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I had this in mind since a long time, it was fun to draw her wearing Asukas plugsuit *_*


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Omggggggggggg I this is 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


I love the combination of signs in the background.


This is an incredible day and you did a tremendous job!! I hope you're having a wonderful week!


Wha?! Speechless. :o

Zetsubou Billy

^^ Oh M Gee indeed!! Lol 😍😍 I guess we finally know what the "D" in D. Va really stands for: "Dem HIPS", yo! Hahaha XD 😘✌❤💜💚💙💛💕


Overwatch and MHA are the characters I can get get tired of you drawing. I love every single one of your pieces involving them. If I may ask for a suggestion, xenoblades 2 just had swimsuit dlc for Pyrah. I would love to see your take on Pyrah in either her normal costume or her swimsuit as a last beach queen. :)


o . O She looks super cute! A hell of an artwork. I knew that i know that suit from somewhere and it suits her well. Will there be a version without Her having that hat ? The oncomming batch is gonna be truely wonderful. Have a great week(end)! :D


i cant wait to see her tummy 😍😍


This is awesome! Great little crossover hehe.


holy smokes this is awesome, and her expression is cute af


Bro I've been asking for Pyra since the dawn of time. xD Here's hoping! lol


Great tech girl combo, and cute as always.


Not that I don't love the extreme highleg, cleavage cutout, and thigh highs (because I do), but will we be also getting a full-coverage plutsuit variant as well?

Ciarán M

Oh I absolutely love this! D.Va looks adorable with that expression and her little kitty-ear hat, while her pose is extra sexy with that outfit, her hips thrust to one side while being completely bare and with the light shining onto the side that she pushes out looks marvellous. Additionally, her hands look terrific with those bent fingers and the way that the material of her gloves creases and folds with the movement, while I really like seeing her activated shoulder and the interaction of the muscles there. The rendering across the piece is gorgeous, her hair is wonderfully intricate, the material of the hat and jacket each look terrific, especially so with the wonderfully rendered lighting and rim-lights. The material of her gloves, bodysuit, boots and especially the orange parts over her breasts have a wonderful shine to them, I especially like the section over her stomach and how the material looks to be clinging tight to her skin to really accentuate her abs beneath. And of course, her anatomy looks fantastic, like I said, i really like her shoulder and raised arm with the subtle changes in tones there, her hips and thighs each look sensational too, I especially love the long divide in light and shadow running down her right hip/thigh. While the colours here look fantastic too, D.Va with the warm tones of her hair and skin, especially her vibrant outfit, really pop against the cool greys as well as the blue of the jacket. And the blue jacket causing a blue bounce light to appear on her left side is a nice touch. The reflective, shining surface over her breasts really does look incredible, I can't even begin to understand how the hell you did that 😂, either way, it looks glorious! Brilliant work, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜, your D.Va here is beautiful, vibrant and oh-so very sexy! (Keeping the comment short... by my standards anyway 😂, just in case my Patreon comments are still messed up)


Just saw it on deviantArt and ran here to post a comment :D This piece is absolutely brilliant. From the way you rendered the materials and the light, to her smirk, I really love it. And that body... Awesome :)


DANDON you can’t sneak up on me with this I almost had a heart attack😍😍😭


D.Va would do and wear something like this.


You can surprise me, almost always;) good job Dandon!


Also echt, ich finds wirklich gemein mich bis zum Schluss des Monats auf toga warten zu lassen :/ :D Jetzt muss ich noch länger warten ^^ bitte beeile dich :P Und zu dem Spruch mein Kumpel steht total auf redheads und von ihm kommt der xD


Holy smokes.. is what I said outloud when I saw this. This is beautiful


HMMMM looks like you made some modifications to the plugsuit!!


i didn't know i wanted this crossover until now, thank you dandon.


To think that this kind of fusions are posible open a whole world of possibilities 😍😍😍😍😍😍


Nerf those hips! Great crossover, probably something D.Va would actually cosplay as.


So defined and so alluring. Love D.Va! Great job!


Very nice. Is there going to be an eyepatch version?

Dan S

Amazing as always! Any chance of a Rei cosplay to finish off the pair?


D.Va is immer ne gute Idee! 💜


Dandon, will you consider another Lara Croft art for September for the new game? 😘


Running out of ways to say you keep outdoing yourself, this is such an awesome idea! I love the graffiti. More cosplays like this would kick ass


I’m in my heaven, alls right with the world.

Marcos C.

I don't know how you keep outdoing yourself!! This is so good!!!


Amazing. Didn't think D.va could get any better

Christopher Edwards

D.Va looks amazing Dandon! This cheered me up after the rough day I had.

Dazaster Dellus

Great crossover creativity! I also really like the "Nerf this" in the BG. I am now picturing a hybrid MEKA /Evangelion unit.

Dennis Denton

Wow.. I’m just... Jew dropping! 😍


Speechless 😍

Ashley Mason

Mhmm. Engage Beast Mode! XD Love the touch of a classic Asuka pose too- tip of the hat as that cheeky challenge to whom wore it better.


Holy light O.O , one of my favorite anime being combined with a lovely Overwatch lady and drawn by Dandon??? HELL YES!!!! The patreon notification mail telling me that you posted a DVA artwork got me super excited already but when the latter popped in front of my eyes I legit couldn’t believe what I was seeing! I wish I could tell that this is my favorite artwork of yours but everything you draw always impresses me and could be my favorite artwork given how stunning all of them are x). But the Evangelion vibes I’m getting from this drawing are killing me x) You are a genius Dandon !!!!! Her eyes filled with hope stare into the distance and perfectly capture the everlasting determination she possesses while her side smile presses this will to fight and thirst for challenge even further to give her such a badass and confident look :o ! Her cap is way too cool as well, the cat ears are so cute and both pachimari and angel pins are just epic, I need these!! The texture of the cap Is perfectly rendered with the various light and shadow effects as well as the different bumps and seams that make it look even more realistic! Two strands of silky light brown hair fall on her cheeks to give her that cute side while the rest flows in the wind most surely caused by DVA’s excitement as she adjusted her cap and removed her jacket, all ready to jump in her EVA…. I mean M.E.K.A ! All this action suits her so well :D ! And speaking of suits eheheh, I didn’t imagine that one day I would have the privilege of witnessing DVA in a plug suit and god does it look stunning on her!! She might already be wearing a skinny suit in game but this isn’t a simple skinny suit, not only is this Asuka’s suit but it also looks wonderful on her! I would love to see her piloting an EVA ahahah, even tho it might be scary the first time (am I right Shinji?) :p Gahhh I’m getting way too much nostalgia by looking at it, you did such an amazing job at recreating all its glory while adding your own twist X_X Her shoulders aren’t covered by the fabric and allow you to have a peek at her trained deltoids and arms while other open areas such as the part on her chest add a teasing element to this angel of beauty! Cropping the sides to fully reveal her hips is one thing I can only thank you for, she has such a gorgeous body and this is an amazing way of highlighting it! The way her suit shrinks until it covers nothing but her crotch is soooo hot!!! The lower part of the suit that covers her legs has a curvy shape that gives it even more of an aerodynamic feeling especially with the black stripes that stand out even more thanks to how you decided to separate the suit in two pieces! It even allows you to gaze at a portion of her bare hips along with her thighs for maximum teasing power! As for the rest of her suit every single detail has been flawlessly drawn and it’s such a pleasure to see it again! The decompressing mechanism on her wrists, the two vent-like structures on the sides, the orange parts on her breasts and the lime green patch on her chest… everything is here and is so faithfully drawn, this suit is looking as amazing as ever! The shading is just impressive too, the folds portray the diver suit-like fabric while her ribcage and her abs being molded by the shiny red textile makes you realize how skintight the suit is! All the gleams in her suit add even more realism to it. All this attention to the detail that you have can be seen even in the background! These familiar white walls and long hallways bring you back straight into NERV’s HQ building… And the tagged NERV logo is so good ahahah, it further confirms that DVA was destined for this matchup ^_^ But there’s something strange… wait a minute…. that sneaky pachimari plush is suspiciously cute, it might actually be an angel o_O……BREACH ALERT!!!!!! *Neon Genesis intro starts playing* I said earlier that I don’t have a favorite artwork of yours and that’s because everyone of them is just a masterpiece to me! But there’s one thing I’m sure of and it’s that YOU are my favorite artist! You’re so passionate when you draw, and it shows in each one of your artwork! You’re so true to the characters you draw while adding your own polished and marvelous artstyle, it never fails to impress me! I couldn’t dream of a better tribute to Neon Genesis Evangelion other than you drawing it, I’m so happy right now :DD This will be an instant wallpaper !!!! I had way too much to say and this might be a bit of a mess but I am absolutely in love with this artwork !!!! She’s absolutely fantastic Dandon, marvelous work X_X!!! You have outdone yourself once again ,thank you so much for spoiling us like this <3 <3


Sexy hat :3


OMG!! This is awesome!!!!!


looking good got an idea of something you could draw. being as RWBY season 6 is starting oct 26 why not do some of the ladies from the show like Weiss Schnee or Blake Belladonna?


They can never nerf her beauty.


Bodysuits are always a win win! Love it!


Great crossover!


Wow, pretty cool drawing Dandon. Now im wondering if i should show this to my friend who loves d.va, he'll loose his head over this!


OH BABY!!!!!


Oh Wow! I got notice of this amazing piece after the 2nd batch was finished. I absolutely love the crossover Dandon. Maybe if this was an OW skin it'd be called "D.Vangelion" lol.


I don't know if the pose makes sense without the hat :3 I'll keep it in mind for the versions though :3 Thank you, Doomy :3


<a href="https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-01/20/16/enhanced/webdr11/anigif_enhanced-28650-1421788361-54.gif?downsize=715:*&amp;output-format=auto&amp;output-quality=auto" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://img.buzzfeed.com/buzzfeed-static/static/2015-01/20/16/enhanced/webdr11/anigif_enhanced-28650-1421788361-54.gif?downsize=715:*&amp;output-format=auto&amp;output-quality=auto</a> XD


Hmm, I'll keep it in mind, it depends on how much time is left when I create the versions :3


Yay, I'm glad you like the suit *_* Thank you so much, makes me think of the time we played OW. It was fun xDD ♥


That's nice to hear, because I drew this one when I was in a bad mood and it also cheered me up :3 ♥ I hope you're doing well :)


*_* <a href="http://i.imgur.com/iP8xF4k.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i.imgur.com/iP8xF4k.gif</a>


Hahaha, it would be hilarious if there was a Pachimari Angel XD Thanks so much for your great comment and your kind words, I'm speechless T_T I hope you'll like the nude versions, hehe :3 Thank you, Tasty ♥


I have to keep up with the series, I just have to watch around 300 episodes XD I'll keep your suggestion in mind :)


Hah, this is both clever and cheeky, the graffiti especially.