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Hello :)

All April batches have been sent out! Yay! :3

(There was only one batch in April, May is going to have two batches ♥)

Please check your messages! 📩 

Also make sure to have enough memory space ( $4 batch = 250MB, $5 batch =1 GB and $10 batch =3GB)

(To unzip the files please use a freeware software like 7Zip or Winrar.)

If you haven't received a message, please drop a comment or write me a short message :)

Thanks so much for the great support! 💜


I picked some ladies from your suggestions for May *_*

~dandon ♥




Thanks for being awesome, Dandon :) Excellent job on this month's stuff! Excited to see which suggestions you picked for May :P


I'm looking forward to your suggestions too! :D

Ciarán M

My word, Dandon, this batch is nothing short of glorious! 😍😍😍😍😍 The variants for all 3 ladies this month are amazing, I'll say it here at the start since it applies to all of them, the pubic hair versions are magnificent, so very, very fluffy 😹😻, especially A2. So many of the variants have such sexy combinations for their outfits, one that I ended up really liking is for Mt. Lady where her white bodysuit is removed but the purple parts of her clothes are still there, something so very sensual about those ones 😍. Her stomach is absolutely gorgeous and you did an amazing job with the natural shapes of her breasts. A2 is just stunning, like with Mt. Lady, I found myself really liking some of the not-fully nude versions where only some clothes are taken away. The version where it's just her shorts/panties taken away is extra appealing with her hips left uncovered. That's not to say that I don't appreciate the full nude versions of course 😉, as I would now come to expect, A2's stomach is incredible! 😍 And with how the lighting works here, the cast shadows that separate her breasts look great, really lets them pop. And of course there's Domino, I was blown away by the full pinup and the many variants continue that. I had presumed that her grey skin would mean that the rendering of her features would look particularly good and as always, you don't disappoint 😄, you've done a brilliant job on the painting of her body. And I love how even in the most unclothed versions, you've left her sleeves on, the way the open collar frames her breasts as they burst forth was too good of a feature not to include 😸. The pierced versions were a very pleasant surprise and my goodness, her black "fluff" really does look particularly good with her lightly coloured skin. Magnificent work as always, Dandon 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜. Choosing what wallpapers to use from these wonderful works of art will be difficult.


Thanks so much for all the effort you put into this lovely lewd art. You're the best :)

Dazaster Dellus

Thanks for all the hard work. Looking forward to this Month's works. Hopefully looking at your work will give me the drive to finish the 7 works I am currently engaged with. Great Job!

Chuck Moore

A bit disappointed we didn’t see a pregnant Domino, but this set was great and I am looking forward to May.


awe! what anime is that from?


Awesome as always! We'll have even more fun next month!!


your art is amazing, looking foward the next month


Stunning work as always Dandon-chan. I just recently went to a convention and they had a ton more artists with there artwork on wall posters for purchase. I wish there could be a booth for your SFW versions as I'm sure you would make a killing wither everyone buying your works! $$$$$$$$$ I would even be willing to man the booth for you. ^_^ Just wish everyone in my area could see how awesome you are.


Both Awesome and stunning work! Thanks a lot! <3 Check the message if possible :3

Pervy Sage

I can't wait to check them out it felt like forever ever since I laid eyes of your work of A2! Super stoked to see what you have in store for us in May!!


I didn't got mine :o


Nvm I haven't pledged 😭😂


Wow, beautiful art this month thank you <3, I think domino is my favourite, the way you painted her abs looks amazing and pierced nips are always nice to see :).


Might be because I pledged in late, but I didn't get mine :P

Ashley Mason

Thank you for a great month of art. Even though they may be only three lovely ladies, they are all the more deserving and desirable. A trio of the best, plus the megauberawesomeamazing bonus Froppy. :3

Scott milich

While I love the art for Domino....she actually doesn't have piercings and it would be awesome to have a wallpaper without any!!


Wow, thanks so much, Ciaran *_* I had lots of fun with the version, especially with the piercings :P ♥


Oh wow, 7 works at the same time? O_O That's a lot, good luck with working on them :3


I don't do preggo versions for all ladies in a batch, sorry :3 Thanks for your comment :)


Aww, that would be fun xD Though I like to visit cons just as a visitor, because I love to fangirl around all the awesome stuff there xDDD


Yes!! I'll answer your message soon, I'm a bit behind with messages, sorry T^T Thank you :3


Downloading now! thanks a lot!


It took me a while but I decided to become a patron. Your art (and the quality) is really outstanding and I hope to enjoy the art for a long time!! Thanks for everything.


Just signed up for the Violet Loot Chest! Was wondering how I can get the 15% Gumroad code :)


Hello James, thanks a lot for your kind words and support, it means a lot to me :) I hope you'll like the future stuff :D


I'm so honored that you liked my suggestion about adding a pierced clit to Domino, but you went one step beyond and gave her a whole set of different piercings! Tongue, nipple, belly button and clit all together! Your too good to us, Dandon.


Thanks for putting all the pierced stuff in a folder. I have a bit of a phobia about stuff like that, so not having to see it is great for me.


could be because i pledged late but i didnt get anything


Sometimes I can't control myself xDD Thanks for your feedback, I'm glad you like how the versions came out *_*


It´ s a very satisfying series, nice idea with the piercings, I like how you grow in your technique and change with time, that ´s what differentiates you from the grey mass of most artists. Gute Arbeit, weiter so ;-)


...And with Pregnant versions too <3

Rouge Rogue

Where is this GIF from? It looks familiar but I can't put a name to it.


so happy to get this bushy batch :O it was exactly what i wanted ! thank you so much


Hi i think i missed out on the batches because of a later payment


OOF now that's one stunning Batch X_X The pregnant versions are as sexy as always :3 And wow, these are some lovely clouds you gave to Domino and A2, our prayers have been answered :DD !! Speaking of Domino, she's the wallpaper I always wanted to have, way too beautiful *_* !!! Hope you will find some time to get some good rest =w= Thank you so much for yet another amazing month, really looking forward to see what beautiful ladies May will bring us :D


Great batch this month just relised that the preggo versions breasts are a bit bigger. But I did not notice till I compered them to the normal version side by side nice little detail. I don’t mean to sound nit picky but could you make them a bit bigger like Lust ones she got a huge increase so it’s more noticeable or change the nipple colour. Thanks for the great batch. do i need Glasses?

Akuma Matata

I have not got my batch. Sorry for complaining.


Great stuff this month! First off, all the girls in this batch are completely stunning, and all of their variations were fantastic. What you did with Domino's piercing variants was very fun, as I would imagine her, in the comics, to have (at least) one of those down there. ;D Also, the pregnant variants were, as always, superb. Besides, I noticed that the non-preggo variants of A2 and Mt. Lady had "milky" versions, which I found very delightful. There might have been only one batch this month, but it was an amazing one! Thanks for it!


Uuuh, thank you, Tasty *___* Your comment made me happy, I'm glad you liked the pics that much ♥ Thank you T^T


K-on ! (didn't remember this cute scenes) ♪ Impatiente to see what character you'r gonna magnify next =D