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Hey Rangers, shout-out to *FLICK FREAKS* for suggesting this film hope you guys enjoy!



Ooooooh close its Miles Teller!

Kevin Matthew

Absolutely incredible movie.


I just never could get into this movie. I understand the whole tough love, push someone hard so they can reach their full potential and all that but as soon as the teacher starts throwing instruments at my head for missing a beat then the fun is over and I’m whoopin his ass 🤷🏽‍♂️

Theo Sebuliba

Yeah I agree, nobody is built to take abuse like that, if any teacher starts throwing stuff for missing one beat, it’s gone too far at that point

Flick Freaks (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-23 21:03:27 I have critiqued over 3,000 films in my career. Of those 3,000+ films I have only give. 27 films a perfect 10/10. This is one of those films. So glad you enjoyed it as much as you did.
2023-07-23 18:59:41 I have critiqued & ranked over 2,000 films in my career. Of those 2,000+ films I have only given 27 films a perfect 10/10. This is one of those films. So glad you enjoyed it as much as you did.

I have critiqued & ranked over 2,000 films in my career. Of those 2,000+ films I have only given 27 films a perfect 10/10. This is one of those films. So glad you enjoyed it as much as you did.


The sudden ending feels like a whiplash after a car crash and it's so well done. I love that the ending itself can be interpreted as either happy or sad, depending on whether the viewer believes in being great vs being happy. The subtle look on his dad's face near the end is awe but also fear because neiman traded happiness and contentment for greatness. also, can confirm many directors are harsh af and will verbally abuse players


I love this movie ! I cannot wait to watch it later on

captain Feeney

I really love this movie !

captain Feeney

"The worst words in the Enlish language are, good Job"


J. K. Simmons always delivers a solid performance

Insert Opinion

That little story you shared about getting the flute with your dad was very sweet

Insert Opinion

I feel that one of the reasons Nieman was able to succeed was that his father was always there to support him. No matter the abuse from Fletcher, his dad never put him down. If he didn't have that support system, he may have ended up like Sean Casey.


I’ve never seen whiplash before I thought it was like drumline I was very wrong that last scene hit different I felt it in my soul 😂

Nicholas Obici

I love the dinner table scene, because Neiman’s family represents pretty much all of us before watching this movie/his journey. If you’re sitting at that table, without knowing what REALLY goes into being a professional musician, you’d side with the footballers as far as “which profession is appreciated more”. Only after watching what Neiman’s gone through do you really realize that his journey was much more significant.

Lorenzo Baxter

Well thats the problem is that the point of the movie is that it's not tough love at all. It's just plain abuse. So many people misunderstand what the movie (and the ending) is trying to tell you. It's not happy at all. The cycle of abuse continues and it's like Frankenstien created his monster. So dont worry, you aren't wrong at all 😅

Lorenzo Baxter

Well.... he's gonna end up like Sean anyways. That's literally what the ending tells you. Neiman traded actual healthy behaviors and threw away his life for greatness. The director himself said that Neiman is gonna die just how his dad said. "Drunk, broke, and full of heroin in his early 30s."


do you still upload on vimeo?


You said his name was Miles Peter or Peter Miles, you thinking of into the spiderverse? lol


They probably switched it up because they realized you could download their entire full length movie reaction with a click of a button. I was downloading my favorite reactions of theirs and putting them on my phone. The power of Android, I can take a video file from my PC and put it on my phone in less than 60 seconds.


La La Land! Same director, but its more rom com musical


vince was so into this and it was great, love you both, happy anniversary and many happy returns, if y’all haven’t watched drumline please do, or a poll, but i love this movie, and well yeah, it was awesome with you two