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Hey Rangers, here is another episode of *Hawkeye* hope you guys enjoy our reaction!



Finally Spider-Mans next


After venom 2 lol




Crazy how literally everyone was confident that Jack was evil. How everyone wanted him to get locked up and stuff just for him to turn out innocent and kind of awesome. 😂

Jarick Richardson

next is Venom: let there be carnage and then Spider-man: no way home

Anthony Garcia

Kingpin isn't officially dead. The new daredevil show & Maya's show is coming out soon, and he's confirmed to come out in both shows. We just don't know the timelines that connect all 3 shows.

Nicholas Obici

Seriously guys, thank you for pumping out these MCU reactions! I remember when you guys dropped the first episode of WandaVision, you said in a comment that you’d be putting out the show reactions twice a week. I never expected to already be up to Spider-Man No Way Home so soon


Kate's mom was also the mom in Godzilla and the psychic from The Conjuring. Underrated

Aldo Gonzales

Kate couldn’t be Clint’s partner just because she said so. That’s something she had to earn, and she finally did. I also liked how she explained why she looked up to him. Having him hear that from her makes their partnership all the more meaningful and vital. Now that you made it this far, I can confirm that Yelena will return in The Thunderbolts. They’re a team of anti-heroes. The lineup also includes the following: Bucky Antonia Dreykov/Taskmaster Alexei Shostakov/Red Guardian John Walker/U.S. Agent Ava Starr/Ghost from Ant-Man and the Wasp. Due to the strikes, production on the film has yet to begin. In the meantime, Alaqua Cox reprised her role as Maya Lopez in her own show called Echo. That’s her superhero code name. It was set to premiere late next month, but now they moved it to January.


The way the two of you had the absolute biggest smiles on y’all’s faces says it all. Clint deserved this. It makes me so happy every time I see it.

real one

Appreciate yall reaction

real one

And kate will eventually replace Clint but not right now she’s not ready for that yet to go out there and perform on his level for the new avengers team. She honestly won’t even be on the avengers yet until a few years down the line. Her and Clint will return though… I like the way they handled her character didn’t do the typical female lead character

real one

Shoutout to Clint for being one of the only humans 🫡


Hells yea Spider-Man so soon


I’m gonna save this video for later today tho 🔥 can’t wait to see the reaction


The theme of the phase 4 is trauma, and my boy Moonknight can't get here fast enough 😀


Great reactions! I'm pretty sure this was the passing of the torch for Hawkeye. I think it's a lot more likely to see Kate Bishop moving forward than Clint Barton (unless it's a small cameo or something)

Jarick Richardson

Yeah so about kingpin in the comic books he has super-strength and sometimes invulnerability


Hawkeye said the watch belonged to someone he used to work with. Now we know he was talking about his wife. The back of the watch was the S.H.I.E.L.D. logo with the number 19 on it. His wife was Agent 19, also known as Mockingbird in the comics. That’s how they met.


Kate Bishop in the comics was not to far off from this MCU version, just with a few different details. Spoiler in the comics she lost her mother, Eleanor. And her father, Derek brought up Kate and her sister, Susan Bishop


"Disneyfied" isn't normally a compliment nowadays lol, they been slacking recently and need to pick it up, but this show is alright to me...maybe it woulda been better if Kate was more hard-nosed who knows, but I still think her character fits


seeing "Spiderman: No Way Home" on sunday will be like the end of an era


And now I can day it. Jack in the comics is the vigilante Swordsman. So I initially suspected he might actually be a good person


Finally have time to watch!

Holly R

I love Hawkeye's development in this...When we first see him, he's triggered by the musical, specifically seeing Natasha in it. And the scene at the Avengers plaque when he's talking to her. It's clear he's still carrying so much guilt over Nat's sacrifice. Heck, even in the finale, when Yelena is fighting him, you see that he's pretty much given up, at one point, he's just letting her beat him with her club, because he in part blames himself for Nat's death. I think he would have let Yelena kill him. Him being able to come home and enjoy Christmas with his family is a big win for him.


I’m not sure if the serum in Natasha gives her strength or anything, it was just to make her obey the black widows master


Leave Venom 2 in the trash!

Getoff Mylawn

At the end when she's trying out names and he says "Actually, I have an idea," and then the Hawkeye logo appears, thats what he told her. He gave her the Hawkeye name. Also, she's one of the main members of the Young Avengers (including Ms Marvel, Wandas kids, America Chavez and Ant Mans daughter), which Marvel has been introducing because the main actors are getting too old. Jeremy Renner is 52, Robert Downy Jr is 58, Mark Rufullo is 55 and, believe or not, Paul Rudd is 54. Time for new blood!


On to the best marvel show next, moon knight. Genuinely cannot wait for that reaction


Kingpin has no powers ! He was just born huge and always naturally had big muscles and a huge body so he’d work out a lot and just gained a lot of strength


In the comics , Kingpin has no serum or powers but he's supposed to be peak human strength and durability. Almost superhuman but just from training and size

Holly R

I don't understand why people were saying watch Let there Be Carnage first.....the ending is a fucking SPOILER for No Way Home... But it's too late now....too bad...


I can't wait to see her when she becomes part of the young avengers

Hector Avila

So, couple things. First, you will see Kate Bishop again since she is going to be part of The Young Avengers. In the upcoming projects ya'll are gonna be watching you will see other members of the Young Avengers being introduced. I'm not gonna say who they are in order to avoid spoiling it for you since I really want to see your genuine reaction, but keep that in mind each time yoh see a new young character being introduced. Also, Yelena will become part of the Thunderbolts, which is like a rogue group of antiheroes, sort of. In the comics she ends up becoming the White Widow, but we don't know if Marvel will bring that to the MCU, all we know is thay she will be in the upcoming Thunderbolts movie. Lastly, Kingpin is not dead. That scene was recreated from the comics and when Echo shoots him he just goes blind for a little bit but heals and goes back to kicking ass. Also, he didn't take any serum or anything, according to the comics he's just huge and is suppossed to be at the peak of the human condition, meaning that his stamina, strenght, healing capabilites, etc, are as best as humanly possible without having "powers". Sort of like Samsom in the Bible, or Hercules in greek mythology. So, he will be back in the Daredevil Born Again series and he will also go up against Spiderman at some point. He will become such a big threat that Daredevil and Spiderman need to team up to go up against him. So, buckle up, this was just the beginning of a looong story!!