agreement to share personal art for free on other sites. And nothing says that a bunch of patrons might just give an additional dollar for "no reason" or general tipjarring as you continue unimpeded by corporate bullshit? In case anyone is listening?


Guess you can just add the Nintendo characters on DA


Thanks so much for your support and understanding. I'll think about your suggestion :)


I also think that fanwork is important for franchises O_O Thanks for your comment, Pokis :)


They made me delete my Bowsette/Boosette artwork so I think it would be not safe to draw them again, sorry :(


Well, it's a bit shocking to get a mail with that includes the word "suspension" :/ Thanks for your comment, Alex :)


I won't add something Nintendo related in my Patreon batches but maybe there's a way to draw some of their girls again someday...


They made me delete all my Nintendo related posts, even sketches or WIPs which were not named, so I think this won't work for me. Thanks for your comment :)


I know about the situation for youtubes, this really sucks :( Thanks so much for your kind comment, I really appreciate your words ♥ *_*


I don't know if this works or if they would just hunt me on other platforms, too O_O


Nintendo's been known to be fairly litigious among the copyright blogs I read. While I'm sad I'm not going to get to see more lovely Samus artwork, I fully understand you wanting to protect your livelihood. Just keep on being awesome!