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I'm sure most of you have heard about the new Patreon fees structure over the past week. I've talked about it with some of you via messages, it helped me to understand all details and it was great to hear your opinions and so many wrote me that they would stay after the changes, you're all just the best ♥

Here are some good news, the fees won't happen :)

Read about it here 

I'm very happy about it, because in my opinion everything is fine with it as it is. :3

Back to Echidna, I'm 80% finished, woo *_*





Why don't you create characters from Japan, 3D Chinese anime like:kaguya otsutsuki,Tsunade ....(naruto), retsu unohana...(bleach),boa hancok,nico Robin...(one piece), DOA: Dead or Alive,qinsmoon, Thiên Hành Cửu Ca 天行九歌. I'm Asian, I've been following your work for 2 years without seeing those characters. I really hope you draw those female characters......


Good stuff! Now to focus on the real important thing, pretty art! ^_^


Thats great news, but i would have paid it. You’re worth every cent Dandon!!


Crap now I have to go back and re-aply for my other 15 1$ patrons I dropped because I couldn't afford them all anymore. Grumble grumble. Love that you posted this since patron itself didn't think to let me know


Yes yes :3 Thanks for your messages, you're always such a great help to me ♥♥♥


Thanks for the update, you were the first creator i signed up for and have been amazed and thrilled ever since. Not going anywhere you have a fan and patron for life!


Good to hear. But im one of them who would still be your patreon :) your art is amazing, so imo it doesnt matter if i have to pay for example 1$ more for 1 batch <3 so after this is clear im looking forward to more qb babes. Because i did what you say and looked for some qb babes and they all have a great design. Not much room for fanservice :D but a great design. But it would be awesome if we can see a diane art from you ;). Last but not least thx for the info and stay awesome <3


OSOM!! :D So everything is cool! :)


Wooo! Glad to hear patreon changed their mind abt gouging patrons. Was gonna stick around regardless cuz you're super talented. Yay for queens blade! Echidna is one of my favs! (Also love Risty bc Tsukasa Bullet is awesome) Keep up great Work!

Sylverstone Khandr

A victory for creators and patrons everywhere. :)

Zetsubou Billy

Yaaay! All is well in Patreon world again 😁😁😁


Good to hear. I would have stuck around regardless but It's good that they listened to the people.

Ted Brown

whew.I wasn't dropping support for you no matter what,but I DID drop most of my < $5 pledges. I had to send a message, and it looks like it was received. (I did make arrangements with some artists to support them directly, Patreon just permenantly​ lost that $$).

Sergio Barajas

That’s some great news, the fees unchanged and echidna of course XD


From what I read about why they wanted / felt the need to change them, I think they just implemented it poorly. It sounds like they might need to change to a "pay when the post happens" setup to avoid being subject to different regulation laws.


I would've happily paid either way. But that's because I could've spared it. I adore all the creators I pay for otherwise I wouldn't pay for them.



Didi & Nok' Tus

We are SO HAPPY ABOUT THIS at Stone Sorceress. (But we still lost some Patrons before they backed out.) But right now, let's celebrate. YAY!


It never made sense to have patrons carry the fees. Even more so without the input of patrons and creators. That's how you lose customers and loyalty. Bunch of cunts they are. We're a democracy! :x #leftwing #ohnohesaidpolitics


I think it's too early with celebrating victory. Fees will come back, but in different form as this one had bad PR.


Power to the creators and the patrons! Yay!


Neat. Got me worry for a bit


I never even considered changing/stopping my pledge but I'm glad they went back on this change anyway. The vast majority of creators on Patreon as far as I could see were not happy about the change at all. And to think this could've been avoided if they simply asked the community for their input and listened to what they said instead of blindsiding them and saying "We're doing this, because we know what's best for you". Condescending to say the least.


I only support 3 artists you included of the 3 haha.. I dont get payed much so stretching myself out is hard to do... but I woulda stayed on a few cent more for creations that normelly cost alot more is nothing almost feels like a ripoff v_v but im glad they didnt go through with it... 1 of my other artists lost alot of patrons thanks to it >_


That's great news! I'm glad that didn't come to happen. That said, I would've continued to support you if that had been the case; your art is truly worth it. :)

Ashley Mason

Glad they listened. It was the worst decision they had made, lacking any thought. Hope those that unsubbed come back into the fold. It is fun here. :3


Glad to hear it. Would have stuck around to support you still anyway. :3


Tsukasa Jun is truly amazing ♥ I think he made the best Risty artwork ever :D Thanks for your kind words, Eric ♥


Let's see how they'll do changes in the future. :3 I'm still hoping for a new message system, because it always deletes messages >_>


I think it works well how it is and I hope they won't add additional fees in the future.


Yeah, maybe. I hope they'll let decide creators if they want to carry those fees, because I would do it and I think most creators here would do that because it works well how it is.


Yeah, I was also not happy about it :/ Thanks for your comment, Carl and thanks for your support :)


You should not say "only". I think it's great to support 3 artists! Thanks a lot for your support, Lachdanan, it means a lot :) ♥

David Rudisill

I'm still here to pay you for the awesome art, but I agree, the fees were a stupid idea.