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I'm so appreciative of your punctuality, you always post right on time. We've all got chaos in our lives so it's always nice to have something dependable. Cheers!



Juan Torres

I won’t tolerate the arbys slander


Watching this with y’all I notice I’ve for sure watched this episode so I have no idea where I stopped at😂 well anyway in the game there’s literally a achievement for sitting through like 20 of Ellie’s jokes or something like that 😂


Arby’s is disgusting 🤢

Hector Avila

Let's go!! 💪💪💪💪💪💪💪

Insert Opinion

It's wild that the director of this, Craig Mazin, also wrote the Hangover sequels.


Bella Ramsey(the girl who plays Ellie) is a really good actress she was in game of thrones she has a dope ass role in there and was great in there too

Insert Opinion

Shout out to all the kids forced to hold those big ass car maps looking for the correct interstate while Dad inevitably got lost


Episode 5 is crazy, ur not ready…


Her puns used to piss my off in a funny way you’ll be trying to find something and she’ll just throw a dumba*ss pun at you😭

Jeff I.

Personally, I think Bella did a very average job in this role, especially considering she's the co-lead. The quality of her acting is super inconsistent in this show. Like 20% of the time she has some really good moments, but the rest of it is either just okay or jarringly cringe/bad acting. I know she doesn't have Pedro's experience, but he knocked it out of the park as Joel, and the difference in skill between them is really noticeable in the more serious/emotional scenes with the two of them.

Theo Sebuliba

She was good in the first season, but you can see the experience between the 2 is miles apart, I think in the next season she’s going to be better because she’ll be able to play Ellie a lot older and she’ll be older aswell, Ellie is only 14 here, so she has to play it like that even though Bella Ramsey was 17 at the time, I think in the next season, her acting will improve


You can’t compare her to Pedro 😂 that’s not even fair because he’s a phenomenal actor and has so many years under his belt, she’s a lot younger and she act just like Ellie does in the game, so she’s honestly spot on if your hating all that cringey stuff that’s just who ellie is, you try playing the game without aiming your gun at her 20 times 😂


Bella Ramsey is definitely a phenomenal actress. She was also in Game of Thrones and really good in that also. It was wild that people were questioning the casting choice when it was announced. Episode 4 is great, it's definitely a great setup for Episode 5 lol. Great reaction once again!

Joshua Johnson

Kathleen blames Henry for the murder of her brother. They insinuate it this episode when she’s talking to the doctor


The bad guy with the big gray beard was Tommy's voice actor in a game.

Ben Gibb

Shout out from Wyoming

Mark B

Fun fact: The guy with the gray beard is the voice actor for Tommy in the video games

Lindzi ODowd

Years ago Arby's wasn't bad but it's pretty awful now. Subway too. Well all of them I feel went to crap. Nothing taste good anymore

Shirlene Wright

This was a great episode. It introduced new characters and gave us a break from ballin our eyes out. (RIP Bill & Frank). Love the joke book. Thanks.

Justin M Borowski

There was a nice touch you guys might not have picked up on. After Ellie points out Joel's hard of hearing in his right ear, if you look when they get ambushed at the end by Henry and Sam he was sleeping on his left ear. So that's why he didn't hear them walking on the glass. If you notice he lays on his right side, do he must have turned over in his sleep. I thought that was a very cool human moment.


the little boys name is “Sam” btw lmao

Fireteam Joker

For the life of me I don't understand why they went close to a town. People are their biggest threat and they always are in towns.... Doesn't matter why the world ends. It's people (that you don't know) who are the biggest threat to you. I'm not saying to be a loner in a bunker, but just stay away from strangers. Lol I thought Joel would have remembered "Stranger Danger!"

Brian McG

Hello from Wichita, Kansas! Always odd hearing my city mentioned, haha. Can't wait for the rest of the season!


That's the direction the highway took them. You can't avoid major cities as highways were designed to get between them they could go off highway but the grass is overgrown and they can't see issues that could destroy the suspension and tires making the truck useless. You can't really use side roads to get across the country but If you could they can't have every survivor camp recorded so that's a lot of guessing, driving in circles (for all joal knows Tommy could be dying right now) and planning they don't have time for


That's where highways go by design and that's how they're navigating. It's just a risk of the world.