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Hey Rangers, here is early access to Wonder Woman hope you guys enjoy!!


Silas Kane



You guys are my favorite channel love all the content !🔥 can’t wait for the boys! Wish shauna watched it too I feel like she’d like it

Jamal Robinson

if you guys watch justice league, WATCH THE SNYDER CUT


I hope this doesn’t get copy righted that’s annoying as hell , feel bad you guys gotta deal with that 🤦🏽‍♂️

Silas Kane

Snyder Cut makes the theatrical release look like a college film project. There is no comparison the extra runtime is worth it. Lots of reactors record and/or release it in two parts.


Yes you guys are watching this correctly , and if I remember right you watch aqua man and wonder women 2 after justice league, and there’s a new flash movie that was pretty decent fun experience that’s after everything




So glad that you guys are LOVING the DC universe and the darker tone it uses. It’s a nice change of pace from Marvel’s lighthearted comedies. Just stay away from the theatrical release of Justice League at ALL COSTS. A Marvel director came in and replaced Zack Snyder, and created an entirely different movie which feels like a parody of itself. It’s one of the worst movies ever made, while the Zack Snyder cut is a cinematic experience like no other. Two completely different movies. Zack Snyder has never even watched the theatrical cut.


Like all others have said, the Zack Snyder cut is where it is. Snyder had to leave the Justice League project while in production because of a family tragedy (daughter commited suicide) and he had no energy to continue fighting for his vision with the studio, so he left and they replaced him with Joss Whedon who came straight from the success of the first Avengers movie. Whedon pretty much reshot and removed everything Snyder worked for with the setup of Man of Steel & BvS and tried to make Justice League something it isnt (a fun MCU/Avengers movie) and it just didn't work out. Thankfully the fans kept asking for the #snydercut over the years and the studio finally agreed on giving the vision Snyder worked for, giving him resources to continue his work and do reshoots & CGI and we got an amazing four hour cut. Also, Aquaman takes place after Justice League (regardless of what version you watch)


Get some snacks ready for ZACK SNYDER justice league because its a long one


Make sure to watch the Snyder Cut of justice league.

Silas Kane

.......did we mention anything about Snyder Cut? Well, you should watch that one. 😏


The Snyder cut of justice league is 4 hours but it’s so worth it the original is an embarrassment lmao, you can release 2 2 hour videos 1 whole or 4 1 hour, the movie has chapters for points if people wanna take a break it’s really nice. Release it however you guys want tho


Honestly this is gonna be an unpopular opinion but ima say it anyways. The Snyder cut isn’t even that good. I just don’t think Snyder actually understands the characters he’s making films about. The same happened with Watchmen when he made that. The only film where I thought the essence of the character was fully put on screen was honestly this one. Anyway great reaction guys :)

Saul Hernandez

Hey guys, just wanted to hop on here to recommend Across the spider-verse since you guys just saw the first one, it was just made available for purchase, such a great sequel and overall great movie so hopefully you guys can react to that soon or put it in a poll soon 😊

Fred Fonseca

Next is zack snyder justice league

Zac Cochrane

You should watch both justice leagues, I prefer the Snyder cut because it's darker like the DC universe was intended to be! But the original one is still good. I don't think it's fair the studio decided to take his movie and redo most of what he had done, just because he stepped away after the film from his daughter passing away.

Steven Warner

Across the spiderverse next :)


Just finished love your guys reactions ! Your faces kill me 😂💀

Brian - VampyreKing - Cacini

Great reaction guys! Wonder Woman is definitely on par with Superman. She is supposedly around 5000 years old. The story of how she came to the outside world is different in the movie than the comics but that's always the case. The MCU changes origin stories and storylines all the time. Her sword, the God Killer, is supposedly sharp enough to cut even Superman. She has been known in the comics to move planets. I believe if she was to ever fight Thor he would lose. The bracelets she wears are obviously bulletproof but they also absorb whatever energy is thrown at her and allows her to direct it back towards whoever she's fighting. A lot of people don't like the Wonder Woman movie but I thought it was fire! Can't wait for your Zach Snyder Justice League reaction and other MCU reactions. Yeah I'm a comic book nerd but I've been one my entire life and I've loved it. Going on this superhero journey with you guys has been an amazing ride! You two would love 'The Watchmen' if you're enjoying the DC universe.

Fred Fonseca

Yoo guys across the spiderverse just dropped on digital and it is amazing please react to it


Dope reaction per usual Snyder cut JL gonna be real damn long so gl


Wonder Woman not on par with Superman, she is a better/skilled fighter but Superman would still body her off strength and speed alone. But against Thor on the other hand, She would be Superman in that situation and curb stomp Thor easy.

Brian - VampyreKing - Cacini

Maybe the movies downplay her abilities but the comics put her on the same power level as Superman, Green Lantern and the Flash. I'm just stating what I've learned from the comics for the past 50 years since I've been reading them. Wonder Woman ain't to be messed with.


I laugh everytime you say Synders instead of Snyder XD Its like the Pretzel, Snyders pretzels!


When you will watch the Snyder Cut Justice League, you will come to know of a an XYZ villain, which is the biggest villain in DC and is main Archnemesis of Superman. Also Thanos was made in image of that villain. You will not know about that Villain much as the movie series stopped, however XYZ is also a God, lives in a place which is not in any Universe in the Multiverse and no other supernatural power work there.Also he is more powerful than Zeus and some Gods combined. He only sends his incarnations to fight at different places. its not spoiler because you will not know about it unless you go back to roots of DC and watch Animated movies series. Maybe just watch the Series 52 starting from Flashpoint Paradox onwards till Apokolips War. These animated movies are better than live action movies of DC and even most movies of MCU.


Brian is right here. Superman would not easily body Wonder Woman. It would definitely be a long and tough battle. Wonder Woman can definitely hold her own. If Superman’s strength exceeds Wonder Woman’s, it is only by a very small margin. The comics have always made it clear that they are in the same class of superhuman strength. Take into account that Wonder Woman is the better fighter, and has a host of godlike supernatural abilities, AND she does not have a weakness that is easily exploitable like Superman’s weakness to kryptonite.

Joe Deluca

Like someone said, Snyder like the pretzels. And when referring to his version of Justice League people say the Snyder cut


Wonder woman is definitely not stronger than Superman. Superman is truly OP but they tend to nerf male characters in the movies for some strange reason. An example would be Thor and Captain Marvel in the MCU. Thor is definitely stronger than Captain Marvel but they nerfed him in the MCU and made her seem more like Superman. Its all politics sadly.

Theo Sebuliba

The problem with superman is that he has a weakness which is kryptonite, if he didn’t have that weakness he would be unstoppable


I didn’t say easily, that’s my bad if it came off as if I implied that but he would still beat her 9/10 times, she’s definitely on the same level if not higher than the flash and Lantern. But the only other core JL member that can actually hang with Superman in a fight is Martian man hunter but he’s still taking the L more often then not too.


Captain Marvel is also weaker in the MCU than the comics. Nice try incel.


Please, Do NOT watch the theatrical cut of Justice League. It is complete garbage. Watch "Zack Snyder's Justice League." It is incredible.

Nimura YT

next: Zack Snyder'S Justice League PLEASE!


Not sure how many people have mentioned it but the digital copy of Spider-Man: Across the Spiderverse went on sale yesterday for $20, really looking forward to y’all’s reaction for that one!! There are some references to Spider-Man No Way Home though so I don’t blame you if you want to wait to get the full experience.


Why did it get copyrighted? So weird how that’s the only one.


You guys really need to watch Joker:)

William Darling

Have you guys already watched John Wick Chapter 3 and 4?


wonder woman is underrated I feel like, I think she is a beast. And these movies are imo good.


This is definitely true. That krytonite is problematic. Superman prime is the truly unstoppable version of Superman.


They do it in cartoons too that I've seen but yea if all the heroes were OP and the villians then whats the point ? you gotta have balance in a story for the conflict to happen, for superman he has many weaknesses other types of kryptonite, magic and people like Darkside or Doomsday stronger than him but his number 1 is always people. If they were all as strong as they were in the comics it wouldn't make sense for anyone to fight them


I completely agree with you. What i was getting at was that the balancing of characters power seems a bit unbalanced and selective by the writers/directors. Look at when Thor was fighting against Thanos. He was getting his ass beat. He did practically nothing the whole fight. Now i know he wasnt in his best shape in Endgame but throughout the MCU Thor has seemed severely underpowered. Scarlet Witch could take on Thanos so could Captain Marvel. They made Captain Marvel seem literally indestructible. Vision who actually had one of the stones couldnt do anything against minions. The power scaling seems very selective to me.

Mitchell Smilie

I agree with you, but if they're going to watch JL they should watch the Snyder cut.


I just think in terms of character development the synder cut does that better than the original movie did, they rushed lots of stuff but I'll rewatch it

Faris MJ

Cant wait for the next one


OMG yes!!! I am so glad you guys reacted to this!! I absolutely love your content! So glad I came across your channel on Youtube


I can't say enough about this movie. I personally think that Patty Jenkins really did capture the essence of both Diana and Wonder Woman. I saw this movie in theaters' 6 times and love it. 2 scenes that really stood out to me in this movie while watching your reaction is 1 when they were in the camp sleeping and Steve gives Diana his jacket you can see the vulnerability in Diana's eyes, yes she is one of the strongest characters in the DC universe but I like that in this movie they showed that even the strongest people we know also experience fear and anxiety but the difference is these people like Wonder Woman pushes through it and still fight. The second second seen that always gives me chills is no mans land. To me that is how you introduce a powerful female lead. I also love the scene when she fights in Veld how strong and destructive she can be but also protective. I love that after she destroys the tower she took the time to be around the people. That scene to me as a great example of what Wonder Woman stands for. Strength, boldness but also gentle and kind....and most of all beautiful. I really hope that you guys continue your DC Universe journey and I personally would love to see your reaction to Aquaman (2018) I love Jason Mamoa as aquaman and honestly that movie for me was just a feast for the eyes. The scenery was breathtaking!


Love this movie so much, the only thing i kind of dislike is how much they nerfed her powers/strength in the movies. She is way stronger and equal/close to Superman strength in the comics. Don't forget Wonder Woman 2 : 1984, would be nice to see a reaction to the second movie.

David Crabtree

Great reaction! Wonder Woman is easily in my top 5 favorite superhero movies! Now onto ZACK SNYDER'S Justice League(probably in my top 3 favorite superhero films). Also keep in mind, although Zack Snyder's Justice League was released in 2021, it is the ORIGINAL version. The studio allowed Zack to come back in and finish the visual effects and other post-prodution tasks, but 99% of the footage in this version was footage he shot before he left production. The "version" released in theaters in 2017 from Joss Weadon after Zack Snyder left was the mostly re-shot, hacked up version.

Emerald Light

Yah Wonder Woman has more skill than Superman . Superman knows how to use his powers but doesn’t train like maybe a green arrow or Batman.