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Hey Rangers, shout out to *Holly* for requesting this film hope you guys enjoy our reaction!





Mark W

Im gonna have to give Holly this! 👏👏👏BRAVO young lady you have taste!

Mark W

exactly, this is one of the movies listed in The Library Of Congress for a reason.


Omg I love this community. This movie is legendary btw. All the great directors were inspired by this film. I died laughing at the water cup part at the beginning. I know how shoshanna burns through water lol.

Holly R

Going to get to watch your reaction later tonight, but thank you so much for doing this one. Sorry I didn't give a choice this time, but simply had to include this! :) Although I'm noticing the runtime is a touch shorter than the movie itself...I'm going to assume they've cut out a 'reaction' to the intermission...heh

Holly R

Thank you. I'd included this in a few past months (I've always given them options to choose from) but this time I sort of forced the selection. It's always been one of my favorite films (enough that I did a study on it for one of my degrees) and, for my money, sits as the greatest film ever made. I could have easily recommended a few other David Lean movies, but, in the end, had to go with the big one. (although I haven't been 'young lady' for quite some time)


You are correct. This is absolutely the greatest film ever made. Based on the real events of T. E. Lawrence during his exploits in Arabia. This is a filmmaker's film.


If you want the first-hand account of what Lawrence did, you need to read his memoir, "Seven Pillars of Wisdom: A Triumph."

Holly R

Just finished watching your reaction, so glad you appreciated the film. On accuracy, it's about as accurate as a biopic gets...which is to say, it's about 85% on. It follows "Seven Pillars of Wisdom" very closely, which is Lawrence's own memoirs. It's a little off on the depiction of the Arab warriors (many were uniformed, disciplined soldiers..and Faisal was far more cosmopolitan than in the film). That, and the Arab council remained in power for a few years, rather than falling apart after a few weeks. But the events in the movie are pretty close to reality, including the "no prisoners!" scene, the crossing of the Nefud desert, and Lawrence's death.


In another life, Obi-Wan still has a saber.

Neill Shaughness

Allah means God. Islam has a common ancestry with Christianity and Judaism and their are lots of commonalities between them