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Hey Rangers, here is another episode of *What if* hope you guys enjoy!


Holly R

A very fun episode, lot of little cameos (that you obviously had fun catching) and it just follows the typical 'party while parents are gone' structure... I do always find it interesting when Captain Marvel gets talked about. To answer a few of the questions that came up: -It was the Space Stone that she absorbed to get her big powers. If you notice, in the MCU, anyone who's powers have a connection to an infinity stone is massively powerful (Vision, Wanda, Dr. Strange when he has the Time Stone, etc) and Carol is not an exception to that. -In the comics, Carol's power is that she can absorb energy. They do that a bit in the MCU (heck, her origin shows that...also when Thor is blasting her in this) but I'm not sure if it's fully conveyed. -In the MCU, she is absolutely one of the most powerful heroes. She is essentially the MCU's "Superman". The funny thing is, we watch Justice League, and we're totally fine with Superman being that powerful (he just shows up and handles the fight, the rest of the league can't stand against him, etc....) but people seem to have problems with Carol being in the same position. -In the comics, Carol is close to that same level of power. During the "House of M" event (where Wanda rewrote reality in order to have a happy family) Carol was the most powerful hero on the planet. It was sort of a wake-up call for her to realize that she could 'do better' when things went back to normal. Finally, on Captain Marvel's 'likability'....this is a tough one. Marvel cast an amazing actress for the part, and Brie Larson is incredibly likeable and charismatic. The question is why haven't they used that in the movies. In her first movie, and really, almost the only thing we've seen from her, the story has her be a blank slate, with the loss of her memories and her being gaslit the entire time. It's only near the end when she starts to show a bit more personality. I think the few small scenes that she had in Endgame were far stronger (even the simple little "hey Peter Parker" delivery in the final battle carries so much more charm). I know some people complain that the character has an ego...but she's an ace pilot in the Air Force. I've known quite a few fighter pilots, and huge confidence comes with the territory. Heck, she's not just a fighter pilot, but she's a test pilot, which is levels of confidence above that. You see this in Top Gun, where both of those movies are filled with unadulterated bravado, with Maverick being at the top of it. So imagine if you took Maverick, gave him the powers of Superman, that's the levels you get with Captain Marvel.


thor would win