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Domino - suggested by Edward Christensen, C-Kay,  Courtney Crawford, Dan and Billy.

I had lots of fun painting her, love her pale skin and catsuit *_* 


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Domino! 😍😍😍 One of my favorite mutants.


Awesome 😍




Ah, very nice! Ultra badass X-Force Domino! Of course she's a badass in any outfit she's wearing, but in X-Force she was ULTRA badass. 😁


Love it! I’ve been hoping to see your take on Domino for quite some time!


Hoo boy, those abs!


Just in time for DP2! OH DOMINO!


Those boobs. 😍


👌🏿 Amazing as always, but that should go without say :P Now if only my inbox wasn't being neglected and was shown some love from you Dandon~


Those proportions are on fuckin point. Amazing work. 👌


I lover her dandon 😛


Like always, your art is fantastic. And just in time for Deadpool as well.


Oh wow...that bust... <3

Ciarán M

Good god! 😍😍😍😍😍 I had only ever seen one or two pictures of this character before so I knew generally what she looks like, but I was not expecting something so raw and sexy as this! 😻😻😻😻😻 I am in absolute love with this, starting off, I really dig the sharp colours here, the contrasts between greys/whites with blacks present throughout looks fantastic, her skin against her hair and suit, as well as even within her suit itself, with the black material against the bright shining lights within it. I love her bright, vibrant blue eyes too, each standing out so nicely against the black spot around her left eye as well as the strands of hair framing her right. While the red background adds to the stark style of this piece, I also like the six dots in the background, adding to the domino motif. The character herself is presented in a perfectly sexy and badass way. I adore her hairstyle with those strands of her fringe breaking off and falling across her eye. Her pose and outfit combine into a magnificently sexy display. Her pose itself is great with the opposing angles her shoulders and hips as well as the way her head, torso and thighs all lean in opposing directions, giving her this dynamic feel. While the sexy aspect comes with her hips thrust out to one side, thighs parting below, with her ample breasts bursting forth from her open bodysuit, while her toned abs too are framed by the shining material. The colours amplify her allure with the pale greys of her chest, cleavage, abs and inner thighs being distinct against the surrounding blacks and drawing the eye there. And the rendering here is spectacular, even by your already incredibly high standards, Dandon 😄. Her hair is gorgeously detailed with that subtle shine running through it, while I really like the bright rim lighting along the top, causing it to pop further from the red background. Her outfit looks sensational, so beautifully detailed and textured, the strong contrast between the black material and bright shine is great and is so striking to look at. The gun itself looks fantastic too, as do her fingers as they wrap around it. And I really like her utility belt with the shapes of the pouches looking marvellous. And then there's the forms of her face and body... just... WOW! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 Her face looks beautiful, I love her dark lips with their subtle shine, her chest looks fantastic with the brighter tones of her breasts popping out against her darker chest and the blacks of her bra. Her abs are supremely sexy and gorgeously painted, as are the hints of her thigh muscles beneath. She most definitely inspires a PHWOOOOOAAAAARRRRR!!! 😍😍😍😍😍💜💜💜💜💜😻😻😻😻😻 Absolutely astounding work on this painting, Dandon! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 This is easily one of my favourite paintings of yours, I absolutely can not wait to see the full sized version of this piece and the variants that you create for her, your Domino is perfectly painted and sexy beyond my ability to describe 😄 (I won't lie, I sure do hope that her pubic hair versions are particularly... fluffy, if you know what I mean 😉😂)


A very well made artwork Dandon! Love the way You've drawn her <3 kinda reminds me of that x23 wallpaper You've made sometime ago. As always cant wait the final version and now relax and rest. Have a great weekend!


Really nice artwork, and sexy as always.


Just one suggestion, if you want. Can you draw Amanda O'Neill from Little Witch Academia in a future? Thanks.


That is freaking incredible. Amazing work! Love seeing Domino like this


Anyone mind telling me where she’s from?


Well done, she was high on our list, I love sharp power girls.

Ratchet Shaman

oh my god. just....gaaawd.

Christopher Edwards

She looks lovely Dandon! The detail of the latex would have broken me. O_O


She's a great character, awesome choice!


Just Wouah


Epic. Simply epic. *applauses*

Zetsubou Billy

OMGLOB!! She's incredible Dandon! 😘😍💕💜❤💙 How on earth the Barf from Spaceballs version is in the DP movie instead of this one, I'll never know. I suppose she's just too hot to be in any Marvel movie; thats most certainly the case for your take on her haha XDD Also the subtle background design and gunsmoke are such perfect touches. Way to go D! 😁👌❤


Holy Pale Skin, Batman! Only one batch but what a batch!!

Ted Brown

Oh. I forgot to vote. It doesn't matter, Dominio is better than what I'd have come up with. ;-) I love all the textures in this. Also, abs. ;-) This is just wonderful.

Pervy Sage

I dunno who she is but thumbs up to the people who suggested her and congrats to you ❤️Dandon❤️ The details on this piece are simply phenomenal!!!


This is really wonderful!! I hope you're having a great weekend!!

Pervy Sage

(P.S. Dunno if you noticed the attention but there's gonna be a remaster of Spyro the dragon dunno if you ever played the games but if you haven't it's a must believe me you won't regret it!!!)


Another great picture. I have praised you so many times that I have no words left :)


Domino is such a hotty, I wish they had gonne with this design for her character in Deadpool 2. Oh well, at least we have you to do her justice. Also, I hope you don't mind hearing another suggestion, but theres something that I always wanted to see in one of your ladies and that I think it fits Domino's naughty design perfectly: a pierced clit. You have already done pierced nipples in the past, so how about going one step above (or below depending on how you see it)? Either way, can't wait for the full version.


This is X-ceptional work dandon.


certainly better than any time Rob Liefeld drew her


My goodness.


Damn, can't believe I forgot about my lovely Domino, uggghhhhh. As expected, you sure delivered. Absolutely stunning.

Abalone Malone

Hi Dandon! Love it as usual! I had a suggestion on a previous post to please list the series or game or whatever it is the character is from. I'm guessing this is an x-men but just putting something in the title would be nice :)


I LUV YOU DANDON! this should be a variant cover for the new Domino comics! SUBMIT IT TO MARVEL!!

Marcus Aurelius

She looks fantastic. Everything from the sheen on the leather to how it hugs her curves is great. And holding a smoking gun is utterly appropriate for such a smoking hot character.


A latex outfit is all that is needed to be a super hero, at least a sexy one.


Those latex outfits are just the best, a must for a super hero <3


I'm not usually a fan of pale skinned girls but damn girl!


Now THIS is the Domino I can get behind and love! While I understand "artistic freedom", I am still not excited about how they are portraying her in the upcoming Deadpool sequel. With an afro no less!!! Maybe if Deadpool breaks the 4th wall and makes a crack about the movie not being able to afford hours of make-up preparation for light grey body paint, it may lessen the disappointment. Disappointment that we could have had a real badass portrayal faithful to the character in the movies. Ah well! Please forgive my rant. I love the work nonetheless as it captures the beauty and dangerous allure that is Domino! Thank you for always thrilling us with these Dandon-chan. :3


HOLY SHIT, what a PERFECT timing, Domino just come back this month with her own new series. <a href="http://marvel.com/comics/issue/66683/domino_2018_1" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://marvel.com/comics/issue/66683/domino_2018_1</a>


Thanks for taking my suggestion! She is hot af.


Dandon You are my favorite artist ever . I love every character you create even if I don't know this character . I'm forced to love it because of your amazing work. You are truly amazing . Can you please do more for 2B from Nier Automata ?

Chuck Moore

Please tell me the sets come out tomorrow.


And I can breathe a sigh of relief as it is classic Domino and not the DP2 version.

Ashley Mason

She has such style. A beautiful balance between the flesh and shiny latex. The texture of her catsuit, and the supple smooth moonlight skin. Her chest lifted nicely in her catsuit, with such lighting and rendering to give them a fuller shape and deep cleavage the likes that is must be seen to be believed (and those equally sexy clavicles.) And a hers is a face of a sexy vixen, setting the tone of her attitude with aplomb. :3


Sexy pale skin, beautiful face, and a killer body. What's not to like?


This body suit and these thighs, Amazing piece ! ♥


Its realy looking amazing, very beautiful and btw she is my most favorite comic caracter &lt;3 great job


You totally impressed me. Beautiful girls with guns are an absolute turn on for me, and I can’t be any more happier seeing this.


My god your suggestions are always godly, gotta love some fluffiness on domino. I can only second that X_X !!


Damn, you outdid yourself this time! Think I found my new phone wallpaper. 😍👍

Robert Lopez

Amazing work. 😍


Whoa Dandon !! You always make me discover new characters and in the best way possible X_X !! From what I saw there are two versions of her and I really dig the short haired one, glad this is the one you chose! I could gaze into the midnight blue of her hair for ages, that color looks wonderful! And the way you painted it is on the same level, brighter tones circle her hair like a crown and add some volume to it while the gleams at the back of her head polish its contours. I love the sharp strands that pop up all around her hair, they give it a more messy and dynamic touch that fit the scene that you painted amazingly well! It really feels like she just shot someone with that smoking gun she’s so gently holding :D Her blue eyes blend really well with the paleness of her skin but stand out at the same time because of how cold and bright they are. These intense gems are soothed by her gentle look but at the same time, her frowned eyebrows add a really passionate feeling to it! The same thing can be felt with her smile, that lustrous black lipstick on her full black lips is already a killer in itself but the way she slightly opens her mouth and shows her teeth is so good! Feels like she is enjoying the moment in such a sensual way OOF X_X ! And the black patch around her left eye adds even more to the badass aura, reminds me of Moira (also badass hehehe)! You can feel the danger that emanates from her and it is exactly why she’s absolutely charming! This shouldn’t surprise me anymore and yet it always does, your faces are way too wonderful =w= Hmmm I see that she wears a suit, so it shouldn’t be a problem for me to look at it without… !!!!!!! *proceeds to fall on the ground in a pond of blood* Phew!!! If there’s a thing even hotter than a catsuit it is an unzipped catsuit for sure x), the latex does an amazing job at conveying the overall raw sexiness of her body! It almost feels like it’s part of it with the way it shapes her strong shoulders and biceps! I really like how her bra is directly connected to her catsuit as well! With A2 we got to imagine how wonderful her breasts are thanks to the skin-tight top but here we even get to see a part of the treasure it hides, and boy is it precious!! Their weight is really well represented, just like two water balloons that fall on her chest (read it in a reference I found and thought it was such a cute comparison =w= ) . And these balloons sure are filled with lots of……. Hopes and dreams :DD The shading here is impressive, it shapes them really well especially the strong shadow between her breasts, I gotta admit that I cannot wait to see the other versions! I don’t know if you’ve planned to do a lactation version but it would be sexy as hell for sure with such a generous chest X_X And I think that your Brigitte artwork made me fall in love with strong abs because what i'm looking at right now is pure gold ahahah!! I love how muscular you drew them, I’m sure that her side abs look amazing too with how stretched the fabric around them is! Can’t wait to confirm it with the other versions (¬‿¬) …. The closer we get to the bottom, the hotter it gets! The zip lock is the very last piece that holds this bomb of sexiness together. You can feel how stretched the whole area around it is from all the folds that converge to the zip, and the camel toe is only here to reinforce that feeling with an more teasing touch :3 And god the way her outfit is cut on her legs to reveal a part of her bare thighs is divine! The parts where the thigh fat is subtly pushed In by the latex and the belt of the pouch attached to her leg is where the nosebleed really starts! And thanks to the pose you gave her, a part of her left cheek is visible too, tease after tease she makes the temperature rise just to the right level (so we do not die of blood loss yet ahahah) X_x Last but not least, you have really outdone yourself on the details! Painting a latex suit and make it look so realistic is impressive! Its shiny and skinny aspect is perfectly rendered. There are so many different types of gleams and folds on its surface that you can feel the stretch on every spot! Yet there’s still a comic-like touch to the suit that I’m even more a fan of :D The X emblem belt that carries all her equipment pouches is so cool too! From the leather of her belt to the metal of her gun, every element has its own texture perfectly painted and results in one hell of an artwork! The sanguine domino background adds such a heavy atmosphere to the scene and suits this shooting scene perfectly! A violent combination such as black and red is exactly what Domino needed to depict how amazing she is :D ! This artwork would make such a perfect Comic cover ^_^ !! I was already excited for the end of the month to arrive but now I just can wait no longer!!! You always capture the thing that makes each character so unique compared to another and represent it amazingly well in every artworks you draw! Striking work Dandon, she’s badass and beautiful at the same time…. It’s the best kind X_X !!! Ich bin sehr froh, dass du hast Spaß gehabt, wenn du hast dieses Meisterwerk gezeichnet! Weil auf unserer Seite, es ist ein Vergnügen dein Kunstwerk zu sehen! (Zuerst probiere ich ein bisschen auf Deutsch zu schreiben und dann wenn es leichter für mich ist, werde ich ein ganze Kommentar auf Deutsch dir schreiben :3 ) . Machs gut Dandon &lt;3


Domino is a Marvel character I've always really liked, not only because of her coolness and good looks, but also because of her mutant powers (having a superpower that basically grants you good luck? Imagine that!). I think that her costume in the comics is really cool, too, but I sure won't complain that you painted it somewhat skimpier! I simply love this picture, mainly since it seems like an actual comic book cover; I mean, she's even holding a smoking gun (because you just can't have a Domino pinup without one of those XD). I particularly like her facial expression, the texture of her black leather suit, her breast size and, of course, her abs. Really nice painting!


Hello, Dandon sent you a message for your Facebook page, I'm interested in request and you answer me in Patreon, please, thank you.


Gosh I wish you would do X23 as well...


Amazingly Sexy, my favorite (for now).


Effing Fantaastic!!!!


Oh my! I'm glad to see Domino! You did an outstanding job drawing her. Fantastic Dandon. :D


Hey Dandon, I was wondering, do you still plan on doing a Winry Rockbell artwork in the future? I was just looking back at some of your polls and noticed that she was fourth place in the last September 2017 poll, but you still haven't done an artwork for her. Just a heads up in case you forgot about her or something, because maybe some people were looking forward for that character. Thanks.


Thank you, Jedi :3 Amanda is amazing, she's one of my favorite girls in LWA *_*


Heeey :3 Thanks a lot, I'm glad you like how she turned out :3 I really liked your suggestion, so I added a version were she has piercings ♥ :) I love piercings XD


I would love to go for another 2B in the future, swimsuit or lingerie version *_* Thank you, mab :3


no, but today :3 I'm finished with the upload and will share them this evening :3


Yes, I also prefer the short hair version of Domino, there are not many short hair super heroins :3 Thanks a lot for your awesome comment, I'm glad you like the abs :D And your german is quiet good! Vielen Dank für deinen Kommentar *_* XD


Oh yes, I'll draw her this month :3 Sorry it took so long, I'll try to create a nice artwork of her :3