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Hey Rangers, continuing our MCU journey with *Thor love and Thunder* hope you guys enjoy our reaction!



Y’all make every day a good day 🔥


But in my opinion marvel hasn’t produced anything good since Spider-Man 3, Loki and moonknight were really good but other than that there’s nothing to look forward to other than guardians content

Dylan wofford

Are you still gonna react to I am legend

Saul Hernandez

Hope you guys enjoyed this movie, I found it enjoyable, (i’m in the minority lol 🤷🏻‍♂️)


Yes you guys are catching up! Almost at guardians 3 and Loki season 2!


Did you guys do Black Widow?


Vince is correct that’s Christian bale, THE BATMAN , lol one of my favorite actors


In a lot of Norse and Greek mythology, that’s how a lot of the gods are, they care very little about the people who worship them and more about their power


The little girl (Love) is played by Chris Hemsworth’s real daughter. I like the final line of the movie explaining why it’s called Love and Thunder, that was a nice ending. And I like that Jane’s character finally got some closure after being forgotten about all these years.

Jarick Richardson

For your question about Gamora she did die in infinity war but in endgame that was her past self

Aldo Gonzales

My favorite funny moment was Thor dissing Gorr’s dental work. I had a feeling that the title Love and Thunder had a deeper meaning, but I didn’t expect it to be nicknames for Thor and his new daughter. A decade ago I never imagined they would implement the screaming goat meme into a comic book film, but here we are. They don't mention their names out loud, but they're called Toothgnasher and Toothgrinder. The New Asgard tour guide is Darryl Jacobson. He appeared in the Team Thor One-Shots and starred in his own short titled Team Darryl. Gorr's daughter Love was portrayed by Chris Hemsworth's real-life daughter India Rose. In fact, Christian Bale, Natalie Portman, and Taika Waititi had their kids join as some of New Asgard's children. Not only that, the kids who were brought to set were asked to draw monsters on paper. Then those drawings were submitted to the visual development team to create the shadow monsters that we see in the final film. The idea started when Taika’s daughter drew a monster and showed it to her dad, and that was in the early stages of development. They had yet to start filming at the time. Imagine if the Guardians knew about Eternity. If they stuck around long enough, either Nebula or Peter would have wished to revive Gamora whereas Drax would bring back his wife and daughter. I didn't expect for them to be around for much of the movie, but when I saw it in theaters for the first time I was hoping to at least get a teaser about where they're headed next. At least the wait is almost over. All you have to do is power through She-Hulk: Attorney at Law and Werewolf by Night. After that, you’re good to watch the Guardians’ Holiday Special. With that said, I think I speak for all of us when I say that we can’t wait for you guys to get to Volume 3.


Not gonna lie. I didn't like this movie at all. They wasted Gorr the God Butcher which is a very strong character, they also failed with Lady Thor which is also a better written character in the comics. This is a 4/10 for me


The Gamora you saw in Endgame is basically a "Variant" from 2014 who travelled alongside Thanos, Nebula and his army to the present day during the events of Endgame in 2023. Variant 2014 Nebula died while Tony used the stones to turn the Variant Thano's and his army to dust. But Variant Gamora is still very much alive. Its unknown where she is in relation to the Guardians. Did she return to this branched 2014 timeline without a Thanos creating a whole new history going forward or did she remain in the Sacred Timeline, Earth-616, Earth-19999 whatever people want to call the mainline MCU. Guess we'll have to wait and see. The MCU uses the idea that if you travel backwards in time you create a branched timeline where any changes made have zero effects on your original timeline. Ms Marvel breaks these rules and uses the Bootstrap Paradox, a causal loop of events where everything happens in a single timeline. So we cannot save the original Gamora, Variants of Gamora also have there own Peters as well. Would be pretty depressing if you were sitting with your girlfriend and some alternate version of yourself kidnapped your girlfriend because his version died, taking her to his own universe.

Zac Cochrane

I enjoyed this movie, mainly because it has more use for the MCU future than No Way Home did. It had some moments that were iffy, but all in all I thought I was good. Can't wait for GOTG 3 and loki season 2. She Hulk was a bigger joke than this movie


That movie was okay for me. There were parts that were really damn good but there were also parts that were really bad

Fred Fonseca

Even chris hemsworth said that this movie was way too silly

Luis Ortiz

Yes indeed this movie was a joke 🥺🥹


There are a few deleted scenes with Zeus & Thor that are serious and actually pretty good (like how he learned to use Thunderbolt for teleportation) but either Taika or the studio cut it out... I think this movie is a perfect example of when a studio tries to up something, they saw how people took Guardians & Thor: Ragnarök and wanted more, more fun, more jokes and at some point it just became silly. Christian Bale plays Gorr to perfection, the few scenes he have... they should have focused on him more and could've gone even darker, but instead we got a "funny movie"


This was a fun movie! She Hulk is a fun comedy series that I think you’ll like.


The girl who played Christian bales daughter in this is Chris hemsworths real daughter!


Shoshana (sorry if I’m misspelling it) your opinion I feel is the most prevailing opinion and I think the correct one. It just wasn’t a good movie and is on par with how these later phases have disappointed.


Idk I more agree with shana this movie ain’t it 😂 but I loved y’all reaction to it!


I hate this movie, love your reaction and please skip She-Hulk

Alex Ramirez

The Gamora we know died in infinity war, but the gamora that came in endgame isn’t the same one we know , bc she doesn’t form the guardians and has to memory of them, even no memory of quill . Her story comes full circle when yall reach GOTG Vol 3.


I know a lot of people didn't like it, but I'm with Vince. If you just take the movie for what it is, it's a good, light-hearted watch. And like he said Thor has always been kind of a goof character in the MCU, never taking anything too seriously until he absolutely needed to. But they did probably stretch the silliness a bit too far in this movie. To me Ragnarok was a near perfect example of how a Thor movie should be, and they tried to recapture that but it fell flat for a lot of people. And with all of the hard emotions of like Civil War, Infinity War, Endgame, Far From Home, and No Way Home, I think people came to expect that too much. Sometimes you need a break from that kind of drama, and that's what Thor and the Guardians bring. Also I know She-Hulk gets a lot of hate, but if you do decide to watch it go in open-minded and try to enjoy it for what it is.

Aldo Gonzales

So did I. The Guardians’ Holiday Special and Volume 3 are also highly up there on the must-watch list.


Thor has always had comedy but kids were kidnapped and Jane is dealing with cancer but still the whole movie is a joke. And like shoshana said, if you’re gonna be a joke then actually be funny, Guardians have been a gag since star lord showed up on screen but the jokes are actually funny and fit the characters and doesn’t lessen the stakes. Star lord and Drax are a joke, but Gamora isn’t…DR. JANE FOSTER trying to come up with Mjolner punch lines was just Taiki saying f*ck it I’m making a Thor parody.

Raymond Ortega

I think she hulk is a show you both will enjoy

Prince Zay

I agree with shoshana, they went to comedy style in a time where Thor should really be either be throw off by anger or or kinda isolate himself from everyone & everything to find himself again. I get what they tried but it wasn’t right

Rashad Walker

Best part of the movie besides gorr was the kids powering up

Justin Cross

So fun fact, the Necro Sword is a significant thing to see in the films at this time with Venom films, as the symbiote race (called the Klyntar) that Venom is apart of comes directly from the sword, and the Necrosword sword in the comics is known as "The first Symbiote".

Super Saiyan God

I actually liked this movie. I did NOT dislike this movie like a lot of people did. Is this among the best Marvel movies? Not at all, but it was ight.


Lol I hate She-Hulk too, but there’s no point skipping anything MCU related at this point. They’ve come too far just like the rest of us. It’s better to watch it and have a bad opinion, instead of not watching it and not being able to give any opinion at all.


PREACH it Shoshana! You are speaking on behalf of the majority. I don’t mind superhero movies having jokes. But it just seems like Marvel wants us to laugh AT our heroes, rather than laughing WITH them. Our heroes are supposed to inspire us and excite us with epic moments. Not making them look foolish and delivering corny jokes every few minutes. Thor doesn’t need to be a low-IQ idiot in order to be likable and funny.


Are you going to watch their reactions to She Hulk? I’m still undecided, it’s tough to watch a 2nd time 😂😭


I watched this movie in Theaters and to me, there was no hype to takeaway. The only thing I want to see is how they bring Hercules into future projects. Mighty Thor to only last within this movie is unfortunate, bc I want to see more of Jane Foster as Mighty Thor. Storyline didn’t even pull me in the way it should have. I love Thor but not a fan of this movie either 😅 but it doesn’t go to say that this is a reflection of phase 4 and the whole MCU. Hope you guys find joy in other projects! 😁

Jo-el Brown

Welcome to the dark days of Marvel you two. I didn't like this movie at all but just my opinion.

Andres Avendaño

It sure be a better thor movie, jokes arr good but Taika was not good directing it, Thor 5 will be better!

Aaron Robinson

This is just me but I don't think marvel has fallen off some stuff just didn't live up to some peoples expectations


They forsure went a bit far with most of the comedy but it is what it is. The director Taika Waititi isn't returning for Thor 5 if they go through with it

Mitchell Smilie

As someone who found 'The Marvels' to be much less than the dumpster fire I was promised by reviews (I'd give it a 3 out 5), this movie is one that definitely lived up to the poor reviews. Marvel had been criticized for exerting too much control over their creatives, so they loosened their grip a little, and it resulted in uneven projects such as this one. Taika was given way too much freedom with this film, and it completely sunk the movie. While comic book movies need a little humor to keep the fun element intact, they also don't need to be full-blown comedies. Marvel earned the goodwill to have the freedom to experiment in their post-Endgame projects, but the results have been mixed to say the least. Time to end the experiments and get back to good old-fashioned storytelling. The hope is, as they push projects out to 2025 and beyond, they're going to get back to the formula that made them so successful in their first decade. I don't think "super hero fatigue" is a real thing. 'No Way Home' and Guardians 3 was proof that people will come out if you give them good stories and characters they love.


Love that Vince tried to protect her by saying “… and remember y’all… that’s her opinion”😂 just in case she got hate lmaooooo don’t worry tho girl! The ppl are with you. This was TRASHHHHH. CGI in the first battle with the guardians was terrible, the Axl vision CGI was terrible, and yeah Vince, Thor has always had some humor to him but they overdid it so bad this movie that they made HIM a joke. This is supposed to be a Viking God and they’ve deviated so far from that original essence that it’s an unrecognizable character at this point. Nobody says he can’t have character development but this def not it imo. Gorr was great because Christian Bale is great at everything he does. But totally agree with Shoshana that this was trash and I APPLAUD HER for having the guts to say it regardless of any potential backlash she could’ve faced. Love that she’s not scared to be honest!!! From the start she even said “… is this supposed to be a joke?” And I almost spit out my drink😂 love the reactions you two. Keep it up❤️🔥


I also believe the movie was bad because it was so comedy-heavy, crossing into cringe territory, that it made the villain/problem of the story not seem that big a deal throughout the movie. How am I supposed to take it seriously when kids are hostages but there’s 57 jokes in between them being taken and then rescued? Lol past marvel films were great because the storyline never deviated from the dire situation and consequences. Yeah there was some jokes in there but if there’s so many jokes that it actively takes you out of that intensity build up, then they made a mistake. Endgame was borderline cringe with Rhodey’s cringe jokes. It’s only rewatchable because the other 95% of the movie is great. The 5% of jokes make certain scenes hard to rewatch.

Alvin Everett

“Love” (Gorr’s daughter) is Chris Hemsworth’s daughter irl. Stormbreaker being jealous or Mjolnir and Thunderbolt is genuinely funny, even tho it’s ridiculous. Hercules and Zeus are in both Marvel and DC comics, and that’s exactly what Hercules looks like in Marvel.


shoshana is right gamaora did die but when they time traveled in endgame the 2014 version of her came back so she doesn’t even remember working with the guardians bc it’s the version of her before she met them


Some fun moments but wasn't the best movie. Keep being honest guys it separates yall from other reactors. I think the filming of this movie was a giant party in Australia and the cast just got carried away with it.


Black panther: wakanda forever should get the hype that guardians 3 gets. Black panther 2 is better


was looking forward to this movie for years it could’ve been so much more but instead they tried too hard to recreate ragnorok they really wasted christian bale


thor can never get a break i’ve come to expect at least someone close to him to die every movie

Max Wiidanen

It’s not a terrible movie honestly but not really rewatchable. This was the movie that made me finally realize infinity saga marvel was over.

Thomas kennedy

Its not to bad not great my opinion honestly it ok


This is misunderstood a lot but people do not have to be worthy to pick up Stormbreaker. It was never enchanted with a spell like Odin did to Mjolnir in the first Thor movie On that note, it's also implied that Thor unknowingly casted another spell on Mjolnir when he asked it to protect Jane forever. You see it glow with a symbol. It's to be inferred that's why Mjolnir made Jane worthy. She was able to become the Mighty Thor, die a warrior's death, and go to Valhalla


It would of been better with a more serious tone, Christian Bale seemed to be the only one that took his role seriously.


Declaring 45 minutes into it that "this movie feels like a joke" is genuinely the most scathing and accurate review I've seen. It's really rough to see reactors visibly baffled by the direction rather than taking it in stride but it's also necessary. Keep it real. But Shoshana and Vince, don't let the comments make you think negative going into something. This may be the dark days of the MCU but there are still some BANGERS. Guardians 3 and Loki season 2 for instance.


Don't know if anyone said this yet but the little girl is his daughter in real life


I agree with Vince, I understand the 2 halves of the movie and how they changed the theme but I bought it too. I enjoyed it either way, is It the best movie no but thors personality is low key a gag. I wasn't that disappointed

Ritchy Moereo

Merci à vous pour votre réaction 👍. Merci à Vince pour avoir compris ce que signifiait ce film pour le personnage de Thor . si vous prêtez vraiment attention , toutes les parties "goofie" du film sont racontées du point de vu de Korg , alors que dans toutes les parties "sérieuses" Korg est absent . Merci à Shoshana pour avoir un avis différent 😃 . Merci encore à vous 2 . p.s: I watched till the last épisode of She-Hulk to really tried to find something to defend this show. If you think Thor : love and thunder was not done very well , donc expect too much from She-Hulk .

Ben Gibb

With the holidays coming you definitely need to check out guardians of galaxy holiday special


Their gonna love guardians of the galaxy and antman in this faze


Something for you guys to remember: first, thor was a bit of a mistake, they made him overly serious so people loved it when he got silly for his 3rd movie this was just OVERLY silly. Second: phase 4 played with different styles like in their comics each character had a different style (comedy, time period piece, horror) its thanks to that we get things like moon knight wandavision and loki, that means everyone will like something but nobody will like everything. Lastly, most people say the quality went down after loki (some say after end game) so the fact that Ms marvel was the first time I heard either of you really not liking the content means you'll find more you like than you don't

Hector Avila

I 100% agree with Vince!! Also, the girl is Chris Hemsworth's real life daughter.

Emerald Light

Thor become a jokester in ragnorak. Before that he had a different personality.

Justin M Borowski

I love Shoshanna so much lmfao she is just like me. I was watching her during this movie thinking "she... HATES this movie"