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Rias - suggested by Dan Marks, Anthony Guerrero, Jonathan Howe, Lachdanan, Travis Iombardo and Gamerrck2. 

She seemed to be popular so I decided to give her a try :)


My lovely patrons will get:

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  💜 step-by-step images
  💜 PSD file
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  💜 full coloring video process 
  💜 NSFW version (Preview)




Excellent start! ❤️


Oh boy!!


Oh sweet mercy


Give her a try? Pretty sure this was a massive success!


Thanks for drawing bae!


She’s beautiful! I hope you’ll make jean grey this month ^^


Dandon! Just an amazing job! One of my favorite anime characters!


Woooaaahhh!! Made ma' knees weak! <3 Awesome start to January, Dandon! Great job! :3


Sexy redhead! What's she from?


Make it is series. Asia, Akeno, Sona, Ravel... So many lovely targets.


Mother of God.


Wow she looks great Dandonfuga, glad to see a highschool DXD character. To resume the series in 4 words it would be : PLOT with actual PLOT!


I love red heads <3 *_* thats why my oc is one too ^^ *_* damn i know you can draw sexy ladys but damn... <3 :3 I dont know what to say... outstanding. And there is not more room for sfw till its nsfw :P ps: i sent you another note, in case you didnt noticed :)


Jeeez. Really captured the essence of Rias from the anime. Can just imagine Issei's face now, haha. Awesome work!


Omg I never knew this was going to happen. One of my favorite character, you made her look absolutely amazing!


Hell yeaaaaaa!


Love me some redheads, she looks stunning!

Christopher Edwards

Wow! She looks incredible Dandon! The coloring and shading are really good. Really love the expression on her face. ❤ I hope to start practicing with that site you suggested soon.

Marcus Aurelius

You absolute bastard, this is beyond perfect. Everything from curves to colour to shadows is spot on. The new year is off to a rocketing start.


Nice work as always Dandon!


I love me some Rias 😍😍 and nsfw images will be delicious!


Fantastic as always! Her face looks stunning!


If I could I would give you 1,000 hearts. It looks amazing I love it


She looks great!


Rias-sama!!! she looks amazing!!! saying you did amazing work on her Dandon would be a understatement~ i'd kiss your feet right now thats how happy my eyes are~ XD makes me almost curious how the rest of the girls would turn out... but that can be saved for a another time I think the world would explode with that level of greatness XD


This is so spectacular!! She's really incredible!!! You did amazing work!!


Wooo my suggestion! She is amazing looking!!!!!!


would it possible to add a futa version? i'd die happy x.X


This is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen... My life is complete...


I have a weakness for redheads. 😍


Where is dat contract!? Where is it?! I am signing that damn thing as soon as I find it. This redhead devil girl is without a doubt THE Queen Succubus!!!!! And I am all in! Move over Issei and go "boost" yourself somewhere else, I'll be more than happy to treat this lady with the love and respect she deserve! Dandon, you are the master of redheads as they all come to glorious being under your skillful hand. Never stop being so amazing. I have to start thinking of other amazing redheads you could do. Maybe Jessica Rabbit, Demona from Gargoyles, Jean Grey as Dark Phoenix, Miss Fortune and Katarina from League of Legends... so many wonderful choices out there! Gingers rule! Looking forward to what other wonderful surprises come this month. &lt;3 P.S. Again... GAWD DAYUM!!!! <a href="https://media.giphy.com/media/N3ec8SuETcEAo/giphy.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://media.giphy.com/media/N3ec8SuETcEAo/giphy.gif</a>


Oo la la hello there ♥.♥


I have no idea who this is, but good suggestion by everyone who did! I really like her color scheme and the way it contrasts with her outfit, well what's actually there. Like, seriously, is that a shirt or a towel she tried to knot up??? As always you gave her some gorgeous eyes that pair with her very sultry look. Amazing job as always Dandon and a great way to start the new year!!! :D P.S. Referring to it being 3 years from my last post, it's been a great ride the whole time and you've done nothing but improve!!! Can't wait to see what you do next, and to shill my next Fire Emblem character ;)


You target "every new year has to be even better" is reached :-) this looks bombastic. BTW have you ever tried Black Lady from Sailor Moon? Would be nice to have something dark and demonic.


My favorite King! You honestly could not have chosen a better character, she is definitely the best!


What a way to begin this year !!!!

David Rudisill

Holy shitballs! I haven't watched too much of the series, but Rias is smoking hot! So are Akeno and Xenovia. Excellent work, Dandonfuga!

Ciarán M

Oh my sweet merciful goodness, Dandon! 😍😍😍😍😍 What a way to start the year! The sheer level of sexy on display here is just top notch 💜💜💜. I just love her pose with her arm raised on one side while clearly running through her hair on the other, lower however for some nice asymmetry. That smile is gorgeous while her blue eyes are so distinct 💙💙, her hair is utterly fantastic, beautifully detailed and rendered as always while flowing dynamically on either side. I also like her hair curls inward on each side at the bottom, like it’s framing her curves. The way her body sensually curves between her shoulders and voluptuous hips, while that rounded shape is accentuated by her thighs crossing over all create such an alluring display. I love the tease of her ample breasts with that small “bra” barely hiding them, rising a little as her nipples protrude forth, causing the fabric to cast little shadows onto her breasts. The way the fabric wraps around the forms of her breasts and lifts off from them, as if a small breeze could reveal her breasts is just too sexy of a tease 😅😻😻😻, while the material with the folds spreading from that centre knot are so well painted. The bright lights that shine on her ribs and top of her stomach as well as her curvaceous hips and thigh do a great job of further defining these appealing features. She is most definitely inspiring a “Phwoooaaarrrr! 😻😻😻😻😻”, especially so with that NSFW preview, the strands of hair running towards the edge of her nipples is just too much 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻. Brilliant work, Dandon! 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 I can’t imagine a better start to another year of your amazing pinups 😄


Dear God above, that's simply amazing! Thanks drawing her 😀


Oh-la-la, she’s so hot. Great job on this.


Hey is it me or does her left deltoid appear too thick? Or could it be the left bicep? :P


Rias Gremory! :D I like your own take on her very much. :D January is shaping up nicely. :D keep up the wonderful artworks. :)

Ashley Mason

Don't mind me as take a closer look. I am just trying to see the superb quality of her top. So finely painted. And looks so soft. *Imagines laying cheek against the soft material* So soft, and squishy.

Gomen Son

I have this exact figure at home. Lol. Rias is bae for life. Seriously. LOVE HER. So glad you chose to do her.


Rias *sigh* Probably one of the reference in the anime world. You did a wonderful job on her.


*sweats* D:


She looks better in your drawing than she does in the anime, if I feel so daring as to say.


Odd request I forgot to ask yesterday; but is it all right if you can make a version where she has a little bit less eye shadow. It's not much of a big deal, I was just wondering if that is okay is all. Awesome job as always btw!


Wow, what a bombshell! She not only looks scorching hot, but also her clothes are so skimpy. Plus, who doesn't like a redhead? Very nice work!

Dazaster Dellus

Hi Dandonfuga. Amazing work for a pretty fun show. Now we need Akeno Himejima to complete the pair. Also, have you thought about doing a month or batch of redheads for St Patrick's Day in March. So many redheads out there. I have suggestions if you would like. =)


Yey, I also love redheads *_* Thanks for your comment. Yess, I'm a bit late with messages, sorry, I'm a sloth ;_;


Haha :P Thanks so much for your comment, Lachdanan, I'm glad you like it *_*


I don't want you to die :P I'll think about it, I'm not into futa though :3 I would fear to fail O_O


Haha, that gif :P Thanks so much, Ninja. I'll keep your suggestions in mind, most of those ladies are already on my list :3


Awww, thanks so much, Ivar :3 Fire Emblem, no idea what it means :P :P


Thanks so much *_* Noo, not yet, but it would be fun to paint her, I love her hair and dress :3


Awwww, thank you so much, Ciaran ♥♥♥ Haha, I always imagine such characters with tons of tape under their dresses :P


<a href="https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rP87Ty5NQ3w/U5CzrJyqcvI/AAAAAAAAAy8/7NYH2VWTvak/s1600/vlcsnap-2014-06-05-22h31m21s124.png" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-rP87Ty5NQ3w/U5CzrJyqcvI/AAAAAAAAAy8/7NYH2VWTvak/s1600/vlcsnap-2014-06-05-22h31m21s124.png</a> XD


Woo, I was searching for a nice outfit and I stumbled across that Rias figure. She looks so cool, so I went for that dress *_*


Thank you, Rice :) That's not an odd request, everone has preferences :) I'll think about it :)


Thanks for your suggestion, I'll keep it in mind and I'm always open for suggestions :3


You’ve done futa before right? They looked really good!! I’m sure it’ll be fine~ &lt;3


OMG yes!!! :D


Wow, you made her look better than she ever has on the show!