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Heeey sweeties :D 

I hope you're all doing great ♥

November was a bit cursed for me, I've lost too much time with lying in bed and acting like a zombie because of some studid illness, so I won't be able to create two batches for November. I'm very sorry about it. T_T

November will be a single batch month. Of course you'll only get charged once.


That said, I'm looking forward to December, because I want to create something nice for Christmas/End of year. :3

I also created a little poll for the next yuri picture, I'm curious about which couple will win the poll :D


Poll has ended earlier, because I was told that the poll was made public.

Here is the winner: Raven x Starfire


(I'll keep the other couples in mind for future batches ♥)

Thanks for voting :)


I'm now working on the last stuff for November batch ♥

Thank you all and stay awesome! ♥





Get well soon


Damn, sorry to hear you had it rough this month. Hope you get better! Love and appreciate your work, always


Wish i coulda votes twice i wanna see urbosa/zelda and starfire/raven. And dont worry sick happens get better soon

Ciarán M

I'm sorry to hear that you're still sick, Dandon, I hope you get better soon 😄💜💜💜💜💜


I voted for Supergirl and Power Girl. Hope they win :3


hardest choice ever both of meanings....... also get well soon :)

The Handsome One

Get better. Also placed my vote. Bet you can’t guess what it is.


Get well soon! Also, not a bad choice in the poll!


Its all good dandon :) It happens at this time and weather of the year ;) hope you are already healthy :) no to your poll, this one is pretty easy powergirl x supergirl because the other ladys got some love from you lately and powergirl x supergirl was more time ago plus im a big supergirl fan <3 hope they win


Wow, such great options for the poll...might as well do them all 😍


Don't worry about it Dandon. You've always created so much content, having some time to rest is good for you, especially since the cold season is coming. Thanks for all your hard work!

Dack Janiels

Its fine Dandon, just get better and best of luck to you. Also i voted for Zelda and Urabosa, had a tough choice between that or Taki/Ivy lol


Talk about tough choices. I want them all lol but I'm hoping for a Zelda victory :)


hope you feel better. private poll results damn now i can't wait to see the results as wel :D


That is alright, Dandon, you can never predict an illness. :) Looking forward to the Batch this month though. :D Also good choices on the poll I wish they all could win ;) But I enjoy Raven a lot so I hope the Starfire and Raven one wins :D



Big B

Go Go Ivy x Taki! jkjk I'm happy with any of them :D


That's rough, hope you feel better soon! I look forward to seeing some fun festive stuff


All those combos are great. Also feel better!


Yesss, I'm well, thank you, Tuna ♥♥ I hope you're doing well, too :)


Thanks for your kind words, James! Yesss, I'm glad that I don't have to choose XDD It would be hard O_O


Things happen. You're health is more important. We're just glad you're feeling better. Also, that poll wasn't easy to answer. Too many good choices.


yeah, that weather O_O Powergirl x Supergirl are one of my favorite couples, I would love to draw them :3


Thanks for your words, Dack! Yes, it's a tough choice, I'm glad that I don't have to vote. XD Though I might vote for Zelda+Urbosa myself. Because of Urbosas nose O_O ♥


Thank you, Quinten :) Starfire and Raven is a great couple, I think it would be nice to paint them together with their lovely skin colors :3


Yeah, it really is hard to choose a favorite O_O Thanky ou, Jonathan :)


I'm sorry you've been so sick. I'm wishing you well. ❤


Hope you feel better, Dandon.

King Kirby

Can't wait to see the final results, keeping my hopes up for ivy. Hope you get better soon ^^


I hope you get better soon!


Feel better soon

Christopher Edwards

Those are some hard choices Dandon! O_o Looking forward to December! Don't worry about not getting 2 batches out this month. You have to make yourself a priority when this stuff happens. We love you and want the best for you.


I'm sorry to hear that.😔 November has been rough for me as well. Get well soon. 😊


No worries Dandon-chan. Your health takes priority. So please take all the time you need to feel better. Oooooh I like this vote in a hot yuri action piece. Seeing how deliciously beautiful you've been with Starfire and Raven, they have my vote. I can imagine those two scissoring each other hotly with their sweaty, busty bodies as Robin, Beast Boy, and Cyborg look on with stunned expressions! Hehe! ;)


Starfire / Raven is a for sure win!.... i hope!!


I honestly hate hearing when Mangaka's and Artists get sick because its normelly due to being overworked or somthing crazy... so please do not worry your health is priority over anything! we can survive with 1 batch it will simply increase the excitement for your Dec/Xmas/New years content! :D


Your starfire renditions have been among my favorites so of course I voted for the fiery vixen and her beautiful partner! A suggestion for future yuri piece would be albedo/mercy crossover a good/evil mix i think would look amazing in your style!


Poor Dandon, please feel better! Have lots of honey ^_^


If Ivy and Taki don't win, I think you should still consider at least Taki for the future. I'd like to see your version of her!


Raven and Starfire sounds amazing, Hope you feel better soon.


Hope you feel better soon! Some good choices on that poll...I'd also love to see you do some yuri stuff with Mileena and Tanya from Mortal Kombat X sometime!


*spends 0.2 seconds looking at poll options* <a href="https://i.imgflip.com/1zzuwb.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://i.imgflip.com/1zzuwb.jpg</a> Don't worry about only doing one batch this month Dandon, take care of yourself first! Hope you get better soon, I'll send some hot chocolate your way telepathically :P


Feel better ~ ! For suggestions, DC Comics' Vixen and Green Lantern Jessica Cruz.


I hope you feel better soon! Don't feel bad about taking a break; we all need some time off now and then.


Starfire and Raven for sure, considering what you recently did, oh hell yes ^_^.


I would like to see Star Fire and Raven, Though honestly, not the version of starfire you did last.


It's that time of year when everyone seems to come down with something. Get well soon, and hopefully come back recharged and inspired. :)

Ashley Mason

And the 2nd batch is you taking care to relax and feel better- I'd double up on that batch. :3 Always do so so much for us patrons, you deserve a rest.


Hope you get better Dandon!


Ooooh, Raven and Starfire! Get well soon, Dandon!


I think that version is incredible....honestly!

Dazaster Dellus

Don't recall seeing a Taki from you yet, so I am tossing my hat in the T&amp;I ring. =)


As much as I love Powergirl and Supergirl, but I much rather see some yuri action from Star and Raven. Get well soon.


I went with Powergirl and Supergirl, theres just something about that pair. Hope you`re feeling better.


While a long shot I hope Urbosa and Zelda win.


Ivy and Taki for me. Supergirl/Powergirl has been done to death. And I'm a huge fan of Soulcalibur (the first one).


powergirl x supergirl ofc


You shouldn't worry too much about doing just the one batch. Your health comes first, and I'm sure we all feel like you deserve a bit of a break once in a while, considering how much awesome art you produce each month. On the topic of the Yuri poll, I loved the Urbosa piece you did before, so I'd love to see some more of her with Zelda.

Marcus Aurelius

Understandable, and heal up mate. Gotta have those ducks in a row before you can be expected to generate more great and LEWD (if not always in that order) content.


Glad you're feeling better. I voted for Urbosa and Zelda but I know whatever you produce will be phenomenal regardless.


Oh, crap! I missed the poll! I spent the weekend with my family, so I didn't get the chance to log in. But, oh well... From what I've read in the comments section, I would've definitely chosen Ivy x Taki (Supergirl x Power Girl would've come to a close second, though). But changing the subject, I don't mind that there will only be one batch this month. You go to great lengths for your patrons, so I think it is completely understandable for you to take some time for yourself, especially if you're feeling sick. So, don't worry about that, Dandon. :)


We all know that if the poll wasn't public that Supergirl x Power Girl would have won right? *wink* *wink*


I selected the poll choices from the requests and I was thinking the same, super hard to choose :D Thanks a lot for your kind comment, Christopher :)


Thanks so much, Ninja, you're too kind ♥ Starfire and Raven won the poll :3


Aww, thanks a lot for your kind comment ♥ I'll try my very best to come up with something nice for December :) I'm super motivated :D


Thanks a lot, B-Jax. It seems I should draw Albedo soon, she gets a lot of requests lately :)


Yes, Taki is already on my list, she'll be challenging with her suit, but I'm looking forward to draw her soon :3


I'll keep them in mind, thanks for the suggestion. Drawing Mileena is overdue O_O


Hahaha, so funny XD I guess you voted for the boobs XD Thanks a lot for your comment, Anty ♥


They didn't win, but I'll keep the pairing in mind. I'm also a fan of Supergirl x Powergirl :) Thank you, woogiee :3


They didn't win, I'll keep them in mind for future batches. I imagine a yuri pic of them could be very cute, because Urbosa is so much bigger than Zelda :D *_*


Thanks so much for your very kind comment, Max ♥ Urbosa and Zelda didn't make it, but I'll keep them in mind, because I think they would be very cute together :3


Hi i have a question, will you ever draw aged up version of the digi-destined girls from digimon?