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Yay, I was looking forward to draw her again *_*


My lovely patrons will get:

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  💜 step-by-step images
  💜 PSD file
  💜 Wallpaper
  💜 full coloring video process 
  💜 NSFW version (Preview)




wow, your style sure i unique ^^ also wonderfully done!!


Well, I was looking forward for you draw her again, my dudette.

Dazaster Dellus

So awesome! And I like how scary and intimidating she looks.


Now I can say it - I love you 😜😁 you make dreams real. I hoped for her really for a long time, and she is gorgeous.


She looks amazing, huge improvement since the last time.


OMFG <3 I really was looking for her, I'm absolutely speechless... This is hands down one of the best maybe the best lady death I've seen... I would also say this is maybe your best art till today. Damn this and her booty Pic in combination are absolutely outstanding. I really couldn't even imagine how this one turns out. And you can bet that this one will be at my wall ^^ Thank you so much <3 *_*

Christopher Edwards

She looks beautiful! Definitely shows how you've improved.


This makes my Halloween happier. Bring on the sexy spooky ladies 🦇🎃💀.

Ciarán M

Holy crap! I'm afraid that once again I'm not in a position to leave my usual kind of comment and I feel so badly about that because this painting is amazing! The lighting, the colours and contrasts, her face, hair, body and rendering are all absolutely sensational. There's a great sense of atmosphere to this piece and the colours are so vibrant, the blues look great and the Red cape pops so nicely, while her illuminated pale skin glows so beautifully 😍. I am so, so looking forward to seeing the reward files for this piece, brilliant work, Dandon! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜

Ted Brown

Woah! This is fantastic. Love all the details on the materials. And the abs. Definately love the abs. And let's get a hell yeah for the boobies. ;-) The right kind of sexy/spooky for Halloween.


the detail here is amazing, lady death is perfect for halloween. 😍

Bradley Boivin

Well done! Did you see she has a new villain that has a kickstarter on right now, Hellwitch? Maybe you could do her later as a companion piece.


This is amazing. Always fantastic stuff!


Goodness me... you always draw the most amazing curves, Dandon :D Was really nice to have you on stream, btw :)


Love your work. This Lady Death, I think is one of the best you are done.


People wouldn't fear death so much if we imagined it like this... XD


I literally said the words...."OMG Jesuuuuuuuuus." Dandon I can't tell you how much I admire your talent here.


I hope she comes with nice variants 😘


This has to be one of your best 🔥


OMG! Dandon surprised me totally! Now I can see that your absence had a reason in this excellent picture :3 I love your artworks!


Wow! Just started reading comics about her.)


Awesome! Another great rendition of her! I like that scythe!! Also, I'm feeling better :D I need another hangout stream in my life though ;)


Ooo o. 0 She's wonderful <3 Great work on her assets :3 The stream was very nice! Whose next?? Fingers crossed for Enchantress <3 Hope everything is OK, have an awesome weekend! :D


She is sexy af :D Wonderful October themed lady right here. Awesome as always Dandon. :)


Omg this style of yours looks amazing. Hopefully you can match this kind of style with Quiet


Shut up and take my soul!!!


Lady Death is one of my favorites and this is incredible!


Omg omg omg! She. Is. So gorgeous! Once wallpaper is out she’ll be my favorite! Thank you!


Dandon, what about some destiny 2 females art? Like Petra Venj or Amanda Holiday? Is there any chance seeing favorite girls from favorite game by you?



Marcus Aurelius

Fantastic work as always, those thigh-high stockings/boots of leather are just to die for. I love the detailing you did with the opera gloves leather as well, and of course Lady Death's is a sight well worth oblivion to see.


Would like to see your take on meiko shiraki, asagi igawa , tsunade


Unbelievable! All this makes me even more eager to see Kale and Kefla under your art even if I know they are on your list.


Best art of her ive ever seen and ive been collecting art for over 10 years


Wonderful. Great character choice, and you crushed it.


damn very beautiful art of her

Drake Gates

Great job. Also good for Halloween.

Ciarán M

Okay, so I really wasn't satisfied with only being able to write a couple of sentences about this piece, so now I can add something with a bit more substance, such a magnificent, beautiful painting deserves it 😄 So starting off with something I alluded to before, the colours here are simply stunning, the contrasts that you have going on here are so striking with her bright red cape popping against the eerie, ethereal blue glow rising through the background. The blue-tinted rim-lighting all over her body looks amazing as it illuminates her already cool-toned, pale skin, that same rim-lighting also pops so nicely against her dark attire. While the dull gold skulls across her clothes as well as her juicy red lips provide a nice bit of warm contrast across her body. The level of detail and quality of the rendering across this painting are easily among your finest works. Her hair has such intricate detail, the blade of the scythe is fantastic with it's worn, rusting textures and all of the little nicks and breaks in the blade edge. Other details that look great of course include the folds in her clothing which suit this material so well with how tight you've made them look, such as on her right glove as her arm bends, her left fingers, beneath her breasts and where the clips of the two straps across her thighs latch onto her tights and "belt" (I don't know what that thing is called 😅, though I do love how it looks as it wraps over the curving contours of her hips and bum 😍). While the metallic sheen of the brassy skulls looks terrific and further lets them pop against the surrounding dark tones of her clothes. One of my absolute favourite aspects of this painting, tied to the colours, is the incredible and striking lighting. The bright, pale glows that divide her face into two sides, illuminating the top-planes of her breasts as well as her thighs each look so amazing, the contrast with the shadows and how they each work to define her beautiful face as well as the sensational anatomy of her body are breathtaking, made all the better by that bright blue rim-lighting, really accentuating her body, especially her incredibly abs and right side of her hips. Like I said, her face is gorgeous and so well done with that shadow/light divide with the darker tones of her make-up popping so very well, with her luscious red lips being so very appealing 😍😍😍. The shapes of her breasts, defined by that fantastic use of light and shadow, as well as the strips of dark material wrapping over them are just so sexy, especially with how they overlap the strip running underneath them, really making the breasts pop forward. Her abs are utterly to die for, so toned and perfectly painted (that rim light is sooooooo good! 💙💙💙) while her voluptuous curves are just so sensual and appealing! (oh and I forgot to mention, I really like how the little strap running over her right leg bends outward as she steps that leg forward, such a great attention to detail!) Okay, I think that this comment better shows exactly what i think of this painting now 😂. Seriously, brilliant work on this piece, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜, the colours and lighting are so vibrant and striking, the contrasts are incredible, the quality of your work is insane and Lady Death here looks so beautiful and sexy! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍 (You know what would make her even sexier right? A nice, big white bush between those thighs 😉😻😻😻. Would you consider adding that in the rewards? Pretty please? 😄)

Zetsubou Billy

Such a 'death-defying' beauty! :O Everything about her conveys an overwhelming sense of power and allure, not to mention the illusion of movement and life you've been able to give to every piece as of late! It always amazes me to see you come back to previous characters and 'go beyond' even more so! xD Yet another superb work of art, Lady D 😉😘✌❤💙💚💛💜💕


Good lord

Draven Shadow

Just, just........WOW!! O.O!!!!


I bet you could get this or any of your versions of her on the new covers Coffin Comics does with their Kickstarters


Not hyperbole when I say that this is better than Lady Death images in the comics.