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Wooo, I'm back to paint some sexy ladies :D

Thanks for all your suggestions in the latest post. Now my list is updated and full of lovely characters :) I'll try my best to draw and paint A LOT of your suggestions over the next months  💜  


Next live stream will be on May 21 at 20:00 (UTC +2). Come hang out and chat :)






It's time for sloths!! I mean sexy Hanzo sloths... maybe... probably I'll be there :D

Ciarán M

Oh, not familiar with this character but I'm liking this teaser with her long, swirling hair, vibrant mask and toned shoulders and arms 😄. Looking forward to seeing her full pose and how you paint her as well as your progress through your list this year 💜💜💜.


Good to see you doing another stream 😀 unfortunately i only can join 1 hour this time but looking forward to it. Just like the next month with the wonderful ladies which have been suggested 😊😍 and i hope you enjoyed your freetime 😉 stay awesome

Gespenst Azurite

I was awaiting & anticipating this piece since her announcement. Won't make it to the stream session, though I look forward to the final product.


Good luck on your stream! Hopefully I wake up in time. XD


Looking forward to it!


Yay, I can't wait! This will be the first one for me. Also, I'm curious as to how the magic happens!


And wow, Twintell's popularity sure took off fast. :o


Wooo my first Dandon stream :D, I can't wait to see you draw Twintelle! I'm not very familiar with this character but I'm already in love with her face just by looking at your teaser :p I hope you enjoyed your break and you're in the mood for an amazing drawing session :D


I'm not sure how I feel about someone with arms for hair... Haha. But looking forward to seeing what you do with her.


Yeah!!! Great!!!!

Christopher Edwards

I might be able to show up for a little bit but of course this is the one time they schedule me to work on a Sunday.


Wooo! Let's get some drill hair action!! I'll be there :D


Can't wait!


Same time as the Sweden - Canada hockey game. :((( Decisions, Decisions


I had a feeling when I saw this beauty that you might do her. Everyone is going crazy for her. She's one of the sexiest characters Nintendo has come out with in a long time. She certainly got dat ass!!! XD I'll try to be there to watch you do this lovely babe. ^3^

Pervy Sage

AWW MAN I can't believe I missed it o(╥﹏╥)o


You and me both, @Solovsbolo... I did not correctly understand the conversion from universal time it seems. Heartbreak. x_x;


I don't suppose there is any way to view the stream after the fact?


Awesome, thanks! I know it may sound odd in this day and age, but I've never used Twitch before now so I didn't know that was a thing. ^-^;


Sorry I missed your stream.


Aww, thank you :) I'm looking forward to paint all the ladies from the list, it's hard to decided which to draw first tho :3


I enjoyed my freetime a lot, with drawing, gaming and laying on my hammock like a real sloth XD Thanks for being so kind, C-Kay :3