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Hey Rangers, here is another episode of *Hawkeye* hope you guys enjoy our reaction!



Let’s gooooo!! So happy.

Aldo Gonzales

Get used to the way the Tracksuit Mafia interact. Whether they’re talking to teammates or enemies, they call everyone bro. Hailee Steinfeld is always a win. Her big debut was in a movie called True Grit, and she more recently starred in the Apple TV+ series Dickinson as the title character and real-life poet Emily Dickinson. We don’t have a lot of LARPing events here in Los Angeles, but it does look like fun. I’d like to try it out sometime. Tony Dalton actually took a bit of fencing back in college, but it had been a while since he picked up a sword. So as soon as he got the part for Jack, he hired a pro fencer to coach him back in formation. Piotr Adamczyk, the Polish actor who portrayed the Tracksuit member Tomas, has voiced Scott Lang/Ant-Man in the MCU’s Polish dub.


It’s ok not to like all of the shows. Some of the shows are very divisive for lots of fans, and it’s where Marvel-fatigue has set in for lots of people. You’ll start to feel this way about some of the newer movies too. I don’t dislike this show but it’s definitely near the bottom of my list. It has funny moments but I agree with Shoshana that it hasn’t offered enough to keep me hooked.


👍 Tracksuit Mafia are funny!😁

Andres Avendaño

Yees! You will love Kate Bishop, don’t worry


Gonna watch this when I go into work later !


I just wanna say you should definitely watch venom let there be carnage before Spider-Man no way home because if you watch it after, there might be a bit of confusion in no way home.

Holly R

I CAN'T BELIEVE YOU HATE THIS SHOW!!! YOU HAVE NO TASTE!!! HOW COULD YOU NO-ugh...really can't keep that up.... But, seriously, this is one of my favorite MCU shows, largely because of Hawkeye. I love how Renner plays him as being a bit taxed and exhausted and just so over it all. Like, he did the hero thing, and just wants to do the family thing now, but he also can't leave Kate out on her own, so he's going to pop some advil and get back into it. The show remains light (it is Christmas, after all) and Tracksuit Mafia definitely provides that, but it also delivers some of the best character moments that Hawkeye has been given. As for Kate...well, you saw in the intro that after seeing Hawkeye in the battle of NY, she modeled her life to be a hero (the martial arts, gymnastics, etc)...but she's still very, very naïve. I think this show does a good job bringing her from one place to the next...


Trust it gets really good!!!!


it def picks up, just gotta take it for what it is


Its Marvel's version of a Christmas event. If you keep that level of expectation, its fine. I think Hawkeye, the mystery, and the step dad are charming enough to carry it. Its as charming as an antman movie for me. I wasnt expecting Avengers tier quality from it. But Shoshana is valid if she doesnt like Kate. Shes cocky, naive and rebellious. If that character trait annoys you its easy to not like it.

Anthony Garcia

Honestly my 2nd favorite MCU show behind Loki...You just gotta be patient with it & not expect to much from it.

Cole Trahan

That lady you saw at the end was ECHO, she's really important in the MCU, there's going to be a whole show about her.

Aldo Gonzales

If we were to ask the general population whether they like Hailee more as Gwen Stacy or Kate Bishop, a handful of them might say the former. I like both, but Gwen takes her role more seriously. She’s also not as clumsy as Kate.


Aht aht don’t poop on your youtube community

Hamza Darby

Should start picking up now, episode 3 is a really cool episode. I love Kate Bishop, hopefully you get to like her a bit more as the season goes on.


Guess I should shave my mustache...