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Hey Rangers, hope you enjoy our reaction!



ガル アス

Waiting for this❤️


Poor, Billy 😢 no kid deserves that, and the fact that he was just happy child before his life was turned upside down, and you can see he’s really trying to gain control but can’t, Dacre Montgomery acting is on a whole another level this season!!!


Scoops…Scoops Ahoy

Aldo Gonzales

I side with Mike regarding the debate on Jane’s limits. Don’t get me wrong: I do agree that she is her own person and understands her own abilities better than anyone. However, whether Max admits it or not she’s relying too much on powers that she doesn’t have. Mike knows her longer, and he’s seen the kind of toll her powers have taken on her. At least he’s concerned for her well-being. 47:39-47:54 Drugged Steve is my favorite funny moment of the entire season.

Dc Jerome

Yes been waiting 2 days for this one 🙌🏽


This ep really just broke my heart for Billy the first time I saw it, to see how he grew to be who he is. Also I still love to see drugged Steve & Robin, the way they're so giggly is hilarious lol, and ofc the saga of Steve getting his ass beat continues 😂


I like Max but she's the worst person you want around your significant other. Her need to interfere with their relationship is misguided and destructive. But it is funny (:


Spot on! I’ve said that all along. She just purposely drove a wedge between those 2 when she has no knowledge of their past let alone 011’s past. She’s completely careless and acts like Mike locked her up or something. It’s one thing for a friend to point out how you’re unhappy in a relationship but it’s something else for her to fabricate reasons and make her believe she isn’t happy when she really is. She is the definition of a home wrecker.


Tighten your seatbelts boys and girls! You’re heading into the suck zone!!


I never started really liking Max until next season….


We know but thanks for clarification. It doesnt take away from what we're talking about. We know it's funny and just a show we like to discuss the dynamics because it's fun to point things out from real life issues. We're not losing sleep over it.


I second everything you stated regarding max….I think she forgot how she’s only known Elle a short period of time as pose to mike…if anything she was being careless with Elle power. Mike is truly the only person who wholeheartedly cares for Elle in the friend group, yeah they care but not the same as mike, since the beginning he immediately wanted to get Elle the help she needed. I Never really cared for max character this season. She’s was extremely doing the most.


“Because I love her and I can’t lose her again”,…The line of the century!! One of my fav lines lol…Also I mean mike wasn’t wrong about them treating her like a machine, They'd all die if it wasn't for her. Lbs and also mike just simply want to protect the love is life, look what he when through last season, bro was shattered!!!

Lis Soriano

We want the next episode!!!

Ark Classics

yall bouta really trip next season cuz that gets crazzzzzzy


the max hate is a little weird in these comments lmao 😭 max just wanted el to be independent and to make her own decisions that’s all, don’t think she was maliciously trying to separate mike and el at all, let’s not forget mike literally lied to el 😭at the end of the day el needed a girlfriend to teach her these things, she’s was the only girl outta 4 boys and you kinda gotta remember mike was lowkey mean to max last season so i can see why her and mike have this tension

brooke atkins

Agreed!! That’s a lot of hate for a 14 year old girl. A home wrecker??? 🤦‍♀️ Jesus take a pill people. Lol


You can disagree with someone actions and not hate them lol. It's called feedback it's crucial for people to mature even if they are 14 still.


Very good reaction! Thanks


Nah Vince I like to get classic cheeseburgers from bk they’re soo good from their


Fuck yea man sorry it took me so long to watch this I been watching my lions get that dub😂🔥


Are you watching without subtitles for the Russian translations? You're missing the funniest bits of the episodes.


I mean they're all children but given what Mike knows of El and their experiences in S1/2 his viewpoint makes 100x more sense than Max's. Would you have the same opinion if Mike was trying to encouraging El to use her powers for everything including things that risk her exposure or over exertion and Max was trying to prevent the misuse of her abilities?


“HATE” is a reach…wrong choice words. No one stated they hated max. Giving this situation calling her out isn’t a form of hate. Just an observation, keeping it real and difference of opinion. If the roles were reversed and Mike made el spy and pushed her to continue to use her power…it would be a whole different story. Misusing El power isn’t ok and he simply was scared for her.

Neville L

In my opinion Max is a wonderful character who the show would not be the same without. She’s just a little misguided at times, as we all are. Mike is guilty of the same thing, and I think it’s important to recognize that both Mike and Max make good points here, and are also both wrong in one way or another.


The actor who played Billie was so incredible. That scene with him and Mille at the end, they both killed it

Aldo Gonzales

I’ll give Max the benefit of the doubt by saying that Jim was the gaslighter. He threatened Mike instead of talking to him in a civilized manner. That’s what started this whole thing.

Shayne O Shaughnessy

i don't know if you guys noticed but while billy was giving that speech to el, he was crying. that's because billy was still in there, the mindflayer was talking through him but billy was still coming through because he was still in there. i like little touches like that.

Livia Chapman

This episode is the episode that made me feel for Billy

Alberto Cuevas

Im sorry but EL tossing the monster around in the hospital like a ragdoll was too funny💀

Karleigh Hurt

i cant believe people are agreeing with mike on the el’s limits argument… she is her own person and should be able to have autonomy over her own body

Hector Avila

Ya'll have to come to the Burger King in Puerto Rico! It's a whole different ball game!!!


Yes, El is absolutely her own person and should be able to choose whether or not she uses her powers. Mike was not trying to force her to do or not to do anything, he was also not trying to control her, he was simply worried about her because she had never used her powers to that extent before and he was worried about the effects of it. He's not trying to claim he knows her limits, either, he's trying to prove that she doesn't know her limits, which most people don't and that's okay, he just doesn't want her to get hurt because of it. He's the leader, the planner, and he's always going to try to figure out the outcome of things, it's in his nature. This outcome worried him, and he was right to worry because she ends up losing her powers. I also just wanna say that both sides of the argument, Max's and Mike's, make sense, they're just coming from two different places. Ofc, this is all coming from Mike Defender #1, so if you still disagree, that's totally okay! I just figured I'd share Mike's side of things a little! :) (also this got a lot longer than I meant it to I'm so sorry)

Huda Nasir

Agreed I’m confused how people are mad at him for this he’s just concerned about someone he loves I would be the same way if it was someone I loved

Kevin Farrell

I know I'm a little late to the party, but are they watching without subtitles? Are there no subtitles on the screen because it's easier to get copyright claimed? Have they ever talked about it? 😆