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Hey hey :3

I hope you're all doing well ♥ 

Yesterday my Patreon account was temporarily suspended. This was a small shocker for me. It felt like they kicked me out of class because I was drawing boobies XD

Luckily, the Patreon support is great and they fixed the problem pretty fast. I have no clue which particular picture caused the problem, they didn't tell me. I went through all my posts from 2015 to 2018 and set nearly every picture to "patrons only". 

Thanks for all the lovely messages, it means so much to me ♥

I'll upload the next artwork soon :3




Vincent Valen

Man the heck...so many Patreons I support got held up or suspended for review


There’s much more illicit content floating around here, so weird they’d flag you. Glad everything worked out!


I think this might be a glitch or something cause everyone I back has made an update like this without knowing fully as to why.


Welcome back!


I didn't even know you got suspended, but i'm glad you're back.


Glad to hear that everything is ok. Eh that crazy new Patreon politic....makes me want to vomit... Can't wait the next artwork, I'm sure its gonna be spectacular ! <3

Zetsubou Billy

Whaaaat!!?? 😨😱😭 Oh no thats so scary! Glad to see its been worked out and your account is still safe Dandon! 😊😘💜❤💕


Seriously?! D: !!! I'm glad you got back! It would be a sad day if you got your patreon page down :-( Anyways, would you get some problem if you post boobs for patreons only too? Or Patreon rules are against explicitly public images only?


Yeah this has been happening to a bunch of lewd creators. Patreon trying to appear like it's not a hentai distribution site, so they're making users put their stuff behind patrons (which makes sense). Sorry it happened to you, glad you got it sorted.


You were obviously suspended for creating great artwork. They fell threatened by you talent! :) “Dandon is too good she’s making everybody look bad. Let’s suspend her to scare her a little.”

Ted Brown

It's kind of silly that they don't tell you what image was under contention. Glad it all got worked out.


Wow sorry to hear that Dandon, It kinda sucks that they didn't told you which picture was the problem, but i think it was a wise desicion to put your post behind the patreon wall. I beleive you might be able to put up SFW drawings witouth any problems but the one that are NSFW should clearly be behind the patreon wall.


That’s weird...


"Me Vs. Patreon" when they suspended Dandon's Account! <a href="https://goo.gl/images/TgTkqF" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://goo.gl/images/TgTkqF</a>


Well at least it was a quick problem to deal with anyway, didn't disrupt you too much I imagine?


Seems kind of dumb to suspend the account but not tell you why.how are you supposed to realize the mistake on your end (if there was any) and correct it if they dont inform you


Yeah, they went on a tirade recently. Most times it's making sure you dont have any mature content that is visible by non-patrons on your page or in your banner.


I'm glad to hear everything is okay now ^^ I have to say I was a bit worried you might get banned :/


Not my Precious Dandon D: Glad to see you are back though &lt;3

Didi & Nok' Tus

WOW. They "busted" _you_? We're shocked. And it makes us think that we'll have to be even MORE careful with what we post publicly (and otherwise) on our Patreon. :-(


Glad you can get back to making great art!


Yes, thank you :) I'll be very careful what posts are for public viewing from now on O_O


That shiny red "suspended" note on my page was really a bit scary tbh X°D Thank you, Billy :)

Marcos C.

Bummer that you got suspended but it good to hear that everything got fixed quickly. It’s good to have you back!


AfaIk it's okay as long as it's not public. From now on I'll post most of my stuff for "patrons only", just to be on the safe side :)


:O Who do I need to fight???


Yes, I'll post all the stuff that's meant to be sexy for "patrons only" in the future. :)


No, not really. I was a bit worried, but I know that the Patreon support cares very well about their creators, they have always helped me when I needed a helping hand :) So I was sure that this problem can be solved :3


I just checked everything, now I can be sure that there is nothing that could offend sensitive people :3


Yes, thanks for your comment :)


Yes, I'll take extra care of the sexier stuff from now on, even it's not very explicit :)


That is odd, and very out of the blue. Hopefully whatever it was shouldn't be a problem again now that you've taken steps to sort it out.


Yesyes, make sure to post sexy stuff only visible for your patrons, even it's not including nude or explicit stuff.


Yes, I think this won't happen again, I'll be super careful with future posts :)


This keeps happening with Patreon artists. It's just boobs? Who hates boobs?! Who?!


there is plenty people in world who whine over very small stuff. my friend on facebook got suspended very often because of those pathetic people. pretty obviously you have some of those people now.

Chuck Moore

Today Soon or this week soon?


plenty of them. mostly ladies who dont want their sons to see this stuff. so they start some crap group and making government doing something to stop kids to see this but also stop us adult to enjoy what adult enjoy. but what those ladies didnt know is. IT IS PARENT'S JOB, NOT GOVERNMENT


:O wth happened there? I hope Patreon is not tightening the thumbscrews on sexy stuff again. They already became alot more puritan and hypocritical then they used to be. Let's be honest here... Art without nudity and sexual taboos? Might as well scrap whole museums then. xD Anyways, good to know you are back! Keep going strong.


Glad you're back! It sucks that you were suspended


That is bummer about being suspended, glad that you back though. :)


It seems to be going around. They are being really free with the ban hammer recently. Glad you got it all worked out.


That's distressing, but I'm pleased you got it worked out.


I was really worried about what had happened. I was tempted the message you to see what was happening but thought you were probably already dealing with a lot of stress just trying to get your account back. I'm glad everything turned out okay.


Glad everything is ok!

Didi & Nok' Tus

Dammit. They've got US now, too! :-(

Ashley Mason

Tsk tsk!! Gotta share them tiddy pics on the quiet. XD Glad you got it back. More tiddy pics... On the quiet. :3


Yesterday, I logged in to Patreon, just like I always do, and didn't see any of your posts. When I went to your page, and saw that it was unavailable due to something having to do with the Patreon guidelines, I was hoping that you weren't getting kicked out, or something. Gladly, that wasn't the case, as I can see now, and it was just a pesky suspension instead. That's a relief. And, now that you mention it, another creator I'm subscribed to suddenly decided to make his preview posts private and/or censor them; probably they spooked him, too. But, anyway, now that you've decided to set most of your posts to "patrons only", there shouldn't be any more issues. Simply be careful about this kind of stuff and you'll be alright. Speaking of which, I should be careful, too, about my comments; gotta stay on Big Brother's good side, you know! XD

Just Passin By

Glad your account is back! Incredibly ridiculous the way Patreon has been treating adult content creators. The same thing has happened to more than 50% of the creators I support between last month and this month. I was hoping they wouldn't get you since you normally always censor. I'm really glad you are back Dandon!! Keep fighting the good fight! #Freethenipple 😎


Facebook, they delete nearly every picture I upload. I mean, what's wrong about the Jaina artwork, she's very dressed XD


Haha, you're right. You find so many nudes in museums XD It's always such a nice place to visit *_* XD


Haha :D Thanks, JPB! I hope the other creators are also back with their Patreon pages O_O


my friend sano-br is still having issues with his page. he sent a message to customer support but they haven't gotten back to him yet. ;( glad to hear that yours has been fixed for now.