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Hey Rangers, shout out to *Michael A Daniello* for requesting us to finish the Matrix trilogy! Hope you guys enjoy our reaction! 



Was hoping for 21 jump street or Spider-Man 😩 but this is sick can’t wait to see this 👀🔥

Jihad Lee

Thanks Michael!


Great! Now finish Harry Potter and Jurassic Park please


Thank you Michael! I love this movie. I remember watching this in theaters as a kid. Part 2 and 3 were released in the same year, just a few months apart. Don’t think any other movie franchise has ever done that before. I loved that final fight scene between Neo and Smith.


The actress who originally played the Oracle unfortunately passed away after the 2nd movie, so they had to replace her.


finished the matrix? there is 4th :P


This short anime tells the story of how the war with the machines started. It’s very good: Part 1: https://youtu.be/sU8RunvBRZ8?si=ECIhBiPvQFRwZE17 Part 2: https://youtu.be/61FPP1MElvE?si=jqmGz24IcLmIXreH


@43;00 love the sass Vince haha


Hey guys i dont think the secret whispering and secret convos during reactions are a good thing. Its very obvious no matter how you attempt to cover your mouths etc. I do think that if you have to hide what you say to viewers then maybe it shouldn't be said on camera in the first place. Just my opinion but good reaction overall.

Mark W

I think they should be able to do what they want because its their patreon but damn im not trying to be controlling so...


They are more than welcome to do what they want with their patreon. Criticism is part of life. Just like opinions. They wont all be the same. Have a pleasant day.

Anthony Garcia

Yeah, 21 jump street & Spiderman are the ones I've been waiting for so long 💀

Bryan Kelly

Not sure if anyone else is religious or christian, but I love the christian undertones of Jesus dying and the oracle saying one day neo will return. Cool stuff


Can y'all finish the john wick movies

Michael A Daniello

Why of course, I love this movie truly I never get all the hate that it gets truly a great movie.


Vince you had me dying laughing at several points 😂. Great reaction. The other ships were destroyed when Bane pulled the EMP they tried attacking the machines before they reached Zion and got messed up. Btw Michael Daniello I strongly suggest getting them to watch the Animatrix. I think the would find the history of the machine world interesting.


Like others have said (and you Vince said it yourself) there is The Matrix: Resurrections from 2021.. it's still a continuation of the main story, but I guess you will have to judge by yourself if you count is as part of it or not. There is also the Animatrix show(animation) that goes deeper into the Matrix and the machines