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Nice! Dandon! 😘 I dream that you will draw Kale next time, Dandon!


Such lovely colours... and an amazing choice of pose! Incredible work as ever. :D


Oooh, I really like the pose. Good work!


I can already see the wonderful naughty things you have in store for her ×_×




Oh my! Absolutely dazzling! *_* Nice to see you revisiting K/DA again! I think that was around the time I joined hahaha. Does this mean we might be able to expect Evelynn sometime in the future as well to complete the set? ;)


I love these types of poses you have going on. Hopefully we get an explicit version :D

Chris Harris

Looks like someone's been doing her crunches.


I love this angle, you don't see it often!


Oh shit, the queen


Sexy! Dandon! 😘

Ciarán M

Oh my word... there's so much purple!!! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Well it's no surprise to hear that I ADORE the colours in this painting! Firstly I do really like the blues in the background, as well as the colours of those diamond things on either side of her head, the blue, gold and silver colours all contrast very nicely with each other. As for Kai'sa herself, the pale white skin looks wonderful with the vibrant purples of her hair, eyes, lips and pants, with the gold colours also contrasting very nicely with the purples. I also like that there's multiple shades of purple as well as different textures to the different purples, making them all distinct despite being mostly the same colour. The pose itself is wondrously sexy and naughty, I really like that she is keeping eye-contact with the viewer while showing off like that, she also looks so very luxurious as she reclines back. Her face, torso and open hips all turning in different directions, with the foreshortening of her body and asymmetry of her legs all give her a dynamic feel too despite her stationary pose which looks great! The rendering is amazing too throughout the whole piece with many different textures, I love the leather cushions she's leaning against, especially the area near her elbow with a strong contrast in light and dark, giving the cushion a shiny texture and very deep creases into it. Kai'Sa's hair looks amazingly detailed, very intricate with the strands splitting off around her fringe, as well as around her waist as it all cascades down, the tightly braided hair looks wonderful too with it's interlocking shapes, all kept separate thanks to the rim-lights and occlusion shadows throughout. I also like how lower down the image, the hair is a brighter, warm purple tone, while up high it's tinted a cooler, bluer purple, creating an overall contrast throughout and making it all more vibrant. Her clothes all look fantastic too, I really like her glove and pants with more painterly brush-strokes along the ridges of her hand as well as down her calf, making those areas look very distinct and giving the material a striking shine to it. The more smoothly rendered areas around her under-thighs, pelvis and the straps over her hips are gorgeous too with a lovely shiny texture to them as well and with that smoother surface blending nicely back into the more painterly areas. I also like the different colours throughout the purple, with blue tones mixed into her knees, calves and under her thighs The golden bra looks excellent and I love the lighting with a thin sliver of light running along the top planes, in stark contrast to the shadows beneath them, I also love how those shadows are still receiving their own light, keeping that golden colour throughout (the pink lighting mixed into the section under the breasts looks great too) And of course the skin and anatomy is fantastic! These kinds of paintings with such strong contrast in light and dark always look so striking with the features of the body looking really well defined, Kai'Sa's right shoulder and arm really show off what I mean with brighter, greyish tones running along the top planes, with significantly darker shadows running underneath. Her abs too and the area surrounding them are fantastic, looking so sensual and well defined. And this counts as part of the clothing but still, the bright pink rim-lighting running across the inside edges of her thighs and calves are brilliant and I love the rippling light and dark tones that define her calves and knees. And lastly, that face is just beautiful! Those purple eyes are utterly captivating, I love the shape of her nose and how the light and dark tones define the tip/nostril area, her lips are so very luscious and the overall definition of her face with such smoothly blended light and dark tones is amazing! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 I zoomed in on the image to look at the face and now I'm noticing so many more details elsewhere that I love but I have to stop myself! 😅😹 I run the risk of rambling for way too long and so I hope everything I've written thus far conveys how much I love this painting (Purple! 💜💜💜💜💜) Beautiful work, Dandon! I absolutely can't wait to see all of the full versions of April's paintings. 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏


Will you be doing an explicit and or Mr. Tentacle versions for Kai'Sa, Dandon?


Well I must be serious now and it won't be nice. 😕 This artwork is not cool... but it is magnificent 😅😋 Well done Dandon, keep this curse :3 I see you want end previuos month with high-end lewd art 😉 and I don't mind against that 😁 I'm not SJW Ewok 😆 Is any chance to see any Asari character from Mass Effect? :3 Thanks for nice Kai'sa, have a nice healthy week and may the schedule-force be with you 🤗😃

Sam The Man

Wow, absolutely stunning work. You're the man!


Great job! She's from League right?


Hope for Evelynn to round out the group! You are amazing!


Holy shit Dandon! This might be your best work yet! <3


She's going to expose everything posing like that in the NSFW. I'm so excited.


Somehow her left arm looks oddly inward to me, but maybe that's just my imagination. Apart from that she looks, like she has to show off something you blessed her with. No doubt, this piece will be one of many favourites.

Christopher Edwards

I like the pose and expression on her face. The colors are also very nice. I look forward to seeing the other version! Great work Dandon! 💕 Stay safe and healthy


This would be a good pose for a futa version :P


Very lovely artwork, thats for sure, fingers crossed that some lovely tentacles will visit Kai'sa, as this pose is perfect for such scene 🤣😅 hopefully there will be many more and nice artworks to come. All the best and yeah May the 4th(ce) be with you 😜 Stay cool, warm and healthy, Biggest virtual hugs in whole of earth ♥️😈😍😅😉♥️♥️

Ashley Mason

Absolutely gorgeous! The months bundle is shaping out to be something that really sets to arouse and entice! OöO Kai'sa has the biggest BDE with that pose, working so superbly with that enticing view and scene set, lounging on the opulent padded-leather couch and blindingly bright spotlights from behind. She is a star! Feels as she dares me to dare, knowing I wouldn't even but wants me to all the same. (And so damn good as a landscape shot!) Plus, I love the leather pants! The shine and smooth texture. So good!

Boreas Anemos

Mm, I see so much potential in this position... and I already know I will not be disappointed, knowing you will use this potential perfectly :) I'm impatiently waiting for the package ^^


Sultry gaze, alluring posture, well defined muscles and definitely the poise of a star. Can't wait for the full version. P.s. Still not playing Legends even after this!


Wonderful art, I love kai'sa , my favorite ADC