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Heyhey ♥ I hope you're all doing well :)

First of all, SORRY for the lack of updates over the past two weeks. I just had to sort some things out and all the stuff took longer than expected O_O I finally updated Photoshop (I was still using the version of 2017! XD) and after fixing some annoying issues all works pretty well *_* There was also the yearly tax stuff and this is no fun to do, really XD 

For those who are interested in Twitch streams, I switched to another provider and now I have a better internet connection, this means I'll be able to stream again. Streaming was so laggy but now it should work way better, yay *_*/

I started to do pencil sketches to practice, it's fun :3, I want to go back to the basics and try to become a better artist over the next months, my motivation is over 9000 XD. I subscribed to Proko and I'll share some studies soon :)


August is going to be a single batch month (only one charge at the end of August). I'll upload the artworks soon *_*


I realised that I started my Patreon campaign in July 2015, so it's been 4 years now!! Oh my Glob! O_O I remember that it took me months until I set up the account. I just wanted something that keeps me drawing (back then there were some things I had to struggle in my life, like quitting school, blabla) and it was my dream to make a living out of drawing and painting. After half a year I had 17 patrons and I was so proud of it ♥ Today it feels like the most natural thing to create these artwork batches, For me a month starts around the 7th and also ends around the 7th, haha :D

I thought it might be fun to take a look into the first batches, so I uploaded them for you. (No NSFW content, sorry :P I started with the nude ladies in 2016.)

Download here 

Thanks for the great support over the past years, I know it's a great gift and opportunity to be able to draw all day and to be supported by the loveliest and sweetest community ♥♥♥


dandon ♥ :3




Happy 4 years Dandon!!!


Happy Anniversary! Was getting worried about you for a while :D

Chris Harris

Congratulations on 4 years Dandon!!!


Thanks for the update. You're on of my favourite artists ever, for real. I remember when I first saw you on DeviantArt and I felt like your unique artstyle was special. It was then, in 2016, when you became the first Patreon page I subscribe too. Since then, you have put out PHENOMENAL art; not just amazing for its lewd content, but truly high quality stuff that looks really good (and puts a smile on my face!). Thanks for all your hard work and thanks for making these amazing artworks. You're the best :D

Ciarán M

Happy 4th year anniversary, Dandon! I just checked and I've been here for about 3 and half years which is crazy to think about. Over that time, your art has reached an absolutely insane level and it's always great to see each new painting 😸. I'm really bad at all this mushy stuff, so I'll just say that it's been a pleasure to follow your work and as always, I'm looking forward to the your next paintings!


Don't worry, we appreciate all the hard work and effort you put in to your works.


Nice to see you're back and doing well, and thank you for all the awesome art you made over the years and for the years to come. Looking forward to your streams, although thanks to timezone trickery I'll probably will have to watch the vods. <_<


Firstly, I'm glad that everything is fine with you 😃 Secondly, congratulations on the 4th year anniversary 😄 I am glad that I joined your patrons a long time ago, it was one of the best decisions in my life 😉 I hope that the future will be good for you as well as the last 4 years 🤗 I wish you all the best 😉


Four years already? Wow, that's awesome! And I'm looking forward to the streams returning, can't wait! Will they just be on Twitch again, or might you think about using Picarto as well?


Four years? Wow, over that time you have improved a lot and now i think that your one of the best artist out there. Hopefullly, i'll be able to catch you streaming. Oh yeah, also Dandonfuga NEW BERSERK CHAPTER!!! WOHOOO


Yeah Steuererklärung xD I joined at the begin of 2017 and got almost 60 batches. You improved so well in this time, and you collected an awesome fan base around you. I must say I don't regret to join your patreons. Cant wait what you got up your sleeve about your improvements, can't think it could be any better, maybe *cought* no linearts *cought* :P you know I'm a huge fan of this style <3 You always listen to your patreons and you are a great person, keep up the good work :3 Thank you for your art and all the best :3


Been that long already, woah 🥳 Thank you for all the hard work you put into your art, it's so beautiful 🙏🏽


Congratulations for the 4 years, Dandon! 😘 I knew you thanks to Caulifla, I hope you do not forget Kale and Kefla! 😅


Congrats to the reason i join patreon in the first place! Love you art and will be your patron for as long as you create epic women works of art! Much love!


I just sent a message in the last post today. I'm glad to know you're healthy, and in good spirits. Tax stuff is always annoying, so I feel your pain there. Congratulations on your 4 years as a creator on patreon. Because I know you've been creative a lot longer than that. Were most gracious for all that you give and I want you to continue to have fun. Because we have fun connecting with you here 😁. Have an awesome day Dandon


Cheers to many more years, I'm glad that I'm a patron of your work. Always great quality!

Viewtiful Joe

I'm pretty new but I've loved all the art you've made so far


Congrats for 4 years 🤩 and thanks for all the beautiful art and being an inspiration too. Is nice to see pencil stuff too and more streams sounds awesome too 👀


Well, there is not much to say, your art is speaking for you, just stay with us for many more years, it surely will be a joyride.


Thanks for sharing, really appreciated. Love your Denaerys and your quiet. I miss your comic style... ^^


I remember back then! I regret to say that I started in...July? And then didn't resub for a while. I never wanted the NSFW anyway ;) But I've stuck with you for 3 and a half years with the gap! You've grown as an artist in so many ways and have cultivated a fun environment. I'm happy to support you all these years and I wish you to keep doing this as long as you want to!

Jill Valentine

Happy 4 Year Anniversary Dandon 💗🎉💗


Happy anniversary ! ! !


Happy Anniversary Dandon-chan! Always love your work and you as a wonderful, friendly person! <3 <3 <3

Christopher Edwards

Don't worry about it being a single batch. And happy anniversary! I wanted to join the moment you started but I had to wait until October to join. I look forward to your streams again. Hopefully I attend most of them.


It's really cool to look at the early stuff and realise how much of an improvement there's been (which isn't to say they were bad, I quite like the cute style you had back then). I joined when i chanced across your first Chun-Li portrait on someone else's Deviantart favourites, and I haven't regretted it. :) Looking forward to the fifth anniversary, and whatever you come up with for August. :)


Firstly congrats on 4 years Dandon!!! I've only been a supporter for 2 years next month, but I've seen your artwork around the internet longer, you have always been my favorite artist so soon as I found out about your patreon I immediately became a patron. The time and effort you put into all the details and variants just make your artwork that much more incredible. Keep up the great work Dandon and here's to many more years or artworks and lovely drawings by you!


Congratulations Dandon! Wow, 4 years already, that's really impressive! It's so wonderful seeing how far you've come! My only wish was that I had found you and supported you sooner. You and your work have been such an amazing inspiration for me, your passion and dedication continues to amaze me every month, and your advice has always been so helpful! I'm so incredibly excited to continue seeing you grow and improve as an artist in the years to come, and to keep on supporting you doing what you love! Thank you for everything and wish you all the best for the years to come! Can't wait to see what you have in store for us! ^^ So glad to hear from you again too hahaha, I was beginning to get a little concerned. I think I sent my messages a little late this month, but it's always great to hear you're doing well! Hope you don't put yourself under too much pressure trying to get the batch out in time though! You deserve to take things easy every once in a while! ^^ P.S. those pencil sketches are absolutely incredible! My goodness those lines are so crisp and clean! *__*


It's so sincerely and so warm! Hope your community will growing up and we will celebrate your creative anniversary!)


Hey I was getting really worried. Thanks for showing up again xD Hope your summer is going great! You go through such impressive improvements each year and I'm glad that you feel very happy to keep doing arts. Sad to say it is a problem with some artists. You can tell by their artworks that they're kinda tired of it but I've never felt any of that in your drawings and that's why you're still N1. Keep up the great work! P.S Your first artworks are cute af :D


And thank you so much for such a gift! See the beginning of the creative path is so exciting!


Happy 4th anniversary! It's a generous gift on its own, doubly nice for me since I missed those ones, but have pretty much everything after. ^_^


Congrats on the 4th Anniversary and many more to come


No worries, my friend

Dazaster Dellus

Congratulations on the 4 year anniversary. Your hard work and dedication is something to be admired. Thanks for all that you do!

Abalone Malone

Happy 4th Dandon :) You are the best.




Eee no worries Dandon, also gratz on 4 yers of successful Patreon campaign 😊 Hope there will be many more lovely illustrations, and everything will work fine. All the best and have fun oncomming week! Biggest hugs in the know Universe! ♥️😁🤣 Ps. Not 100%sure but did I spotted a sketch of lovely Magik in that pile of training sketches :3


Taxation is theft, anyways, an Etch A Sketch in an earthquake can draw better than me but I still enjoy watching the drawing process like your streams. I remember seeing some early artworks back then but I didn't know about Patreon or what it was until later on.

Ashley Mason

OöO Those sketches are truly incredible!! *-* I love the style how you draw with pencil- the lines are graceful and fluid, drawn with confidence, even when learning. The forms and angles are looking superb, and working so nicely with those expressions too. Can see how much you have been working hard. I am floored by all these. And I spy many awesome ones-- Midoriya. Eri. Satsuki. Panties. Gremlin Umaru. Raven (her face is stunning). And my personal favourite, Shuten- kill for that page. XD Plus plenty of nice boobies :3 These are worthy to be a bundle themselves- I would vote for that all the way! I would love to see more and in HQ too. Glad to see you really striving for more in yourself and your art. Four years, you have come so far. Amazing effort and talent. Congratulations! ❤️ (can't believe it has been so long already O_O ) Thanks for the bonus! :3


Congratulations Dandon! It's been great to have seen your art grow better and better here. Can't wait to see what's next! <3

Ted Brown

Has it been that long? Man time flies.:-). I don’t seek out as many new Patreons nor am I as active in DeviantArt. I just remember being blown away by your art (something that hasn’t changed) and I jumped at supporting you here so you’d hopefully have more time for art. I’m pretty sure I wasn’t Patreon supporter #1 but I’m in the top pack somewhere. Never regretted it a second. You’ve come so far and I love hearing that you want to to level up.

Ted Brown

Wow yeah. I just checked in Sept 2015 I did a huge art blowout for my birthday. I commissioned A LOT of art to show up that day (it was > 20... I forget how many). In my 2015 birthday art folder is a picture of Korra. You posted it to Patreon on my birthday and I made a comment it felt like it was just for me. Later in the day a version of it wishing me a Happy Birthday showed up in my inbox. :-). That was a really awesome birthday all around and you made it just a wee bit better. And I think you first drew She-Hulk because of me. :-)

Ted Brown

anyway doesn’t seem like 4 years! I’m looking back at all the art you’ve posted and I’m really glad that we could group together and help you spend more time making art! More art means a better world. Plus I love seeing what you make shoe up in my inbox


Happy fourth anniversary, Dandon! :) You were always great, but you've gotten so much better over the years. Here's to another four years of amazing ladies and constant improvement, we all love you and what you do!


You are forgiven and congratulations!


It's always good to take it easier and just pace yourself a bit more every now and then, so we're all fine with you doing a one batch month here and there. I'd even say you should probably take a month off entirely, given how hard you've worked on delivering great art as often as you have. And a happy anniversary to your Patreon campaign, and here's to many more successful years on Patreon for you and your awesome art.


BTW, I think we need a bit of Bunny Artoria in our life's :3 https://ibb.co/D1jSLgv


Congrats on 4 years, Dandon! It always makes me really happy to see how much success you've had here, evidently your hard work paid off ^^ YES streams, that'd be great :D Thanks for always being very nice to us :)


Hi Dandon! I just want to say that I'm really proud to be your supporting patron! I've been with you every month since Dec 2017, and I can clearly see you've come a very long way! I'm glad that you've found something to do that genuinely makes you happy. (And us, by consequence. lol) Here's to many more years of support and amazing artworks! <3

David Rudisill

Congratulations, and thanks for all the great work!


Happy 4th patreon Birthday. Been with you since I think June or July of 2016 and never once have regretted supporting you. You have always been amazing at what you draw and never stopped making me drool over your awesome detailing. Really looking forward to the future as you brighten it more!


Tuuuna, thanks so much, you're one of my most loyal supporters and it's always a pleasure to hear from you. ♥♥♥


Wow O_O The years passed by pretty fast :O Thanks so much for your great support, especially for all your lovely comments ♥♥♥


Lilith is a lovely suggestion, TBoIsaac is on of my favorite games of all time XD Thanks for your kind words and you great support :)


Omg, thanks so much for your words, Quinten ♥ I'll try my best to come up with good artwork in the future *_*♥


Thanks so much, Arch :D Yeah, I wonder when I switched from the cute to the brutal ladies haha xD


Oh yeah, I remember that Korra artwork :D I'm so grateful that you're still with me, Ted. Your kind words mean a lot to me, thank you so so much for your continious support ♥♥♥


Oh yeah, I saw some fanarts of Artoria, she's cute *_* But first I want to work on the poll ladies :3


Thanks so much, Anty ♥ You're such a kind person, thanks for the great help over the past years, I've asked you for many favours O_O Thanks so much ♥♥♥


Haha, thanks for your funny comment, Chris XD And thanks for all the kind feedback you gave me over the past years, I really appreciate it ♥ ♥ ♥


Thank you Dandon for all the great art !

Zetsubou Billy

Omg congrats dandon!! 🎉🥳💝🎊 I can't believe four long years have come and gone by already lol 😅 Honestly I can't say more than I already have about you and your art before. I'm always so glad to support you and see you grow as an artist and to also be part of this community you've cultivated over the years full of wonderful people. No matter what you're always so positive and grateful for our support, and it shows in each and every post that you don't take any of this for granted. If anyone artist or content creator pours their heart and soul into all that they do on Patreon, it's undoubtedly you :3 As hard as it can be sometimes for me to stick with Patreon some months, I'm always happy to stick around regardless and see where your talents will lead us next. Here's to another 4 awesome years together dandon, we luv ya to bits lol! 😄🥰🤗💖💜💚💙💛

Gomen Son

Thank you so much for this blast from the past. I really appreciate all you've done for this and the art community. Keep being awesome. And keep being you. Love your art. And you're an amazing person. Congrats on 4 years.


Cool drawing of Deku there. Thank you so much for the old batches. Keep up the good work, you really got better over the 4 years.