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Hey Rangers, here is early access to Captain Marvel hope you guys enjoy!!



ohh yeah we getting close. Just a suggestion... Endgame is a very special movie in many ways. Make sure you watch the credits (the actual credits) right after the movie ends, don't try and skip forward like other MCU movies. You will understand why.


One GREAT thing about you guys catching these movies much, much later & going in blind is that you miss all the “stuff” (negative) that may have been surrounding certain films at the time. This is a PERFECT example. . .b/c Brie Larson did herself (other Marvel characters/actors, the MCU as a whole & Marvel in general) NO favors with some of her statements, attitudes & actions going in to this film. It was polarizing, to say the least, and she knew she could get away with it b/c no-matter-what: EVERYBODY was gonna watch the last film right before Endgame. . .and we all did. Lol!

Lina Distadio

I LOVE when y'all post. I just lost a close friend (my ex) recently and we watched all of the marvel movies together for the first time. Rewatching them with y'all has been so fun, and healing for me because I can enjoy them instead of just being sad that my friend has passed away. You have helped me enjoy these films again. Plus, I think y'all are so funny and cute in your dynamic together, you remind me a lot of me and him. Y'all are amazing. Thank you for what you do. It might seem silly to some, but it does have a real meaningful, impactful side, too.


You know it’s funny when you hardly see any of the typical comments like “YES,”, “This one is awesome!”, “My favorite film in the MCU!”, “My favorite character/actress!”. . .but instead are just getting “Thank goodness we’re almost at Endgame.” LMBO!


She blows of a cardboard cutout of Arnold Schwarzeneggers head for the movie “true lies” in the blockbuster buster. You guys should check that one out, one of the best Arnold movies

Kyle Smith

Good old blockbuster! Nothing better than going on a Friday night stocking up on movies and games! 😀🍿📼📀🎮

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Captain Marvel first appeared in Marvel Super-Heroes #12 (December 1967) as Captain Marvel, or "Mar-Vell", an alien of the Kree race who had come to earth as a spy before coming to identify with his human neighbours. This was showcased in this film but they just gender swapped Mar-Vell and changed the reasons for why he was on Earth. Carol Susan Jane Danvers featured in this film was introduced in Marvel Super-Heroes #13 as Carol Danvers. She went through so many names from Ms. Marvel #1 where she went by Ms. Marvel to Uncanny X-Men #164 where she went by the name Binary and then Warbird in Avengers (Vol. 3) #4 and finally in Avenging Spider-Man #9 from 2012 she went by Captain Marvel. This was in honour of Mar-Vell the Captain Marvel I mentioned at the start which sounds alot like the word Marvel. Overall I find it to be an okay movie not my personal favourite but nowhere near as bad as some people say. Get's so much hate and created a whole personality around many people who just randomly bring up the film to hate on it. The mention of Brie Larson is also a kryptonite for some people still after so many years. Look up her name on youtube and you'll still find so many angry thumbnail videos on her it's insane. Personally never cared for her but she's still used as a punishing bag four years later by people along with this being when people stated using the term M. She. U. It's all braindead stuff so thankfully you guys don't have to worry about any of that when watching these movies years later. Endgame is a blast so can't wait for the reaction, so close to Wandavision as well which is one of my personal favourite MCU projects but we got Spider-Man: FarFromHome before ending Phase 3.

Andrew Karr

Stan Lee’s last cameo is technically Endgame, but this was the last one he filmed before he passed as Captain Marvel was filmed after Endgame.

Asani Bailey

This film took place in 1995, 12 years before the first Avengers movie.

Fred Fonseca

Pleaseee watch endgame tonight


you simply HAVE to watch avengers endgame tonight. finish out this phase strong!💯


Aw you guys arent uploading them to vimeo anymore. I usually download them from vimeo to watch them on my TV. I'll try make sometime to watch this on the computer :)


This film is great. I never listen to people who shit on this film., or on Brie.


You can at least stream it in softwares like VLC if you hit the request URL: https://manifest-gcp-us-east1-vop1.fastly.mux.com/005QC2Ce6NJGcgJh96GW01X2biPCEzkeMoqSyumANBbW8tj9qdEeTxbpiVIXovC6wp01F2nymHOnnZq02ZDIxQx3RErfHPSKdBpV/rendition.m3u8?cdn=fastly&expires=1689519600&rid=Ir02FmqsqUnMIpEqH89MdlvWa15QwOo6dCnelCtSI9YI&skid=default&signature=NjRiNDA1ZjBfNGY1ZDNiMmQ3ODBjZGQyMGE2OTcwZDQ0OWE3ZjFhOTkwMGE1Y2M1MzZkYzJlOWY4OTRmNDczZjFhMThlZTFkMg==&vsid=BVPzAi6xlvUh01ZGkuYBngDES6CrzEZCwkaXE4q00FLWfAfzTFYkB2QybpZuSboHnYiE2AUom7MNc (open the rendition.m3u8 file with VLC after "visiting" the URL or paste it under the network stream option) I'm sure they are ways to download it as well.


Avengers End Game and Spider Man Far From Home are the last two movies in Phase 3. I enjoy this phase so much! Its such a wild ride


Glad you guys enjoyed it. All the hate on bri Larsen is pretty unfair imo


His eye injury was life or death.. he was being tortured by the Kree and resisted.. ask anybody.. :-D.. (I love how the truth is classic Marvel comedy)


It's not bc she was not tied in as why ppl didn't like it, just was mid af


Just reminding you guys to react to the cast credits for Endgame. Looking forward to it!


I really dislike this movie in my opinion but so close to endgame!


Yea I don’t see the hate people have for antman, personnly I just dislike this movie I don’t think it’s a horrible movie, I’m sure you guys would like it. But yes firm your own opinion on these movies you guys watch ! Don’t let the comments put a movie down, to each their own. It’s just I don’t like captain marvel as a character I never have not in the comics cartoon not in these movies.


Next up is Endgame then SpiderMan Far from Home and Phase 3 is over then Phase 4 starts the disney+ shows


basicly, she got expose by core energy which is tesserac or space stone that why she could. like maximoff twin when hydra experimented with mind stone.


can't wait to see Endgame. Great Reaction

Lexi Browning

This movie is fantastic. No one would've had any bad thing to say about it if she didn't speak her opinions a couple weeks before this movie aired. There were a lot of right-wing people in the Marvel fandom during this time and they definitely let it be known when she stood up for people of color. Also, Brie was one of the first fan casted actresses. Fans wanted her to play Captain Marvel way back in 2012. There were tons of fan made videos. All these racist haters forgot about that though and tried to "cancel" her. The irony


The majority of people who do not like this film are men who do not like strong female characters, or men who do not like Brie Larson.


Man I used to be at block buster or family video every weekend to grab a game and 2 movies 😂

Dwight White

she's in real life a terrible/really dumb person (toxic feminism and fake "woke" wich she puts a lot in her films) and her film was rushed and squeezed between the movies infinity war and endgame, that is why (lucky for us there are more actors in this film, who did wonderful)

Joe Deluca

Her full power mode is called "Binary" and ya it's very DBZ


It’s weird that they made it to the 22nd film in the series (a series that featured Maria Hill, Gamora, Shuri, Lady Sif, Pepper Pots, Nebula, Proxima Midnight, Nakia, Frigga, Valkyrie, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Okoye, Wasp, Mantis, etc) before realizing they “do not like strong female characters”. Lol! #faiL


You guys are really revising history in an effort to paint her in a positive light. What you stated wasn’t even remotely, reasonably close to the issue people had/have with her. Lol…


She was making an attempt at “female empowerment” of sorts during an awards show & the ensuing press tour before the release: “I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him. It wasn’t made for him!” and with each new interview, she doubled, tripled, quadrupled down & elaborated in a most cringeworthy manner. Lol… You can imagine how quickly that devolved into “Men just can’t handle strong women!” “The fanboys hate to see female characters in positions of power!” “Fanboys can’t cope with female heroes!” ((as if Maria Hill, Gamora, Shuri, Lady Sif, Pepper Pots, Nebula, Proxima Midnight, Nakia, Frigga, Valkyrie, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Okoye, Wasp, Mantis & many more were hated on by men throughout the 10-year MCU journey. Lmbo!))


It's a real shame to see this kind of dumbass statements in here. As soon as people start using terms like toxic feminism (fucking lol) and complain about "woke culture" you know what time it is.


People are desperately trying to reframe the narrative this many years later as if men just hate solid female characters. Lol…

Lexi Browning

@ThebeautifulLIE No I'm not. It literally blew my mind how quick people's minds changed on her after she had that one public appearance. Nobody even gave the movie a chance even though everyone wanted her just a year prior. Let's remember that the movie came out in 2019. Here's a few fan-made videos from way before then. Pay attention to the comments about her and then try telling me with a straight face that nobody wanted her as Captain Marvel. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ttaLyTSmytE&ab_channel=Smasher https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8sytW_knIvY&ab_channel=TheDavidseCode https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lokJkv32EUA&ab_channel=Smasher This interview is from 2015 before she was even announced. The interviewer didn't just randomly lie. We were really wanting her for a long time. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ehdpJPtTqlk&ab_channel=MTVUK And last but not least, a literal panel of Marvel fans suggesting Brie Larson to Chris Evans. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QqITVufdXYk&ab_channel=Comicbook.com The gaslighting and lies from the Brie haters is ridiculous and should be studied as possible war strategies. Y'all changed up so quick as soon as she said she cares for black people and women's rights. And then tried to make it seem like no one ever wanted her. I'm not even a feminist but I hated so much of what you people were doing to her back then. It was extremely snake-ish on a large scale

Erick Lopez

bro, yes, we know you don’t like Brie Larson or this film, but you don’t have to be commenting on people if they do like it. I’ve seen you in four or five negative comments about this. It’s okay if people don’t agree with you.


Nothing about “toxic feminism” is any more goofy than “toxic masculinity”. Lol… #GoodForTheGoose

Holly R (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-15 23:46:07 It makes me sad how many comments here are indicative of the mens-right/red-pill mindset. For those that don't know, while doing the press junket for A Wind in the Willows (a movie specifically messaging towards young girls of color) Brie Larson pointed out that every single interviewer (and they meet dozens in a day) was a white male. She put out there that the industry as a whole should have more representation for women and people of color. That statement drew the ire of a very certain community, and now you see her constantly lambasted for being 'toxic' or 'woke' or whatever current boogie-man term is being used.
2023-07-15 20:31:43 It makes me sad how many comments here are indicative of the mens-right/red-pill mindset. For those that don't know, while doing the press junket for A Wrinkle in Time (a movie specifically messaging towards young girls of color) Brie Larson pointed out that every single interviewer (and they meet dozens in a day) was a white male. She put out there that the industry as a whole should have more representation for women and people of color. That statement drew the ire of a very certain community, and now you see her constantly lambasted for being 'toxic' or 'woke' or whatever current boogie-man term is being used. (edited, I originally got the movie wrong...changed Wind in the Willows to Wrinkle in Time)

It makes me sad how many comments here are indicative of the mens-right/red-pill mindset. For those that don't know, while doing the press junket for A Wrinkle in Time (a movie specifically messaging towards young girls of color) Brie Larson pointed out that every single interviewer (and they meet dozens in a day) was a white male. She put out there that the industry as a whole should have more representation for women and people of color. That statement drew the ire of a very certain community, and now you see her constantly lambasted for being 'toxic' or 'woke' or whatever current boogie-man term is being used. (edited, I originally got the movie wrong...changed Wind in the Willows to Wrinkle in Time)


Don't listen to the incel losers, this movie and Brie are fantastic and loved by the real fans. Eventually the dork in this comment section will go find something else to be miserable about. Pay him no mind. :)


Dude - just stop (lol): “I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him. It wasn’t made for him!” <— was, quite literally, where all her criticism stemmed from. #FactsOverFeelings


Blaming the hatred of this movie on “racist/sexist right-wing white guys” might have worked for you a few years ago, but most people have come to realize that it’s a weak argument that barely holds any truth. There are valid reasons why people dislike this movie, and dislike Brie Larson’s portrayal of the character, having nothing to do with sociopolitical topics. It’s a poorly written film with extremely bad acting from Brie Larson. If all of us are sexist and racist then how do you explain why we love Black Widow? The same people who hate Brie Larson are the same people who LOVE Elizabeth Olsen as Wanda. The same people who love Danai Gurira as Okoye (a black woman by the way). We cheer for strong female characters ALL the time but suddenly get labeled as racist and sexist when we criticize Brie Larson’s VERY bad acting.

Holly R

(decided to post thoughts on the movie to separate discussion) I think this movie is good, but not quite great. It flounders at parts, and is a touch clumsy. However, I love that they didn't feel like they had to give her a big villain. Captain Marvel is one of the strongest in the MCU (akin to DC's Superman) so just giving her an equally strong villain to punch would be a bit bland. Instead, her challenge is overcoming the extreme gaslighting that she's been subjected to, and achieving that through self-realization. That part really resonates with me, and I appreciate that the filmmakers went there.


He didn’t say he “liked it” & then I attacked him for it. It is, objectively, not a “great” movie - even if someone still enjoys it. . .& commenting on facts have nothing to do with negativity, my friend. And yes - we don’t all have to agree; which is why I don’t have to praise a less-than-“great” movie simply b/c you like it. Lol… (just go enjoy it, buddy!)


I just posted a comment mirroring your sentiments on how “It’s weird that they made it to the 22nd film in the series (a series that featured Maria Hill, Gamora, Shuri, Lady Sif, Pepper Pots, Nebula, Proxima Midnight, Nakia, Frigga, Valkyrie, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Okoye, Wasp, Mantis, etc) before realizing they “do not like strong female characters”. Lol! #faiL “

Lexi Browning

@THEbeautfuLIE Like all those legions of haters, you clearly skipped over the 4 minutes of dialogue before that quote where she pointed out the statistical facts that showed the need for more voices from people of color and women. It gives more context. #FactsOverFeelings

Lexi Browning

@Joseph Nah, the labeling of racist and sexist came about because of the petitions to boycott the movie before it was ever released. How can it be about "bad acting" if the movie wasn't in theaters when the hate started? It's whatever though. Mr. THEbeautifuLIE already contradicts you even though y'all are on the same side


It’s a pretty entertaining movie. Not my favorite of the MCU-bunch. A bit bummed out that they changed the ”cats” name, but the rest of the ties to Marvel Cosmic were good. I dont get the Brie Larson-hate. I’ve always enjoyed her bitcarts in Community and Scott Pilgrim, and she was great in Room and Skull Island. Internet started to hate her during the Unicorn Store Captain Marvel-period and I have no idea why.


The guy who plays talos( the scrull) is from the dark knight rises not iron man!


If she would have worded her thoughts as elegantly as you did just now, there never would have been a problem. But at the end of the day, there has been no evidence to support Brie’s claims that female critics of color are not given fair treatment. She created a sociopolitical issue out of thin air just to make “white dudes” look like the bad guys. She says the term “white dude” over and over again (referring to well respected critics who have been in the industry for a very long time) and says “I don’t need a 40 year old white dude to tell me why he didn’t like the movie, it wasn’t made for him.” Imagine saying the reverse: “I don’t care what black people think of my movie, it’s not made for them.” How racist does that sound? Extremely! She’s blaming bad reviews on the fact that there aren’t enough critics in the world who are women of color. But that’s not a fault of society or racism. Film Critics are part of a small/niche industry. It just doesn’t seem to be a very popular career path that women of color are choosing in this day and age. We can’t force women of color to become film critics. And ethnicity/gender should not be a factor when it comes to hiring someone for a job. “A Wrinkle in Time” was just a very bad movie. She wanted to know what women and children of color thought of the movie - well they’ve all spoken up by now, and they all hate the film just as much as all of those “white dudes”.

Dwight White

ever heard of the movie "tomb raider" or should i be naming other strong female char in 1979 "alien" and many many more?, you women have all been oppressed in the film industry, she said, cry cry. as i said, u guys know nothing

Maurice Jamian Cupido

I Stick by what i said. Yall my favorite mcu reactors thus far. Appreciate the fact that yall give each movie a fair chance. Cant wait 4 endgame.


Of all the ways for Nick Fury to lose his eye, this is what Marvel chose to go with 🤦‍♂️. Yet another example of Marvel sacrificing good storytelling just to get a few laughs out of the audience. The story of him losing his eye to someone “he trusted” could have been a huge character development moment, where we find out why he became so guarded and stopped trusting people. Keeping it a secret would have been better than what they gave us.


@Lexi - at the end of the day, Brie’s speech about white men is sexist and racist. There has been no evidence to support her claims that female critics of color are not given fair treatment. Film Critics are part of a small/niche industry. It just doesn’t seem to be a very popular career path that women of color are choosing in this day and age. We can’t force women of color to become film critics. And ethnicity/gender should not be a factor when it comes to hiring someone for a job. She created a sociopolitical issue out of thin air just to make “white dudes” look like the bad guys. She says the term “white dude” over and over again (referring to well respected critics who have been in the industry for a very long time) and says “I don’t need a 40 year old white dude to tell me why he didn’t like the movie, it wasn’t made for him.” Imagine saying the reverse: “I don’t care what black people think of my movie, it’s not made for them.” How racist does that sound? Extremely!

Moua Yang

Just a reminder! Please react to the credits of Endgame! You won't regret it! The credits will end the experience for yall!

Rounak Bhunia

To be fair, not a single one of those characters was had their own movie at the time. They were all side characters. She’s the first female main character with a title movie in the MCU.


You know what, I was wrong. There are toxic feminists. They're called TERFs. You're in here writing paragraphs about some comment she made years ago. And it's about the least controversial comment I've heard anyone complain about. Get over yourselves and stop reaching for some dumb justification to explain the vitriol towards this movie. You're not fooling anyone and it makes you look pathetic. Grow up.


After Endgame watch Spider-Man: Far from Home and THEN No Way Home. Do NOT go in release order since nothing is really connected anymore after Endgame.


I gotta be honest re watching this movie now it’s better than I remember 😂 I just really don’t like captain marvel as a character idk

Zach Bogren

make sure you guys upload Endgame on vimeo, im having severe buffering issues with this one

matthew Eastwood

Yes please watch endgame tonight lol I love watching ur marvel reactions


Mostly people who just don't like Brie Larson, she's pretty easy to dislike as far as actors go.


You should watch end game trailers to hype your selves up.


I think we've done a good enough job hyping it up. They don't need trailers right before watching it. The trailers are good but trailers in general are unnecessary spoilers.


“Last time I trusted someone I lost an eye” - Fury. That cat really gave him trust issues

THEbeautifuLIE (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-16 09:28:54 Noooooo, the shouldn’t! If there was one POWERFUL moment/cliffhanger-resolution I feel Marvel absolutely robbed us all of &lt;-&gt; it was in the Endgame trailers. I won’t spoil here, but you can probably guess what I’m talking about. I lost it, lol: “WHY DID THEY SHOW US *that*?!?” I reeeeeally hope they don’t watch the trailer; wish I hadn’t. ((Don’t post it, but do you think you know what moment I’m talking about?))
2023-07-16 00:42:05 Noooooo, the shouldn’t! If there was one POWERFUL moment/cliffhanger-resolution I feel Marvel absolutely robbed us all of <-> it was in the Endgame trailers. I won’t spoil here, but you can probably guess what I’m talking about. I lost it, lol: “WHY DID THEY SHOW US *that*?!?” I reeeeeally hope they don’t watch the trailer; wish I hadn’t. ((Don’t post it, but do you think you know what moment I’m talking about?))

Noooooo, the shouldn’t! If there was one POWERFUL moment/cliffhanger-resolution I feel Marvel absolutely robbed us all of <-> it was in the Endgame trailers. I won’t spoil here, but you can probably guess what I’m talking about. I lost it, lol: “WHY DID THEY SHOW US *that*?!?” I reeeeeally hope they don’t watch the trailer; wish I hadn’t. ((Don’t post it, but do you think you know what moment I’m talking about?))


That literally is release order and no they’re staying with what they’ve been doing

Mitchell Smilie

I didn't think the movie was that bad. Wasn't top tier Marvel, but Phase 4 has set a much lower bar so that could factor into my opinion as well. If not for the offscreen Brie Larson comments, I don't think this film would have received the hate it did. I'm also not sure why people got so bent out of shape over what she said. Actors have been saying and doing dumb shit in public from the beginning. Go back to Shakespeare's time, and I'm sure there was some dipshit actor in a public square that was spouting nonsense. Most of these people have no concept of reality so it's absurd to expect them to say things that would relate to most normal people. If we didn't elevate celebrity the way we do in our culture, what Brie Larson said would have had as much significance as the guy standing at the intersection having an animated conversation with his pinkie. That said, I'm not sure Larson was the best choice for this role. I always thought that the character should have been a bit older, played by someone with more gravitas. And the decision regarding Fury's injury was an early sign of the aggravating trend we've seen in the past five years to take established characters and deconstruct them until the virtues that attracted audiences to them in the first place are a distant memory. But enough about that: let's get ready for Endgame!


Jeez I'm glad I didn't see all that. And yeah you're totally right, pretty much every other major female character is awesome. Sorry Brie had to be the one bad one but it's the truth.


The why is a combination of stuff she said around that time regarding white men and she seemed outwardly upset during interviews about the film's reviews. Even before The Marvels started filming when asked if she would return as Cap Marvel, she was like "I dunno does anyone even want that?" I think the writers writing her as a no nonsense no memory blank slate is the problem though. She's obviously a great actress and they gave her little to work with. Aside from her not taking criticism in stride, I also liked her in all that stuff.


I mean on IMBb, it's ranked 25th out of 32 marvel movies. That's with half a million votes so I think it's safe to say it's not a great movie.


To me when you're an actor or actress, you need to be able to take criticism and not snap back at people over race or sex.


Not according to IMBb, where it's ranked 25th out of 32nd. Thats user reviews too and a half million of them.


I disagree but I don’t hold actors to a higher standard. They’re just actors, I we all say dumb shit, who cares. We need to stop looking at these people like they should be our moral compass or something. Crazy a 30 year old woman could get so much hate over some comments.


She said she wants to watch it tonight! lol


LET'S GO END GAAAAAME!!! Can't wait!! Lol

Holly R

You didn't see all that because none of it is true. Brie is absolutely not the 'one bad one,' it's just that the 'Men's Rights' camp got threatened when she suggested that women and POC should be represented more in movie journalism. What THEbeautifulLIE is referring to is during A Wrinkle in Time press junkets, Larson noted that all interviewers, and a vast majority of reviewers were white males. ""I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him! I want to know what it meant to women of color, biracial women, to teen women of color.” Even at that very same event, Larson elaborated on her initial comment, stating, “Am I saying I hate white dudes? No, I am not. What I am saying is if you make a movie that is a love letter to women of color, there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have a chance to see your movie, and review your movie.” She went on to say "About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male. So, I spoke to Dr Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other women of colour, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses."

Holly R

I posted above, but the way she worded her comments wasn't the issue. The issue is that her words were instantly twisted and misquoted and misrepresented. Her actual quotes are as follows: "I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him! I want to know what it meant to women of color, biracial women, to teen women of color....Am I saying I hate white dudes? No, I am not. What I am saying is if you make a movie that is a love letter to women of color, there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have a chance to see your movie, and review your movie.” At another event, she stated the following: "About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male. So, I spoke to Dr Stacy Smith at the USC Annenberg Inclusion Initiative, who put together a study to confirm that. Moving forward, I decided to make sure my press days were more inclusive. After speaking with you, the film critic Valerie Complex and a few other women of colour, it sounded like across the board they weren’t getting the same opportunities as others. When I talked to the facilities that weren’t providing it, they all had different excuses." So, no, she didn't pull it out of thin air. She noticed a clear trend (that of, all press junkets were almost wholly white males) also noticed that viewer reactions to Wrinkle in Time seemed to be weighted heavily due to demographics. And, instead of just presenting that, actually went to THE expert on the subject to find out if what she was experiencing was representative. Those are clear, direct, and unambiguous quotes. However, a flood of men instantly started the whole "TOXIC FEMINIST" BS, and chose to claim that she made these statements about Captain Marvel, or that she specifically said that she hated men, or that she doesn't want to hear what male reviewers think. All of which require someone to ignore her actual words.


We both quoted her here. The desperation in attempting to worship her (& her ideals/motives) & simultaneously demonize supposed “Men’s Rights Activists” is irresponsible-at-best. The “men were threatened” silliness is low-hanging fruit attempting to shame men into silence. It’s weird that they made it to the 22nd film in the series (a series that featured Maria Hill, Gamora, Shuri, Lady Sif, Pepper Pots, Nebula, Proxima Midnight, Nakia, Frigga, Valkyrie, Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Okoye, Wasp, Mantis, etc) before realizing they were “threatened” by the notion of equal representation. Lol…


Right? Lol… You can subjectively enjoy a movie without removing ALL objectivity regarding it as a cinematic work. Shoot - there are a few I love to watch again & again that would never be mistaken with a “great” movie.


I couldn’t agree more with the sentiment regarding not holding celebrities to an excessively-high standard that they never embraced or signed up for. They’re just folks like us. People simply blasted her for an arrogant, divisive ‘take’. It wasn’t a mistake or a Freudian slip - it’s how she genuinely felt; some liked it while others hated it. That’s all.


No one was “mad” about it then; certainly not now. That’s an extreme way of translating what people said into something you could be dismissive of. Captain America was made for white male soldiers. Ironman wasn’t made for white male engineers. Black Panther wasn’t made solely for black people, etc etc etc. It’s a silly notion - people simply called her on it. No biggie…


Brie Larson: “I don’t care what 40 year old white dudes think about the movie…. the movie was not made for them.” No, I’m sorry Brie, but you are wrong. Movies are made for everyone. Not just the ethnicity groups that you decide to champion that day.

Insert Opinion

Dont act like the movie wasnt review bombed by butthurt gamergate losers before they even saw it. Its just a generic Marvel movie not some affront to men.


This comment section is a perfect example of “why are we still mad 4 years later”. It’s because Brie Larson made a racist/sexist rant against “white dudes” and when she was called out for it, those “white dudes” were labeled as racist and sexist. Imagine that. Calling out racism gets you targeted as a racist. It’s frustrating. Brie Larson hates white guys, and we get attacked for it.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

No offence but THEbeautifuLIE and Joseph are just contradicting each other throughout these comments, "no one is mad" well clearly Joseph is mad and has stated why again in another comment made a few hours ago. If your still upset about her statements four years later then you're as fragile as they come. "I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work about A Wrinkle in Time. It wasn’t made for him! I want to know what it meant to women of color, biracial women, to teen women of color....Am I saying I hate white dudes? No, I am not. What I am saying is if you make a movie that is a love letter to women of color, there is an insanely low chance a woman of color will have a chance to see your movie, and review your movie.” This whole statement is the least racist/sexists thing I've heard in my life and was backed with solid statistical facts so it wasn't out of left field like you Americans like you say. It's even more clear when you see the full quote and the context behind everything rather than cherry picking the phrase “I don’t need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn’t work for him". Don't mind if you agree or disagree with this statement that's fine but saying it's racist/sexist is an overreaction and one of the silliest things to get upset over. Starting to think that Brie Larson is kryptonite for some people. One mention of her name and fragile little men start watching Geeks and Gamers and creaming with excitement from all the hate, one big cycle jerk. There's many solid reasons not to like her as a person (Very much this film a well) but the comment she made is extremely tame. I'm personally Neutral on her.


She was right though. Wrinkle in Time wasn't made for middle aged men.


I knew this comment section was going to be wild

Chriis Josiiah

I get some people hate her for petty reasons but some of the normal criticism of the character are pretty valid, like how she felt underdeveloped in her own origin movie I can agree with that because she just feels the same from start to finish

Chriis Josiiah

Ehhhh no movies definitely aren’t made for everyone. that’s why ratings and genres exist

Chriis Josiiah

This is such a weak argument dude cause in my case (and many others) they just don’t really enjoy the character in general she’s just boring. She kind of reminds me of Thor in the early MCU like yeah they are strong cool but they’re extremely one dimensional


@2034 - you’re part of the problem if you believe that. Is Harry Potter only meant for little kids too? A Wrinkle in Time is one of the most famous pieces of literature that most people have read. Lots of those middle aged men read the book as a kid and were excited to see it on the big screen.


@Chriis ratings and genres don’t have anything to do with gender or race. Can you think of any genre that is specifically geared towards one group of people? And are movies with a black cast only meant for black people to watch? Black Panther would have lost a lot of money if “white dudes” didn’t go watch it.

Theo Sebuliba

Hey bro it’s not that serious, just calm down and enjoy whatever you like to watch, don’t get so angry over what other people say and what actors say, if it doesn’t affect you, then don’t bother with it


Theo Sebuliba

My guy chill, you’ve been on this subject for like 2 days, calm down and just breathe, this shouldn’t have that big of an effect on you personally, there bigger things to worry about than this topic


I hate when someone comes into a comment section and says “it’s not that serious”. Commenting about something on the internet doesn’t mean I’m taking it seriously. People responded to my comment so I’m responding back. That’s how the internet works.

sierra's reaction corner

comments did NOT pass the vibe check lmao anyways i really enjoy this movie, fury and carol have a fun dynamic and her powers are dope :)


Dude get off my ass. If you don’t care about this topic then stop commenting on it. This is how the internet works. We discuss things. If you have nothing to add just move along Theo.


Brie Larson: “67% of the top critics are white males, and only 2.5% are women of color. This is an injustice.” 🙄 Well did you know that 82% of sanitation workers are white males, and less than 5% are women of color? Are racist white dudes preventing women of color from joining? Or maybe black women just don’t want to pick up garbage as a career! 😂 Some careers are just like that, you can’t have equality everywhere. And being a professional film critic is already a small/niche industry. We can’t just create more black female critics out of thin air. Stop turning everything into a gender/racial issue.

Insert Opinion

"About a year ago, I started paying attention to what my press days looked like and the critics reviewing movies, and noticed it appeared to be overwhelmingly white male," Larson, 29, said." Calm down dude it's a factual statement not some attack on you.

Bryan Kelly

This movie is entertaining and watchable. But a low level mcu movie. When a character has amnesia they have no personality and that is hard to invest in . And She is super OP with no villain to really match her. The pacing, as Vince said, is all over the place. I loved young fury, the skrolls, the fights, the 90's nostalgia. Some hype moments. Not bad , but not great 5/10


THere are plenty of strong female characters in the MCU. Captain Marvel is a shoehorned in Mary Sue


Bruh. I can watch Spongebob as an adult and enjoy it. Good story telling is the pinnacle of entertainment.

Justin Cross

Just so you guys know... Per the comics and original stories, she is not the strongest Avenger, Disney pushed her in the films as the strongest, which is only for activism for modern day feminism, this is why you see a lot of script points made like "I don't have anything to prove to you" etc.. Because "yay, going against the patriarchy" blah blah... Things that the audience are usually smart enough to understand without it being said or narrated. As far as the actual most powerful Avenger, Hulk is the strongest physically... always was, always will be, his strength knows no boundaries at all... There are different iterations of characters within the Avengers that can beat the strongest version of the Hulk, due to magic and cosmic powers on entirely different scaling amounts, namely Rune king Thor... But Cap. Marvel was never as strong as the Hulk in the comics, the way they propped her up in the films was strictly due to feminist activism. A very "marry sue" placement within the MCU. Powerful for the sake of being powerful because she's a powerful woman. Very much as they did with Rey in the newer Star Wars trilogy.

Anthony Garcia

Nope, That's not true at all. most of the hate happened because like you said, she wasn't perfect or even a decent choice for the role. it had nothing to do with what she said off screen. People were already disappointed when she was announced due to her mediocre & emotionless acting. All that off screen stuff was just a plus & proved everyone right.


Just so yall know remember she got her powers from the space stone. Just like wanda got her powers from the kind stone (even though she was a mutant with the x gene before that) that's why she can breathe in space


Getting your powers from any stone would make you OP anyway like wanda so I mean. Makes sense she's the strongest avenger

Chriis Josiiah

events of the first avengers took place in 2012 so it’s not 12 years it’s 17


He agreed with half of what you stated. What’s with all the “feelings” on here? Lol - no other character gets defended like capmarvel/brilarson. Lmbo…


“I don't need a 40-year-old white dude to tell me what didn't work for him. It wasn't made for him!” Tell your hero, Bri, to calm down, kiddo. Lol!


Just too many grammatical errors to even follow, fam, but I’m guessing the crux is: “man bad; Bri Larson hero”? (Lol)


There’s only one person here launching personal attacks, kiddo. . .& it ain’t the one(s) who dislike this movie/character. #TheMoreYouKnow

Justin Cross

LMAO... No! I got kids... "Incel" doesn't apply. If you're reading these messages, nevermind that 2034 dude above, He's just projecting cuz he's upset with himself.

Miracle Comics

Um so does Shosanna watch any anime series at all?

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

You understood my comment perfectly....I cant even see you're username but I'm assuming it's Beautifullie judging off the comment. Take a nap there's no reason to keep messaging on this video.

Lucile Byrd

Alot of people's criticism of this movie is that Carol is a bland emotionless character who had no real challenge of growth in this movie, which just tells me they did not pay attention this entire film. After the blast that gave her powers and left her with no memory, she was abducted by the Kree and trafficked to Hala where she was brainwashed into thinking that a Skrull attack is what caused her memory loss. And, any time that her humanity/personality (ie her humor ect) came through she was gaslit and told that humor or any kind of emotion was wrong and to get rid of it. Her challenge in this film was to discover who she was and work through the 6 years of brainwashing to by the Kree in an attempt to kill her humanity and turn her into a weapon they could control to eliminate their enemies (mainly the Skrull). And keeping that in mind, when you see how she reacts to things, like learning it was the Kree who attacked and abducted her you can see her working through her emotions all over her face.