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Hey :3 I thought it would be fun to stream a bit. My internet sucks and the stream might lag, just saying XD

It would be nice to chat ♥




Yes whitemane <3 Dandon I love you so much :3 You always hear what you fans/community says. And thanks for considering my suggestions. You are the G.O.A.T. :3 when I got home I will join the stream too :)


Whitemane <3


Nooooo! I missed the stream!!! T^T


Would you ever consider drawing haruka or hikage from senran kagura? Both have nice and lewd bodies and personalititties

Ashley Mason

oooh balls. I missed it. Y_Y

Zetsubou Billy

tysm for having us over for such a lovely stream dandon! it was really nice to get together with everyone here and just hang, yakno? seeing how all the magic is done in real time is always a pleasure as well hehe. lookin foward to the next one! ;-) <3


I sent a friend request once I get a PC again I'm gonna start streaming my gaming sessions would be totally stoked to see you pop in once 😊😊


Would love to see you draw Lady from Devil May Cry.


You're a sick fucking animal who's better off sucking dicks for money than drawing fake tits for internet losers to masturbate to you fucking loser.


Anyone who likes you is a fucking liar, just like you.


Kill yourself you overrated attention whore.