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Hey Rangers, shout out to *MRVIDEOTAPE* for requesting this film hope you guys enjoy!



Never seen this but I’m down for it. Love scary movies


Oh I haven’t seen Triangle in ages. Definitely a trippy movie! Can’t wait to see your reactions to this 🙌🏽


I always took this movie as a giant allegory for Hell - theres a saying that Hell is repetition.. being condemned to repeat your mistakes, over and over again. The horrific part about this flick actually happens at the end.. she finally realizes the horror of her own actions towards her son.. and then the record skips right back to the beginning. And if not Hell.. then purgatory. The guy at the end is a pretty good indication that this might actually be the case - when asked who he is, he says "Im just a driver.." - a drivers job is delivering a person from one place to another .. like the Devil, or an Angel. He also asks her if she'll be back when dropping her off at the docks.. the underlying meaning being that she's not yet ready to move on.

Josh Thompson

Haven't seen this movie in a minute damn. Forgot how much I really liked it.

Raymond Ortega

My thoughts exactly like the taxi driver is waiting for her to be ready to move on


Movie messed with my head more than my ex, bravo 🙌🏾


I saw this movie years ago but couldn’t remember the twist. I enjoyed watching it again with you guys. That ending is insane! I love Mike’s explanation above 👆


will yall ever go back to Game Of Thrones?

Jacob Alley

Absolutely fantastic


I’m going on a little older post because I don’t want anyone to see my comment. But I hope you guys do. I made a really stupid decision today and it made me lose a lot of money. My moms in the hospital right now and I got a lot of shit going on to where I just break down. Your guys content helps so much. Your guys laughter is so contagious. Your videos do nothing but bring me joy. I love you guys and thank you for everything. Where even a time like this I can come to your page and smile.

Maurice Jamian Cupido

When she goes to sleep on the boat i think, when she wakes up she thinks its a dream. Also at the end the body was the one in the trunk. the one that survived and did it again was the version of her that drove the car and crashed.

Maurice Jamian Cupido

She is basically the dude from the story. Doomed to repeat pushing the rock up the hill, over and over again. Maybe cuz she didn't keep her promise of being a better mother to her child till it was too late im guessing. They pretty much leave it open to interpretation.

Emerald Light

Groundhogs day is similar to this movies concept but I’m typing early in the movie so I’ll find out