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Hey Rangers, here is early access to Zack Snyder's Justice League hope you guys enjoy!


Rashad Walker

Ohhhhhhh shiittttt I wasn't ready lol...

Rashad Walker

Wonder woman superman and batman are the big 3 of DC comics and the Justice League

David Crabtree

Ohhhh yeah! Very much looking forward to this!


sprint at work ends on Friday... and you ask me to spend 4 hours watching this? Okey :)

Rashad Walker

Christopher Nolan also directed the dark knight trilogy , inception and the new film Oppenheimer


Zack didn't really get fired, the old regime at the studio just did not come to terms to bring him back bc his vision in the DCEU was so divisive among the critics and the audience even tho he had a few gems...I will recommend these films to finish out the DCEU bc there are some u prob should skip...So next would be Aquaman, Shazam, The Suicide Squad 2021, Peacemaker (TV show), The Flash, Blue Beetle (coming in theaters this week), and finally Aquaman 2 (coming in theaters December) which ends the DCEU run...James Gunn who directed the MCU Guardians movies did TSS 2021 and Peacemaker for DC which were hits so the new regime hired him as the head of DC Studios, and Gunn will introduce a new universe "The DCU" starting next year with a TV show and 2025 with the first film being a new Superman...and obviously there are the "Elseworld" universes which have been crazy successful in the reviews and box office too like the "Joker" universe (u guys should react to that if you've never seen it), the sequel comes next year...and "The Batman" universe which u guys already have seen, "The Penguin" show is scheduled to come next year with "The Batman: Part II" coming in 2025


Gunn and Peter Safran (co-head of DC Studios) are cool wit Zack so hopefully Zack directs a movie in the new DCU


His daughter passing away is why he couldn't finish this movie originally, glad he got to finish it and honor her in doing so


“For Autumn”….Zack Snyder’s daughter unfortunately took her own life while he was working on Justice League. He didn’t have the fight in him anymore, and he was already at odds with the studio heads for what the vision of this movie should be so he walked away. RIP Autumn 🙏


Nolan also did The Dark Knight trilogy if u forgot lol


Also Henry Cavill never got fired from Superman as some ppl would say, he just got caught up in a change that was happening to introduce the new DCU because the DCEU was a mess...hopefully Henry can comeback as Superman in a good multiversal story in the future tho


Affleck on the other hand could have had a solo Batman movie in the DC Extended Universe too but it never worked out and he moved on from that...he's a good director too so hopefully he works out something with Gunn to direct something in the DCU


Justice League getting a do-over is unprecedented in the history of cinema. It is a MAJOR victory for directors and writers whose artistic vision is constantly being limited by the studio executives that keep interfering. This movie proves that the studio heads need to stay in their offices and stay OUT of production. Trust in your directors to tell good stories. Thank you to the 3-year fan movement that was launched over disgust with the theatrical release, with the hashtag #ReleaseTheSnyderCut getting over 500 million tweets per day. This movie never would have been released without the fandom.


I love you guys !!


This movie still makes me angry at Joss Whedon & the studio for basically cutting everything about Cyborg in the 2017 version...


you should checkout Aquaman


Ayeee congrats shashana on selling a house ! Keep it up you guys deserve the best !

Nicholas Obici

So I don’t know if anyone brought it up in the comments for Batman V Superman, but in this universe, Batman had a Robin, and the Joker killed him an unknown number of years prior. That’s why Joker brings up Bruce’s “adopted son” says “why’d you send a boy wonder to do a man’s job”. “Boy Wonder” is Robin’s nickname, and Bruce adopted him at a young age. If you remember in BVS, there’s a scene where Bruce walks past Robin’s suit and the suit has “HA HA HA” written on it in graffiti. So that’s why Bruce REALLY wants to kill Joker in this universe.


That scene with Wonder Woman in the bank is so damn amazing! Something a lot of people don’t know is that little girl who said”can I be like you one day” is Donna Troy, wonder woman’s side kick when she grows up

Super Saiyan God

I don't know if you came across this, but Ryan Choi who is the asian doctor next to Silas Stone(cyborg's dad) at Star Labs in the comics becomes a superhero named "The Atom". The Atom is DC's version of ant-man, however he is far more OP than ant-man. Look up the video game Injustice 1 or injustice 2 to see more of what he can do along with all other DC superheroes. Also I can tell you liked The Flash a lot, especially when he ran back in time to save the Justice League and the whole planet from death and destruction. It's funny that The Flash basically brought Superman back to life TWICE, one with the motherbox and the other when he ran back in time. The Flash is STUPID OP, I would argue he is the most over powered superhero in comics and I could honestly write a whole dissertation proving it, but that's neither here nor there, I'll save you the reading lol. I think you may like "The Flash" movie once you come around to watching it, it's already released and available to watch online now. The only thing I disliked about the movie was the CGI, you'll notice it too once you get around to watching the flash otherwise it was nice to see.


Just so you know Martian Manhunter is the 2nd strongest to Superman. He is insanely strong. Also in the comics, Darkseid is like the Thanos of DC Comics but waaaaaaay stronger. You would probably need a billion dollars budget to show the full range of how strong he is. Lol

Mark W

Yep, the whole flash slow mo scene from the beginning explains PERFECTLY why Pietro Maximoff should not have been shot in Age Of Ultron. I will never forgive that scene! 😂


To let you guys know a little about the flash, his mom was killed when he was a kid, she was killed by his main villain the reverse flash in a fight with the flash, they traveled back in time because the reverse flash wanted to kill a young Bart but killed his mother, and everyone blamed his father for the murder.


If they get to the flash, they will see. I hope they do. I loved the flash (unpopular opinion)


Aquaman is next if u guys will continue, please continue! also u skipped suicide squad


Aquaman might actually be my favorite from these dc movies lol idk I just think it’s dope 🤷🏽‍♂️


Yeah, like even in Xmen movie, the quicksilver was able to save everyone after explosion started in the house, the Age of Ultron quicksilver was more dialogues. Other than some of those variations from comics and animated series rest was fine.


Omega beam itself would be too much for most people who have not watched animated series. but even here in Asia we have watched Justice league unlimited and extended series then how come American themselves have not watched these stuff? What kids do there now a days ?


Since there are no movies ahead for the premonition time line, I can tell you something as it will not be spoiler, more like general knowledge or knowing Light Saber and not watched Star Wars. Mira to Batman - Loved anyone? - Joker hints son - Robin when he was kid - sent to protect Loise Lane - Loise dies - Superman angry - Darkseid starts manipulating him - The total Justice League divided and have suicide squad members - Another Flash - Another Joker etc etc. This is why you have to watch the Series 52 animated movies from DC, they start from Flashpoint Paradox till Apokolips war. These are awesome.

Silas Kane

Now that you did this you guys should watch off camera (or at least skim through the big scenes) of the theatrical release. The absurdity of how THIS masterpiece ended up being turned into that embarrassment will straight reach out of the tv and smack you guys in the face. 😂 P.S. Great reaction today....one of your best to date.

Joe Deluca

Slade Wilson- Deathstroke, ya same as The Arrow villain.


Fun Fact if you didn’t know but the lady with the staff next to Desaad and Darkseid is “Granny Goodness”. She’s in charge of the Furies which are a evil femme fatale of deadly warriors


I just dare you to watch the one they decided to release in theaters. Its absolutely horrendous

Dave Hill

That one was so bad that I fell asleep watching it in the theater and when it came out on DVD, I rented it because I wanted to see what I missed and fell asleep on it again. LOL Even remembering what I did see, this movie was SO different and exceptionally well done. DC really effed up not putting this out in the theater and instead releasing that other trash.

Brian - VampyreKing - Cacini

There's a 1990 superhero movie called Darkman that you should watch too. I'd also recommend DC's The Watchmen. That movie is awesome too.


I love that movie also, it’s a really fun movie. But they don’t explain that that happened in that movie. Like they didn’t show how she really does they just blamed the dad you know

David Crabtree

Great reaction! This movie became one of my favorite superhero movies ever! For comparison, it might be worth to check out the abysmal theatrical version of Justice League.

David Crabtree

Abysmal may be overstating, but it was definitely a misfire. A lot of weird creative choices. Plotlines hacked up or gone altogether that were in the Snyder Cut, Cyborg's whole character ark was gone, weird color grading, bad CGI including the infamous CGI removal of Henry Cavill's mustache(he had come back for reshoots on Joss Whedon's version while filming another movie and he wasn't allowed to shave).


Darkman was one of my favorite movies as a kid. He felt like a superhero to me.

Bryan Kelly

Watch the justice league animated series first 3 episodes and it covers martian manhunters backstory


Darkseid and his army were afraid of the Kryptonians and the green lanters (dude in the ancient battle) That's the main reason It took them so long to attack.

Josh Thompson

The green flying guy from the gods Vs darkseid battle scene was a Green Lantern. Ryan Reynolds starred in a Green Lantern movie like 10 years ago or more. So if you really wanted to dive in to that characters story you could check it out, it's not the best movie ever but it's ok as a goofy superhero movie.


You guys should watch the Suicide Squad movies or Birds of Prey!


The Justice League loses to Darkseid. The entire planet gets scorched to hell with EVERYONE on earth dying including Superman. Enter The FLASH who uses his time travel abilities to reverse it ALL and save the entire world in one of the most EPIC moments of any superhero movie ever. The studio heads CUT OUT this entire scene because they “just didn’t get it”….🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️


Martian Man Hunter was my favorite Justice League character in the animated series growing up! And yes! He's a good guy lol



West Beast

aquaman next please!

Chase Taylor

Deadpool (Wade Wilson) from Marvel is basically a ripoff of Deathstroke (Slade Wilson) in DC. Deathstroke is also a batman villain.


Hey guys, I just joined your patreon and was hopeing for a edited version of Man of steel but you don't have one on here or youtube


I wanna support you guys but I can't continue the Snyderverse journey without seeing your reaction to the beginning.


Need to watch the ArrowVerse

Sam Morelos

The Guy with the Green Ring was a Green Lantern. He was part of the Latern Corp. which is basically universal cops. The Justice league have a Green Lantern on their team who is another powerhouse of a hero as well.

Jules 4 Fools

So - for context, when Batman recalls the apocalyptic dream he has where Barry Allen travels to the past and warns him that "Louis Lane is the key" - this is in reference to something similar that happens in the Injustice games by NetherRealm Studios. Summed down - yes, Louis Lane is the love of Clark's life. In different stories where Louis Lane is killed, Superman unravels, losing perspective, his moral compass, and gives in to a darker side. In Zach Snyder's DC Universe, it looks like he was leading into this specific arc, but of course, was never able to fully realize that vision now that he is detached from the franchise and it is now being fully rebooted. If his Justice League movie has shown us anything - it shows that it would have been a spectacular sight to see.


Y'all need to react to Aquaman

Emerald Light

The guy with the green ring is a green lantern their a group of people who protects the universe with green rings that project images of anything you can imagine. Their are animated stuff with green lanterns that are more known that team up with other dc characters like Superman Batman green arrow and others.

Emerald Light

The Martian manhunter is a hero character .

Emerald Light

Death stroke slade wilson

Emerald Light

Martian manhunter is a superhero and this character was adapted many times. He’s an original justice league member in the comics.