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Hey Rangers, here is the final episode of Loki hope you guys enjoy! 



The man behind everything (“He Who Remains”) is a variant of KANG The Conqueror. He is the next Thanos-level villain of the MCU. This next phase of movies will eventually lead up to Avengers: Kang Dynasty.

Anthony Jackson

Just the start of the multiverse!! Can’t wait for future projects!


We are now in the MULTIVERSE. Get ready. All thanks to Sylvie. She’s the reason the multiverse exists in the first place. She’s the reason we have X-Men movies, and why there are many different versions of Spider-Man out there. Thank you Sylvie.


Hey folks. Thanks for the quick upload. Appreciate it and as somewhat pointed this is a variant of Kang, a Thanos level threat in the comics. Very strong character.


The reason they didn't recognize Loki at the end was because he got transferred to a different universe, a different branch in the multiverse, where the TVA was created and controlled by someone else, and where Loki never met those variants of the TVA.


And just think about it folks. If you were micromanaging an entire timeline to ensure other versions of yourself don't break out you would go kinda crazy too. Hence why he was acting like that. But yeah it would seem Loki ended up on a different timeline. Have to see in s2


Just wait up until antman 3 Kang returns


Just know that not all the timelines follow the same storyline. Different characters may experience different situations and endings. In some timelines thanos will be victorious for instance. Stuff like that. The dangerous part is that there is a person.. The One who Remains.. that is aware of the multiverse and has his sights set on it.. and so are all his variants.. an infinite amount of them. - Keep following the release order of the movies and shows and you'll see that this newly introduced person is actually insanely scary. One thing to note though is they added shows like she-hulk aswell, which are more fun-driven shows.

Cole Trahan

I don't think Shoshana understands the impact of this show(yet), so it's a low rating for her, but that'll change for sure when they learn in the future movies to come, then they'll rate this way higher. Not saying that they won't like the future movies, because they're amazing, but the future movies will have an impact on this show. I'm here for it, I hope y'all are too:)

Dakori Robinson

I think you guys should watch all seasons of stranger things on here that would be a great reaction!


My take on the ending is that Kang took-over the TVA and changed things. Mind wiped everybody and started over. I’ve heard some people say that Sylvie sent Loki to a different universe/branch, but the TVA exists outside of time. I don’t think there are multiple versions of the TVA. I think there is only one TVA overseeing all timelines. The Mobius at the end is the same Mobius we know, he just doesn’t remember meeting Loki.


Godzilla vs kong is just straight action no real plot. Action does not make a movie good.


Yess can’t wait for Hawkeye Spider-Man and gotg 3 ! Love you guys


I know you guys were probably confused when they showed he who remains, but kang is a huge marvel villain in the comics. That’s all I’ll really say on him, so it’s not a disappointment, I know you guys were hoping to see someone we’d recognize but this is just as good because it leads to the next phase of marvel


Because I've read lots of comics and understand multiple "Thanos-level" villains and know of multiple storylines similar to the infinity saga, I gave this show a 9/10 just from the pure excitement of knowing the possibilities of what can come next in the MCU. "He who remains" is a HUGE deal and can make Thanos look like a grape in comparison. (The Insignificance of the infinity stones in episode one of this show should give you a pretty good idea of what I mean). Because this is the very beginning of this new storyline in the MCU, I can understand Shoshana's score. She just doesn't yet have the level of understanding of what all could come next like me and others do. And I genuinely like that yall are keeping it real with the ratings despite knowing there's always some people that will hate on yall for it. But I bet her rating for this show will change by the time the final Avengers movies finish off this new "Multiverse" saga lol. Things are gonna get crazy..


This show has insane implications for the future, opening up the multiverse is something alot of people were waiting for. This final episode was just amazing dialogue to explain everything

Justin Cross

Introducing KANE, The Conqueror!!! This villain will make Thanos look like a fly compared to a bird.


I personally didn't feel let down by the finale or He Who Remains. But then again, I went into this knowing who he is and how significant of a character he will be in the future (the next Thanos pretty much) whereas you guys had no idea. Still, there are very exciting things to come from this, and I'm excited to see what you guys think :)


That's why I love this show so much. It doesn't have a lot of action, but the writing is soooo good that you really don't need it. I loved the finale for this show


yeah idk about all that especially after antman

Joe Deluca

Black Widow next then What if. Vince is going to love what if because he's into all the animated stuff

Prince Zay

Once you guys see the rest of the movies and find out more about he who remains it’ll all make since & then you’ll have a higher rating for Loki guaranteed!

Alex Ramirez

When yall continue to watch the MCU in the right Order , you will stumble on the movie Antman & The Wasp Quantumania, it will give you a better understanding of the Conqueror. Recommended!

Alex Ramirez

And The conqueror is the next Thanos but way more powerful

Andres Avendaño

Kang The Conqueror! Next big Villain!

Fred Fonseca

The only reason you think it’s a letdown it’s because you don’t know about Kang the conqueror, Jonathan Majors is one of the best actors in the mcu currently.

Fred Fonseca

It was really a surprise getting such a low rating for this show since this is most people’s favourite mcu show.

Hamza Darby

This was very much an episode for people with a prior knowledge of 'Kang'. For the more casual viewer, this episode, while acted well, didn't hit because they didn't know the deal. Kang is a big deal in Marvel Comics, I just hope they really pay it off in Live Action.


Can you please react to Marvels "What if".


That was great acting, shouldn't be controversial


NOPE. There’s only one TVA overseeing all the branches. The TVA exists outside of all the timelines. There’s not multiple versions of the TVA.


Do you have a question about the ending of Loki? Pretty sure I explained it very simply lol.

Mara Smith

I get where you’re coming from. I personally liked it from beginning to the last episode. I don’t know “he who remained” either so for me I was like… oh? But then I did research and since then movies came out and tv shows and it makes me look back and appreciate s1 so much. I can’t wait for Loki 2 💛💛


Oh man you will be surprised by season 2 and other movies along the line. What Loki/Silvi did in Season 1 is literally the most influencing event for the whole MCU after Infinity War.