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Poison from Final Fight/Street Fighter.  :3

(Poison is going to be part of September Batch No. 1 ) 


 My lovely patrons will get:

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  💜 full coloring video process 
  💜 NSFW versions (Preview)




Yes! ❤️


Wow... Stunning work!


This is so fantastic!!!!

Vasily Lavrov

Absolutely beautiful! Btw someone's gonna ask this eventually so I might as well take one for the team: Will there be a penis?


wow, stunning work, i need to draw more sexy ladies myself :)

Ciarán M

Well, well! Isn't this a pleasant surprise? Two Street Fighter characters so close together, one being the sexy purple new one and now Poison who I most definitely find appealing too 😻😻😻. I am loving the colours here with the neon pinks in the high background and some contrasting blue in the lower section, going well with Poison's warmer tones and helping her stand out even further. Your Poison is looking super sexy here in this pose, I like her expression with that attitude that you've given, as well as her pose with her shoulders and hips each slanted and her magnificent torso curving between those two points 😍. Her clavicles, defined shoulders and arms, ample breasts teased by her top strap sliding down one arm, sensational abs on full display as well as the curving contours of her waist with her hips teased too by her open shorts are all utterly delightful 💜. She is most definitely deserving of a "Phwoooaaarrr!". Seriously, I love the tease that you've done here with both her top and shorts sliding down/opening 😍. Her hair is looking marvellous too, I adore how it's rendered and detailed with those bright tones along the top planes, working with the darker underplanes to define them as they curl in and out while flowing down along her back. The cast shadow across her eyes with a shining highlight on her irises to make them pop out looks great and I really like the strand of hair running between them. The rim lighting across her shoulders, arms, waist and left thigh all look terrific and really help her warm skin tones to pop out from her hair. And the rendering of her skin and anatomy themselves are gorgeous! Those abs are something else! The muscles of her shoulders, upper arms and forearms are so well done and I do love how you've rendered the area between her breasts while her thighs look... well... Perfect! 😻😻😻. The half-tones at their centre, dark shadows on either side with rim lights on the left thigh define them beautifully. And naturally her clothes look terrific too with the way her left strap twists down her arm, the folds in the material between her breasts, the way the torn material hangs down, the textures of the fabric as well as the blue denim and torn section of her shorts. While the metal of her cuffs, chains and other accessories have a great sheen to them. The more I look at this painting, the more I love it! It is so well painted, you really are among the best artists that I've seen, Dandon 😄💜💜💜💜💜😄. And I can't deny, I'm looking forward to this painting's variants quite a bit 😉😍😍😍😍😍😍😍


Wait a moment. If shes in #2 who will be the 3rd in #1 ^^ And it seems we get a street fighter month im September ^^ juri in her sf4 outfit would be awesome. Her Kaisen Dankairaku is hands down one of the best moves i saw in an beat em up. Totally suits the char. Sry for offtopic bit she my fav sf char. Especially with the combo i mentioned and her sf4 outfit. That would be a great art piece from you. <a href="https://youtu.be/WGCx6LHZ1tQ" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://youtu.be/WGCx6LHZ1tQ</a> The time where she whisper in the ear of her Opponent. Man this would be a great yuri art. Because as you see juri is flexible if you know what i mean :P (and yeah i know you already got 1 with juri but she was more the subchar in this art ;) )

Ciarán M

Can't deny, I was tempted to ask that myself XD. I also can't deny, if there are variants with one... I won't complain XD


I am seriously in love with that hat. Like, I want 10 of them... It contrasts super well with her hair and it really looks great overall. I love that well worn fighter look!


I am drooling. 🤤🤤😍😍


The NSFW might be a big surprise


Are we going to get an extra surprise with this NSFW version?! Also looks amazing like always Dandon!!

Christopher Edwards

She looks amazing Dandon! Curious about the NSFW versions since there are all those rumors about her. When you make this image public, would you mind if I shared it with her English VA?




I swear, every time you release a new piece of work my mind explodes! (In a good way obviously lol)... she’s awesome!


Wow she looks incredible! I feel like very few artists do her justice, but your piece has become my favorite of them all! Can't wait for the rewards &lt;3


Incredible work Dandon! Her expression takes it to another level.


First thing I thought of, might be alternate versions hmmmmm


Please add more budge to her shorts. She’s actually a pre-op transgirl


insane as usual


(The following statement was from outdated information and thus is false, ignore it) That was actually just added out of censorship because the publishers didn't want people hitting girls. Poison being made into a Trans because back then it was socially acceptable to beat the hell out of a trans rather than just a woman is nothing to be excited about. Also maybe she finally got that op.


<a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&amp;v=3Lj-9npanOI" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=9&amp;v=3Lj-9npanOI</a> For anyone who is unfamiliar with this legendary Final Fight character.


YES! I looooooove Poison :D She looks stunning, Dandon, great work capturing that toned physique of hers! Are we getting a, err.... extra version of this? I'm fine either way, just curious :P

Sergio Barajas

For some reason my perverted mind started to imagine Poison in its Futa version, not that i like it though :(


Oh hell yes, you just made me a very satisfied guy Dandon (Even more than you usually do). I love Poison, and I am personally hoping for the non futa version (Not that there's anything wrong with futa Poison, it's just not my preference for her in particular), but I can respect if you decide to go futa, or even do both.


Ooh nice, this month is looking pretty good, although I do have to wonder, will there be an "alternate" version of this one? What with what the internet says about her and all.

Dack Janiels

I've been waiting for this. Great work Dandon :D


Before it gets to be too testy (pun intended) in here, I thought I'd chime in on this first. I am sure everyone hear is okay with any version, but I ask as a fellow Dandon fan that we respect her artistic interpretation on this somewhat controversial character with whatever version she chooses. The official statement is that Poison is post-op transexual woman in America while in Japan she "tucks her business away elsewhere". But in all, they say Poison is who you want her to be. So if you want her to be a transsexual while I want her to be a woman, they say both are fine. Personally, I like her as a hot, badass woman. Then again, I can also like her as the (ever popular in Japan) futanari who has the best of both worlds going for her! But whatever Dandon chooses I am cool with, be the NSFW a hot vagina dripping with excitement or a big futa penis showering herself with white, sticky jizm. The idea of futa-style Poison going to town on Chun-Li or Cammy in true Futabu! Style (see episode 2 first scene) has my nose on “red alert”! Now on to this beautiful masterpiece. Yet again, Dandon pleases us with a surprising yet incredible work of art. As usual Dandon, your work on muscle tone definition is superb as she looks ready to rumble any time. But you also gave her that sensual sexiness of a badass. I mean look at her! Hand on those cocked hips in confidence of her body whilst tiny cut-off shorts struggle to hold on to cover the mystery many continue to debate on. And those breasts…. Those breasts! OH MY! Massive jugs stretching against the tightly clinging white fabric of her top. Where the HELL did I put my water gun? We need a wet t-shirt contest happening NOW! Hell yeah! And that tantalizing tip of the hat.. I can’t tell if she’s inviting me to the fucking or ass-kicking of a lifetime. If it takes the latter to get to the former, then this game is so totally worth. KAPOW! You’ve knocked me out with this piece Dandon. In Street Fighter gaming terms: PERFECT! P.S. Patreon, please stop making my posts disappear for crying out loud.


Wowza!! I'd be down for extra futanari versions as well on this beauty of a piece. Hopefully Dandon adds those too. Either way I'd be happy, I know it would be extra work. Awesome stuff as usual!! &lt;3 ;)

Ciarán M

Responding to my own comment because sometimes editing them makes them vanish 😅. Since many other commenters have brought it up, my opinion on versions of Poison with a penis are not merely that I don't mind it but that I'd actually quite like for you to make them 😄. And I figure, if you were to do both, everyone's happy, especially me since I'd like Poison with either a penis or vagina 😹😈😉.

Rhaena Arashi

I'm shocked no one has mentioned Roxy...

Rhaena Arashi

Not necessarily. If you've ever seen a good drag queen, you'd know that even the more well endowed ones can tuck convincingly. Allow me to point out Trinity Taylor, for example: <a href="http://i2.wp.com/ourcommunityroots.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/11091328_10153685089934325_294633180914307200_n.jpg" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://i2.wp.com/ourcommunityroots.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/11/11091328_10153685089934325_294633180914307200_n.jpg</a> That's a man.


She looks great! I love her pose and the look on her face. Regarding the possible alternate version, I'd honestly prefer a non-futa variant. Futa just isn't my cup of tea, but I respect people who like it. So, whatever version you choose to do (or both), I will respect your decision. :)

Alex Mtz

I love this piece so much, shes amazingly done!!! Please make her as normal woman, I totally dislike futa, that will ruin this artwork for me. If you do make such variation, make a special batch folder to avoid it, please!!!


Love the tan lines


My main from USF4! I hope she returns for SFV!


Very sexy. She is one of my favorite characters from SF. Her look is simplic, but yet so hot. I read the comments above, and idk what you have in store for your art, but I support whatever choice you choose for his/her genitalia, which knowing how much you care for us I know you'd have both versions to sastify if you wanted to add the alternates. I've never seen you draw the "male" private before, except with a small portion of the hanzo mercy animation. So it'd be interesting. Regardless amazing work and I love it already.


Yes! I'm currently working on Spider Gwen, she is going to be the third lady of Batch 1 :) Thanks for your suggestion! I really like Juri, I'll keep her in mind :3


Haha, here she is fully female, believe me. I'm able to remove her pants with one click *_* XD


Thanks a lot for your comment, Max! I'll do both versions, so everyone should be happy :3 All people should respect other people's preferences like you do, that would be great.


Thank you, yes, there will be a futa version, additional to the "fully female" version :)


Thanks a lot for your great comment, Ninja! I'll add both versions, because it's nice if all here can have their prefered version of Poison :) (If I'll ever draw the lovely Kaine I would do the same for her :3)


Thanks a lot, Taylor! I'm glad you like it and yes, I'll add a futa variation :3


Thanks for your comment, Harold. I'll add both versions for Poison, so everyone should be happy at the end :3


Hey Alex, there will be a fully female version and additionally a futa version. I'll put it into an extra folder so only the patrons who are into futa might download it. :)

David Rudisill

So hot, it almost makes me feel sorry for her when I played as Haggar in Final Fight and beat her and Roxy down to get to the big boss. I still love that video game the most.

Marcus Aurelius

Looks great as always. You really managed to capture in her face how she's a total hardass despite being quite the looker. I will refrain from the trap jokes, tempting as they are.


Fantastic. ^^


I checked out the NSFW version of this, and 2B. Both are very sexy and I especially love Poison's, given how shapely her hips are. You really nailed the figure, with her. This is shaping up to be a fine month! :)


Yes yes, I'll do both versions for Poison :) Thanks a lot for your comment, Chris :) ♥