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Yay, Lucina ♥ Gimme that popsicle! O_O



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Flare Vortex

Oooooo Lucina :000 She looks amaaziiing!!!


Beautiful, so much blue <3


Any Fire Emblem is welcome in my book! Especially when Lucina's given such 'enhancement'.


I've never been a big fan of Lucina but I think you drew her very well ^^

Ciarán M

Oooh, my Fire Emblem Waifu! 😂😍😍😍💙💙💙 Oh she looks absolutely magnificent! I adore this pose that you've given her, she's so very dynamic looking with the opposing directions of her face and body, as well as the zig-zagging angles of her head, torso and thighs and of course, her long and gorgeously flowing hair. The colours here are beautiful as well, the warm tones of her skin really pop against all of the blue tones, my favourite example being her face surrounded by her blue hair. The rendering is just terrific, her hair is so intricately painted and I really like all of the hard edges that run through it, defining the planes of the many curling and flowing strands. While her skin looks so soft and realistic with just how smooth your blending of tones has become 😄. The definition of her anatomy is excellent, I love how the light shines on her from her left, the way it separates the planes of her ribs/side of her waist, as well as her left thigh looks fantastic and is very striking with just how bright it is. I also love the connection of her left shoulder to her torso, as well as the bending fingers of her right hand. Her bra looks great too with the bright lights shining onto the centre mass of her breasts, with contrasting shadows wrapping underneath. And I left this till last, though did mention it ever so slightly already, her face is just so lovely! Her dark blue eyes are delightful 💙💙, her features rendered perfectly, I especially like the rim light along her nose and the core shadow beneath her chin, while her subtle, confident smile is such a highlight. And as I zoomed in to look at her face, I can't help but really like the skin textures that you paint, smoothly rendered but still with that painterly look upon closer inspection, something that I really appreciate 😄. Absolutely gorgeous work on this one, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜, your Lucina is beautiful and super sexy with such vibrant colours!


I can't wait for all the different varieties that come with these hehe <3

Christopher Edwards

She looks absolutely stunning. The popsicle looks delicious! Her express and body details are nice. I seriously would love to travel and spend a few weeks with you to show me your ways. Lol. Beautiful work!


I’ll give you a popsicle all right....wait didn’t I just make that joke last comment? Lol good stuff as always blah blah NOW LEWD HER 👌🏿


Wow. Lucina looks gorgeous. I’ve had favorites of yours in the past before because of which characters you’ve chosen, but this one might be your best drawn one. Like I’m actually in awe how amazing she looks too.


After the next post I will guess who will be preggo


You are amazing with your style. Your lines are beautiful and your shading is absolutely one of the best. I really hope i can be as good as this one day.


I’m glad for summer!


Not the blue haired beauty i want see. But i can live with that :D To see a juvia art in the future wpuld be great ;) Apropos blue, what about liara t'soni? *_* i know shes on your list ;) Thanks for this awesome month. Cant wait to get my hands on it *_*. And im reeeeeeeeeally looking forward to the next month ^^ *_* <3

Dack Janiels

Amazing work, we need more fire emblem waifus on here :P


Wow very nice drawing Dandonfuga, seems like two days ago you gave us midnight you draw pretty fast but more mimportantly you draw flawlessly. now gimme dat popsicle!


still no best girl Lyndis ;-; Lucina looks great!!


Wait a minute...it's Lucina!!!! Dandon you sneaky you!!! You DO care! You are the best T-T. She came out soooo well rendered :D


*zooms in* *sees the brand of the Exalt in her left eye* *breathes sigh of relief* Lucina!! I LOVE her! I adore her pose, cute bathing suit, and pretty blue hair :D :D :D Also perfect timing as she is being released as legendary hero in Fire Emblem Heroes :)


Personally my waifu from Awakening is Cordelia with Tharja coming in a close second. But I can certainly appreciate the beauty of Lucina in this. She certainly looks like she is enjoying the beach and her popsicle…. oh my..... look at her go with that popsicle... *_*

Ashley Mason

Oh wow! She may not be one to grab the attention on the beach with breasts or swimwear like the equivalent of a nuclear blast, but she certainly does grab my attention with her classic style. Classy and a true beauty. Someone we don't deserve. I admire her. The flower in her hair a real sense of her loveliness and beauty. I love the beachwear she adorns. A touch of modesty in her feels part of her and looks great! Plus I do want that popsicle... Even if it is winter. XD




The sight of her really had my heart pounding! Nice work on drawing her so, so nicely!


Wonderful! Great pose and a super cute character. Wonder what will she do with that popsicle :P ? I think there is need to make more blue haired heroines. Wonder if there will be some final poll at the end of summer/august(?) to pick the beachqueen ? As always can't wait to see next artworks, take care and have a great weekend!

Pervy Sage

Gotta say I've been gone for a while busy month, but damn all these batches look fan-freaking-tastic!!! Especially loving the hype for my hero academia even tho they're sketches they still look pretty damn great that's for sure!! (P.S. the horror manga you mention is pretty damn good it's scary but great at the same time lol XD by the way ever read the manga Dolly Dolly?)

Pervy Sage

Suggestion for the final Beach Queen I would to see your interpretation of Tsunade from Naruto (✪㉨✪)


What an amazing picture! First off, it's Lucina, whom I like very much. Then, I think it's a cool and funny pose at the same time; being in that pose, one would expect her to be wielding a sword or lance , instead of "wielding" a popsicle. Also, I really love her hair; the way each and every lock of hair is well defined, separately from one another, in addition to the shades of blue you used, and how they change, according to the direction of the sunlight. And, once again, this is a picture that I find somehow different from your usual ones, and I just can't pinpoint why. I think it is the colors/coloring technique you used, especially on her skin (which I simply love as well), her bikini top, and (again) her hair. Maybe it's your usual technique improving even more, instead of a different one? Well, at any rate, one just can't deny this truly is an outstandingly beautiful painting. :)


and MHA did it again *_* i really think i got a faible for crazy females ^^ (for example Toga, Harley Quinn etc) but MHA introduced a new crazy lady, Camie, here is the scene ;) (maybe a spoiler, its from the newest episode) <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeF8k2vcsTA" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZeF8k2vcsTA</a> Her design is also nice, got a little black cat/catwoman flavour *_* nyan :D :D :D And here is the direct opposite, Hinata, this shows exactly why i think shes the best mother in all animes (that i watched), she the perfect mother for me, so awesome: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA6-CC_goiU" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IA6-CC_goiU</a> And himawari is sooooooooooooooooooo cute *_*


As a fan of Fire Emblem. This is great to see! Fantastic job Dandon, can't wait to see the final lady of the month. :)


Did you know francis drake from fate? ^^ i think she would also make a good figure in a bikini: 1. <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/5/57/Drake1.png/revision/latest?cb=20151105191741" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/5/57/Drake1.png/revision/latest?cb=20151105191741</a> 2. <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/f/f6/Rider_extra.png/revision/latest?cb=20130830084154" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/f/f6/Rider_extra.png/revision/latest?cb=20130830084154</a> 3. (Alternate costume) <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/0/0d/Drake_Extella.png/revision/latest?cb=20180105071655" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/typemoon/images/0/0d/Drake_Extella.png/revision/latest?cb=20180105071655</a> And i also want You to keep florence nightingle also from fate, in her trick or treatment costume. (I say a pic says more then 1000 words *_*) 1. <a href="https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/0/09/CE0680.png/revision/latest?cb=20171025165414" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/fategrandorder/images/0/09/CE0680.png/revision/latest?cb=20171025165414</a>


Dem hips 😍😍😍

Dazaster Dellus

How did I miss this update?! Mmm! Popsicle!...*Homer drool* OAN, Minamoto no Raikou would be a great beach queen too. As someone else mentioned, Tsunade as well.


Thanks so much, Ciaran O_O I'm glad you like how she turnes out :3 There are so many waifus in Fire Emblem XD I want to draw all of them someday O_O


Oh yeah, it's a bit too hot here lately, I don't like it to stick with my arms on my table xD


Aah, thanks so much *_* Sorry that Toga-chan switched to August, I'll try to make a cute artwork of her :3


Cordelia is also on my list, I really liked her, she was in my team xD Thanks for your comment, Ninja *-*


I'll create a poll for Augusts Beachqueens :) Thanks a lot for your comment :3


Thanks so much for your comment, Solo *_* I don't know Dolly Dolly, but I'll check it out :3


Thank you so much for your kind comment, Harold *_* Yeah, I try to improve my knowledge about anatomy and value, I hope it gets better within the next months :3 I'm glad you like the picture ♥


I loved to read the chapters with Camie :3 It's nice to watch her in color XD I have to watch the latest episodes, missed a few O_O I'm into Mob lately XDDD Thanks for the suggestions *_*