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Ooh, very nice. The way the fabric plays over her body is astounding!




She doesn't look too happy, hahahahaha!




Omg ... her thighs 🤤😍❤️ and her expression 👌👍


should be great if there is hero costume version

Gespenst Azurite

her expression is much win dandon!


Another great piece!


Your artworks never stop to amaze me.


I really wish you would stop outdoing yourself Dandonfuga but that would be stupid. Fantastic stuff as always, new phone wallpaper for sure.


Love that Raven. And her symbol is awesome.

Christopher Edwards

She looks amazing! Her expression fits her perfectly!


A "hoodie" ;)



Ciarán M

Ooooooh, I absolutely love these kinds of cool, night time colours, the dark blues of the background and her clothes, grey skin and purples of her lips, eyes and hair are all gorgeous! 💜💙 Raven herself looks so magnificently sexy with her breasts pressed between her arms, arms and shoulders themselves all tensed up and of course, those sensational, voluptuous hips thrust out 😻😻😻, that her equally delectable thighs then move down at an opposing direction to the flow of her torso and hips adds a nice touch of dynamism to her sensual allure. Her outfit is great too, the golden raven symbol on her chest is nicely distinct against the blue and I can't deny, her nipples protruding through is an appealing touch 😈, as is the way the material of her top converges as it runs down over her body, revealing her waist, hips and teasing the centre of her thighs. Her face is just wonderful too, her expression is so cute and I can't get over those luscious purple lips 💜! And of course there's the lighting, your traditionally brilliant rim lighting is especially gorgeous here when hugging and accentuating such curves, the purple tint to it looks great and is a nice contrast with her grey skin. And finally, that NSFW version is just 😻😻😻, her abs and the greater view of those sumptuous thighs together are so very worthy of a "PHWOOOOAAAARRRR!!!" (Not that they weren't already, but you know what I mean 😉) and I mentioned them prior, but I do love the way you have her breasts pressing together between her arms, so very well done and sensual. Just in case it wasn't clear already, breathtaking work, Dandon! I am so glad that you continued with this hoodie series and your chosen subject is just divine! (She's like a wonderful purple-touched dark elf and I can't think of anything more alluring). I feel bad now because I only just said that Makoto was my favourite of the month but then you produced this masterpiece! Seriously, the lighting and rendering of her skin and forms of her body are terrific! When I get my new PC (it'll be next week 😃), Raven will assuredly be it's wallpaper 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜


Still loving the hoodie series! So comfy! Heh I can imagine Starfire trying to cuddle with that grump face 😂


Woo! She looks really kickass!! Also you went with a different hoodie style yay! Although... she's always wearing a hoodie. I also really love the overall mood and lighting, it's very broody. But... Who's she mad at? Is it me? I swear, all I did was be slightly goth!


You change your wallpaper every month ;) You should just do a slideshow nowadays.

Dack Janiels

More DC love? I'm okay with this



Dan S

Looks fantastic. Always good to see more Raven!


The expression is adorable. Wish I had expressions...and hair.


Great expression! I love this.


i love yh


those hips*


Love the look, awesome work.


My waifu in a hoodie looking as beautiful and sassy as ever! <3


oooooo very nice dandon


<3 Raven <3


Whoa! This is freaking gorgeous! <3


I love the overall feel of the piece. That "yeah... Whatever..." attitude is perfectly rendered. This Raven is "just" naturally super sexy. She doesn't even try, that just the way she is... She may even be bothered by all that sexiness 😁


Wow!!! This is so awesome


Very beautiful body as per usual. Love her facial expression. Your so talented


I prefer Raven a bit more svelte, but amazing picture as usual.

VR AnimeTed

My girl's looking awesome!



Sergio Barajas

OMG!!!! Another hoodie and what a picture!!!!


She has such sexy thighs and hips! I want to spread her legs and pound her senseless! Thank you for making one with a girl with an alternate skin color, as well! I'm spending my last month (August) in the USA before traveling overseas, and it will be nice to have your sexy art to enjoy until I leave!


Raven: “Now explain to me why I have to wear this again for these pictures?” Beast Boy: “Relax, Rav! It’s no more revealing than your normal costume.” Raven: “I have a full cloak to cover me though. This! This hides nothing!” Cyborg: “Easy! Easy Raven! We need this for the world superheroine calendar to raise money for people in need. We were also promised a nice bonus for the pictures. Our chow and power for the tower don’t come free, ya know? ” Beast Boy: “Star is cool with it, too.” Raven: “Knowing Starfire’s still prevalent ignorance of Earth’s many social norms, that is not surprising. *sigh* Fine! Hurry and get it over with.” Robin: “What’s up Cyborg? Hey Beast Boy! Rav-Holy bombastic bikini busters!!!” Beast Boy: “I can see how Batman grew tired of those exclamations now…” Raven: “Robin! Stop staring! It’s embarrassing!” Robin: “R-right! Sorry. I’ll be in my quarters Titans for some… um rest! Please don’t bother me for a little while.” Cyborg; “Boy, he left in a hurry. Now back to the.. Wait. Why are you blushing Raven?” Beast Boy: “Haha! Not to mention your headlights are showing. You know that that means? ♪Raven likes Robin! Raven likes Robin! Raven likes Robin!♫” Raven: “AZARATH METRION ZINTHOS!” Cyborg/Beast Boy: “AAAAAHHHHH!!!!” -------------------- Fantastic work Dandon. While I liked Starfire a lot, I’ve always loved Raven a whole lot more. So this certainly makes me very happy! Truth be told, I always kind of liked the idea of shipping Robin and Raven. Those curves though. Damn! What a woman our little moody, introverted Raven has become. *nosebleed!*

Marcus Aurelius

Delectable. If all the future hoodie girls look this perfect, I can only say MOAR please, with vim and vigour.

Orc Dra

Nice story ^^ I liked the part where Robin came in

Eddie Murphy

Gorgeous! I love Raven, and you did a brilliant job on this rendition.


Wow! Speechless.


Dear Ms Raven, I known the world out there is a nightmare. But do you know that a beautiful lady like you could be the most beautiful thing on earth with a smile ?

Firebox Studio

super hot, Raven always been one of my favs :D


I like her face expression:D She looks absolutely amazing, Dandon!


Hello, can you explain the "batch" system


Fantastic. <3


She ain't sexy. She is SEXTASTIC !

Gomen Son

DAAAAAAAAAAMN! I always loved Raven. But DAAAAAAAAAAAAMN!! That fanservice!!!


Wow I liked his art so much. The body is just too amazing!


Really loving the colours of this one.


I made a pic of her some time ago with her hero costume :) <a href="http://fav.me/d9yp2pr" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://fav.me/d9yp2pr</a>


<a href="https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/13/71/b2/1371b2bbfacc9a0f46987f5ec46b2e7f.gif" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/13/71/b2/1371b2bbfacc9a0f46987f5ec46b2e7f.gif</a>


Aww, that would be cute *_* (I would love to give Starfire a hoodie, too :O)


She's just crumpy because it looks cute ;)


I'll try my best to make some more nice hoodie pinups :3 Thanks for your comment, Marcus :)


Yes :) I made a F.A.Q. about how it's working :) <a href="http://sta.sh/01iqveboj5ft" rel="nofollow noopener" target="_blank">http://sta.sh/01iqveboj5ft</a> Thanks a lot for joining and feel free to send me a message if you have some more questions :)


Lady Legasus!


Tonnes better than Injustice 😍 Absolutely gorgeous work! Her attitude is spot on 👌😘


That condescending look ! Thos hips ! Raven is damn cool and you did very well. I have to admit that i'm also waiting the NSWF version for her. Good work !