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The lovely Reika from Gantz

This artwork is part of April Batch 2 :)


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Gantz is awesome, and so is Reika.


IM IN LOVE!! 🥰🥰 This is already one of my favs, i love the cyberpunk setting you have created for this piece. Reika looks absolutely beautiful and you just keep getting better and better Dandon! Prolly wishful thinking but im holding my breath for one of Reika’s lewd variants, where shes holding the straps from her top on the sides of her chest, squeezing them together 🤤🤤🤤!!




She’s really pretty.


Nice job! I dunno what Gantz is but it looks pretty good!

Jill Valentine

Amazing as always Dandon <3

Chris Harris

Made it just in time Dandon! She's beautiful, but I think she forgot the bottom of her suit! XD. I believe this is going to solicit another request for "fluffiness" from Ciarán. 😉 But I guess seeing as I agree I suppose i could simply beat him to it...😏.

Dazaster Dellus

My goodness look at the curves on Reika! Hey Dandonfuga, have you seen the Reika statue coming from Prime 1 Studios. It looks amazing. I had to order it! lol. I really like the pose, the smile and the slight glow from the energy cores. Also, despite Reika and almost everything in Gantz being shrouded in darkness and the color black, in your version you are able to balance a good variety between all those dark colors and give your piece more life. Great work as always!


Never read gantz but she looks sooooo gud


So what tier allows us to skip forward in time to the 5th-9th so we can see their nudie-bits already? I'm thinking it's time to upgrade.


Another anime I started but didn't finish. I've been seeing a lot of artist draw her lately. Maybe It's time to finish it.


You are really making up for the last month, so many gorgeous ladies, and sooo luscious, you want our love forever and you will get it ;-)


All paid and all eager. Ready for that good stuff.


Dammit, yet *another* anime to add to my "must watch" list... =P


Lovely stuff! One your least SFW "SFW" pictures - most of the pics this month have been delightfully risque, actually! Really looking forward to downloading all these! :)


Wohooooo , ive seen Gantz , but right now i reimagine it with ur hot and incredible beautifull char ;p ^^

Ciarán M

Firstly, I'd just like to say in response to your reply on the Okoi painting, thank you very much for your concern, Dandon! Don't worry, there's nothing wrong with me, I just happened to be writing my previous comments either quite late or very early so I was a bit groggy 😹. As for right now, it's late afternoon/early evening and I'm fully awake and ready to tackle this magnificent work that you have provided for us! Goodness gracious, I actually said out loud "Holy crap!" when I saw this Reika painting! 😻😻😻😻😻 I can not have imagined a more stunning or more wondrous way to end this month! And lemme tell you, every painting now in April has been a joy to witness, with this final painting proudly standing among those fantastic works 💙💙💙 As for this painting itself, I adore the colours that we see here with the dark blue tones of the background, punctuated with neon lights providing flashes of warm and light tonal contrasts, while Reika's own warm skin tones really do pop so beautifully against the cool environments. Her pale and bright face is perfectly framed against her black hair and attire, with her own black eyes looking so very striking against her beautiful features. Her pose is just so very alluring too with her stunning face turned our way and deep, dark eyes making contact, while she arches her back, her ample breasts bursting forth, so tantalisingly close to a full reveal with only the thin strips of shining material to cover them. I love that she's holding those strips in place too, combined with how she looks our way, it's a perfect tease! Her tightly toned stomach being pushed out also looks so gorgeous and i adore the rounded contours of her bum protruding out, while we get the asymmetry of her strongly curving back on one side, with the relatively straight contours of her abs on the other. Similarly, her rounded bum on one side with it's convex curve contrasts very nicely with the concave curve between her abs and upper thigh. And of course, her hair is stunning and flows so beautifully, I especially like the many loose strands, particularly those that meander and curl down towards her right breast, while the main body of hair flows behind her back, curling inwards and opposing her own arch. Looking to the rendering and details of this piece, it is just as impressive as one would come to expect! As I said before, the colour contrasts between cool and warm are terrific and so appealing! And in the case of similar tones overlapping, your use of rim-lighting ensures that they remain separate, an excellent example being the blue rim-light that runs down the outer edges of Reika's hair, separating it from the similarly toned background, additionally, the back of her right shoulder/arm has a similar rim-light, making sure it pops out against her hair. I also like that the rim-light on her arm carries on into her forearm, further increasing the contrast already present against her warm skin, that rim-light also accentuates the twist in the muscles of her forearm and looks excellent. The pale blue rim-light that runs down her bum with an adjacent core-shadow contrasts beautifully against her skin tones while also separating the rear planes of her bum from the front planes of her thigh. Feels a little strange to point out most of the major rim-lighting in one big go like this, but jumping back up to Reika's hair! It's all so incredibly well detailed with a nice shine running horizontally along her fringe, as well as with the ripping lights and shadows that runs down the main body of her hair, defining so many strands! The intricacy here is truly staggering and worthy of praise. And as I said before, Reika's face is truly gorgeous and the way you've rendered her features blows my mind! Firstly, I really like the pale light shining on her face from her right, mostly illuminating her front planes with shadows running down her left cheek/chin, with pale blue and white rim-lights making her nose and lips pop, as well as adding extra definition to her chin, while further separating her face from her hair. All of her features pop so strongly thanks to these rim-lights and the way her face is framed against her black hair and clothes is accentuated all the more! And the textures and rendering of her lips is incredible too with their warm pinkish hue, the shadow that wraps under her lower lip as well as with the shine on the other side, making her lips so defined and with a slight juicy texture. Oh god... I've typed so much and I'm only just finishing analysing the face 😅. I can't help it though, she really does look truly beautiful and you deserve recognition for it! Okay, moving on, fortunately for me there's not much clothing to have to describe! 😹😉 Starting off, I really like the shiny texture that you have here, aside from the rim-lighting, it's actually quite a subtle shine but all the same, it really gives a sense of how the material would feel to touch and that is very impressive. I especially like the rippling tones running down her shoulder and along her entire arm with the strong blue-rim light, dark adjacent shadow and a more subtle light that runs through the centre of her upper and forearm. The heavy collection of bunched up folds at her elbow with strongly contrasting light and dark tones as well as deep, hard edges to define it look terrific. And I am so very impressed by the areas of material directly above her nipples and you really captured the sense that she's stretching it as she pulls on them. The bright shine spot where the nipples poke through, the tension in the folds and they run through the length of the material truly is outstanding! Elsewhere on her outfit, I really like the material below her neck that runs over her chest and across her shoulder with the clear use of cast/contact shadows to show how it overlaps the material beneath. The metal textures of the circles looks fantastic with a great sense of shine, while the bright blue glow and how it casts out soft lights all look great. Just to quickly summarise the remainder of her clothing, I love the tight folds in sections of her white panties, as well as how her thigh straps are clearly squeezing those voluptuous forms, while also having their own satisfying shine to the texture. Oh and her hands look fantastic too with the lighting perfectly showing off the plane changes of her fingers. I especially like her right hand with the deep shadows that define her knuckles and the ridges through the back of the hand, as well as the rim-lights that run along her fingers. And there's something cute about her raised pinky finger on her left hand, she holds that the strap the same way I hold my cup when I drink tea 😹. Oh this really is going to be my longest comment, I can tell... Anyway! The lighting and rendering of Reika's breasts are absolutely heavenly. The bright light illuminating them from above, gently blending down into the shadows that wrap around their lower planes looks so smooth and sensual. I also love the slim rim-lights wrapping along the lower contours of her breasts, making them pop out against the cast-shadows beneath them. Oh and I really like how her attire casts a shadow that sinks down between her breasts right at the top, really accentuating their shapes and showing how the material is being lifted above them. Her stomach too looks sublime with the vertical hard-edge at her belly button, with shadow and light on either side of it, showing the separation in the two sides as well as the firmness of her muscle-tone. On her right side, I also love how the shadows blend softly into a lighter tone that then transitions quickly back into shadow with a hard edge, showing further the separation in the muscles... I hope I described that properly because it's something I truly love seeing. And now lastly for her hips and thighs. Well, I already mentioned my adoration for the rim-light/adjacent shadow for her bum, I also love the pale and bright light that runs down the centre of her right thigh with warm shadows on either side of it, really showing it's soft, rounded shape. I'm also very impressed by the dark shadows we see that connect her right thigh to her pelvis, just next to her panties, there's a lot of little plane changes happening there that look so very complex. Her left thigh too is terrific with the light and shadow defining the inner muscles and their connection back up to her pelvis and as with the other thigh, the light running through the centre with shadows on either side looks terrific! Oh god... I think I liked it better when I was tired and writing "short" comments 😹. I'm joking of course! It's a pleasure to examine your beautiful paintings, especially this one! I'm a sucker for warm/cool colour contrasts which this painting excels in, while this may be some of the most beautiful hair that you've ever painted. While the features and lighting involved in her face are utterly mesmerising! 😻😻😻😻😻 Truly spectacular work and I can say happily that this is a masterpiece! 👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏👏 And you know what, i'm just gonna make the request, I know I've done it a bunch now for the April batches but I'm sorry, the desire to see a voluminous black cloud of hair spreading from between her perfectly pale thighs is too strong! Especially since her panties are quite thin at the bottom and tease the pelvis between them and her right thigh, the potential for a version with the panties that also has teasing black strands of hair creeping out is too much for a mere mortal to handle! I do hope that you'll consider it, Dandon and once again, truly masterful work on this glorious painting! 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻😻

King Kirby

Awesome stuff 😀😀


I'm just commenting so people don't have to scroll for 30 days to get past the art review to get to their other content.

Ciarán M

Funnily enough, you're absolutely right! 😹 Alas, my comment was sooooooo long, it just took me ages to actually write it 😅. Suffice to say, there was a lot to say about this masterpiece!

Didi Esmeralda

Woah I love your version of Reika😍😍😍


Absolutely stunning, Dandon! Love how you've rendered her hair with that neon backlighting. Can't wait to see these batches in full! ^^


Holy Sheeet!


I see curves. Many many beautiful curves... :)


Gorgeous, I’d love to see a version where she’s being “scanned” into battle.


I wouldn't recommend the anime--it was done on the cheap and it really shows. Plus, Reika isn't even in the span it covers. The manga's pretty good, if you're okay with characters dying a lot (some of them more than once!) and a main character who intentionally starts off a a bit of a douche before he develops. The more recent CG movie "Gantz 0" could also be a good starting point, since it covers one of the best arcs of the manga.


Really nice! It reveals just enough to make for a great tease, and there's the fun contrast of how her upper chest is covered up to her neck, but the lower curves are on --almost-- full display. :) Tearing my eyes away from Reika herself for a moment, the background and lighting effects are great for setting the mood. Her hair and the suit could have just been a mass of black, but the different textures and reflections for the same colour work really well.


I've only seen the anime and i don't recall her ever being in it. Eventually I'll remember to get around to the Gantz 0 movie and the manga.


Oh she is awesome! Great way to cap off batch 2 cannot wait. :)


Great stuff Dandon, one of my favourite pieces for a while :-) Thank you!


Oh, she's beautiful Dandon. 😁


Wow she is gorgeous. I know what my phone wallpaper is for the next month haha.

Marcus Aurelius

Utterly fantastic, she looks jaw droppingly good. And as a side note, thank you for continually posting characters from things I haven't seen yet/haven't heard of, its a great way to find new content to consume.

Licorice Lain

I wish Sei got more love, but this is fantastic.


Wowwie curves in all the right places :D


I found Sei the most interesting, wish they would have had her around longer.


It is a pity that she isn't painted in the whole outfit*, but in Asian games if heroine has less on the body, she is then the strongest 🤤😊😅🤣 She has been painted very nice. She was shy in the beginning but with your "Divine Hand" Reika is now more bravely 😎 (So brave that she forgot her entire outfit* 😆😉). I love how you are painting latex/leather outfits, these light reflections look amazing. Thanks to you she has very nice big pair of... 😅🤔 yyyy pair of braces 😂 (ufff). Her appearance with that pose are magnificent, I would say that it even inflames the senses. I must admit that Dandon, you painted another masterpiece 😍 Thank you 😉 *I hope you didn't offend. I know that painting the whole outfit + all versions would take a lot of time. These sentences were intended only to introduce cheerful accents (it sounds like some correction in a book XD haha). Have a nice weekend Dandon, you really deserved a good rest 🤗

Christopher Edwards

She looks amazing Dandon! Really good work this month! Sorry I didn't comment on all of them but my schedule has been crazy lately and just couldn't comment right away.


Thanks to you, i saw Gantz:O and it was very impressed me)! And your realization of this character is incredible, very hot, powerful and sexy:)!


Very nicely done, thanks for the amazing artwork!


Wow! Another absolutely stunning artwork!


Will there be Kale and Kefla soon? You do not hate them, I hope? :( Are you a woman or man, Dandon? 😅


I dont know what's about that face feels so different from other your works, but I love it and I want it Right. Flipping. Now. Love it, she is gorgeous.


(u see what I did, changed F word to flipping cause I have a cartoon sharkwhale on avatar pic :D, ok I'll go)


This is extremely gorgeous!


Holy, she's gorgeous, also thigh game on point :P


Super hot. Ironically I couldn't help but think she'd fit in very well with the Kill La Kill series. XD Very erotic and beautiful work Dandon-chan!

Gomen Son

Oooh yes please!!!


G O D the wait is killing me. @___@


How can i see the naked version pls

Peter Chan

I haven't receive the reward...


Hey hey, I'm sorry for the delay, I need a few more hours to get all the stuff done. :3


That's quite alright, Dandon. But I'm excited! This is the best looking batch since I became a patron. ;D


I still do not receive the reward