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Hey Rangers, shout out to *FLICK FREAKS* for requesting this film hope you guys enjoy! 




Every day at 10 I love it


I can’t believe it’s finally here. I thought it would never happen. Thank you Flick Freaks!

Josh Thompson

Yessss flick freaks. I vote for this on every single suggestions post and it never wins 😭😭😭 it's one of my all time top 5 movies. Can't wait to watch along when I get home from work!


Finally. Love you Flick Freaks! Meat Loaf (Robert Paulson) was a famous musician Shoshanna. Btw this film blows your mind on a second watch knowing the twist. There's constant hints.


I'd fight Brad Pitt.. not out of dislike or anything, just wanna see if I could hang 🤣🤣.. who y'all fight.. anybody.. thanks Flick Freaks you picked one my all time favorites.. and thanks Shoshana & Vince for the reaction.. especially during the liposuction clinic scene 😁


Fantastic reaction from you two. I had a big smile on my face when Shoshana guessed the twist. Probably one of my favorite reactions to this movie. If you love this kind of mind-bending movie, I'd definitely recommend Memento by Christopher Nolan, Donnie Darko, The Usual Suspects, or Shutter Island. A few other noteworthy mentions in other genres would be Se7en with Brad Pitt, or American History X with Edward Norton.


Edward Norton was the original Hulk in the MCU


Another phenomenal film i would recommend is Se7en. Its directed by the same director David Fincher amd also stars Brad Pitt.

Bryan Kelly

Shoshana's laugh at inappropriate times had me crying laughing out loud

Joe Deluca

Shoshana for the win! She knew what was up not even halfway through the movie.


Never seen someone guess so early. On this was a reaction reaction lots of laughter. The Director David Fincher has heap of great films that would make for awesome reactions.


David Fincher the director is a master filmmaker and his other movies are worth the watch too. SHOULD WATCH SEVEN. Btw Shoshanna is one of the only people I've ever known guess the twist that early. He does survive btw. I saw the end as his two personalities combined. Yall need to watch Hannibal sequel to silence of the lambs. Decent sequel for sure.

Silas Kane

Ok I'm a reaction hobbyist and I have seen alot of freaking Fight Club reactions over the years. Many are by smart people who really get how writing and foreshadowing works and can often see plot developments a mile away if even half paying attention...they're very good at this. And almost "every...single...damn...one of them" constantly and reliably miss the Fight Club twist. 🤣 This is the movie that "always" gets you the first time. It's actually kinda famous for it. Got no idea what the ratio is but I do know Shoshana is maybe the 2nd reactor I've seen out of at least 30+ who saw right through it and called it even close to this early. So anyway shana you're in a very elite and tiny percentile. Respect.... 👀

Trey Mitchell

Glad you both watched one of my favorite movies. I really enjoyed watching the gears turning in Shoshana's head!! She called it early!

Mitchell Smilie

Many of us are right there with you Sho in wondering why this movie didn't win a poll sooner. You can never choose your audience, unfortunately.

Aaron Primmer

This is one of those films that stays with you forever. I first saw this like 15 years ago and it still holds up to this day and I couldn't be happier that you two reacted to it. I have a lot of other suggestions for movies like this, but I'll let everyone else in the community have their say on what you guys should watch next :)

christopher tufano

Donnie Darko, Shutter Island and American History X are some great suggestions that I hope they get to watch at some point. Some of my favorite movies.


Se7en is similar same director too. Also stars Brad Pitt as well as Morgan Freeman it’s a classic psychological thriller like Fight Club.

Rudolph Koch

one of the greatest mind-fuck movies ever......and I bet you guys won't order soup from a resturant anymore!!!!

Prince Zay

Please watch ex machina (2014) !!


When Tyler says "it could be worse, a woman could cut off your penis and throw it out of a moving car," that's a true story. Infamous story of the 90s; Lorena and John Bobbitt.


Never heard of Edward Norton!? Well then, looks like American History X needs to go on your list.

Jeff Klonowski

I heard a little Fort Worth shout out... I lived there in the early 2000's