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  • GODZILLA 114
  • MEN OF STEEL 307
  • TOP GUN 74
  • 2023-07-12
  • 749 votes
{'title': 'MOVIE POLL', 'choices': [{'text': 'READY PLAYER ONE', 'votes': 254}, {'text': 'GODZILLA', 'votes': 114}, {'text': 'MEN OF STEEL', 'votes': 307}, {'text': 'TOP GUN', 'votes': 74}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 7, 12, 21, 28, 30, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 749}


Hey Rangers, thank you all for participating in the movie suggestion post, and giving us your amazing suggestions! Here are the top 4 liked movie suggestions! *WE WILL WATCH WHAT EVER MOVIE WINS THIS POLL*



I think we already know man of steel is going to win

Chase Taylor

Definitely voting for Man of Steel, hopefully the movies the DCEU that follows it too


Really guys? Godzilla….a B tier movie over classics and actually great films like Ready Player One? Come on let’s gooo!


Man Of Steel finallyyyy 🙏

Chase Taylor

Agreed. It got a lot of likes in the last post. Really don't know why though.


Man of steel's win mean we going to see the DCEU univers.


Top Gun all the way, also because of the new one, which I am sure you'll be dying to see after the first one. So shamelessly voting Top Gun, knowing its a 2 movies for the price of 1 vote haha.

Zac Cochrane

Man of steel leads to two, possibly three more movies. The 2018 or 1998 Godzilla? I really hope Ready Player One pulls this one out


Oooh can’t wait to see ready player one!!


Here come the Ready Player One stans to ruin the Man of Steel win 😔😔


Because the monsterverse movies are fun as hell

Ryan Donaldson

don’t think my top gun is gonna win 💀💀


Man of steel plssss


They are B tier entertainment and sure can be a B flick you put on and just chill……but you have a movie like Ready Player One on the list which is more fun and also way better written than any of the Monsterverse films……they can watch B tier once having gone through most of the S and A tier stuff. That’s all. But hey, it’s all subjective and we all enjoy things differently, so I get it.


Idk bro ready player one leads hopefully it changes


Like someone else commented, people apparently have a lot of fun with the Monsterverse set of films. I guess it’s our own behavior……like myself included, I’ll go watch the Fast and the Furious movies even though I know it’s about B+ entertainment. I think I was just wondering how that matters when you have way superior films on the list competing though. And we all have different subjective points of enjoyment. Like Top Gun for me is no better than the Monsterverse films in terms of writing, but because I love aviation, I enjoy it thoroughly. Although the sequel is definitely S- tier from a filmmaking perspective, even if the writing is like B+/A- tier, so worth a watch for the cinematography alone.

Andrew S

Oh yeah Ready Player One, then Top Gun

Anthony Frye

Man of Steel. Plus then u can watch the next 2 movies in the Zack Snyder trilogy.


Y’all vote man of steel plss

Kyra Brown

Ready player one is so good

Jo-el Brown

Men of Steel 🤣

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

I'm surprised people recommended Man of Steel over Superman (1978) as the original is a much better introduction to the character of Superman while Man of Steel is more of an elseworlds take on the character while also being a movie that kind of assumes you already know the basic information of Superman and his origin so you'll end up with alot of questions that never get answered but are covered in the original film. No hate for Man of Steel, actually grew on me in the past few years but personally would recommend Superman from 1978 for people new to the character of Superman. I'm glad they watched the Batman films though as Batman V Superman would be an awful first introduction to the character of Batman.


2018 Godzilla. The votes were for the Kongzillaverse that's currently ongoing.


You guys voting for Ready Player One are gonna be upset when they have absolutely no reaction to the infinite references to other films they haven't seen because this was voted over them.


True. The movie references are what make the movie fun.

Gursewak Singh

I love how man of steel was shot. cinematography was excellent, also the Zimmer score was amazing.

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Man of Steel is peak everything you mentioned. But like I said I do think they would have an easier time watching Superman 78 first and then Man of Steel to get the basics of the character that are left out in Man of Steel. But regardless I think they'll have a fun time anyways just have some questions about Superman. My only problem with Man of Steel is the idea "What if Superman was in the real world" which for me just doesn't fit with the idea of DC comics or the character of Superman and the city of Metropolis. Lacks alot of the personality of the comics and other DC media like animation etc when you structure everything as grounded as possible. Metropolis looks boring as hell and the overall tone of the film is far too similar to the Nolan Batman films, Superman and Metropolis should not feel similar at all to Batman and Gotham. But beyond this I enjoyed the film just prefer a DC universe that feels like it's separate from our world with it's own history and unique cities, hopefully this is what James Gunn takes into account with his new universe.

Mark W

Man Of Steel without a doubt!

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

I mean it wouldn't be very democratic to go against what people voted for simply because people are arguing in the comments over Man of Steel and other films. They'll be fine, even if they don't get a reference to a certain media the characters themselves are still great in this film both original characters and the cameos by characters from across gaming, film, shows, and other media. They've watched Deadpool for example and love both films even though they had zero context to many of the X-Men nods and references. Ready Player One uses these "references" as it's characters so they'll get to discover the personality of these characters and meet them for the first time here. So I can't see this effecting their enjoyment much at all, My sister loved the film and her pop culture is very limited.


Man of steel guys they ain’t gonna get most of those references yet in player one

Dominic Delacruz

As much as I want you guys to watch the monsterverse movies😭. I gotta put respect on the Zach Snyder dc universe🙏🏽. Such highly underrated superhero movies and I can’t wait for you guys to check it out. But PLEASE keep the monsterverse movies on the list, they are a spectacle to watch!


As a person with a full sleeve Godzilla tattoo, I'm sad that it's in 3rd place, but I'm glad Man of Steel is in first. The soundtrack and visuals alone in that film are worth seeing. But I hope they give the 4 Monsterverse movies a chance later because they're sooooo fire!


Man Of Steel is probably in my opinion the best Zack Snyder Film of the DCEU


this as a watchlist on its own would be pretty good ngl, solid movie after solid movie


With it being so close I think you guys just have to watch both movies.

Jo-el Brown

They probably should just watch all four of these films to be honest.


I voted for Ready Player One, but the disrespect toward a classic like Top Gun is CRAZY😭😭😭I did not expect the votes on it to be so low

Pete Banks

Man of steel but only if ya plan on watching batman v superman ,wonderwoman, aquamarine and Justice league (Zack snyder) cut


Man of steel is a snooze fest. Ready player actually has something fun going on.


The film is from 1986 so its to be expected when its up against modern popular films.


Don’t be made when they don’t understand half the movie references because there are still films they haven’t watched yet


its just opinion but theres a reason its not rated highly. My opinion is the opening scene is too long and the costumes design is generic and meh. Also they never make me care about clark lois might as well not be in the movie and its just waay too dark. Superman should be bright and hopeful and the destruction they cause is sooo over the top. Also him killing is pretty stupid zac ruined the dc characters and im sooo glad hes done. The snyder cut is dope thou but thats only cause he had so much feed back to work from. Glad he got to make a good movie for his daughter and we can leave it at that. He was the wrong choice WB doesnt know what their doing. Hopefully gunns superman will be good. Also henry cavill is soo stale. Hes def not a leading man. Looks like superman thou thats all hes got going for him

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

I agree with alot of this tbh. Cinematography and the Zimmer score was amazing but beyond this the film followed the trend that the Nolan films set of grounding these character in the real world while also pulling heavily from the darker tone of those films. Personally it wasn't the right fit for a Superman film and the whole DCEU was built around this single style that was applied to all it's hero's and cities. But I don't think the film is boring I just believe it loses alot of the charm of the comics and the Superman 1978 film by going in that direction. But this is of subjective some people like Man of Steel for all of this while others hate it. I personally just don't like the idea of DC being our real world but with hero's in it as DC is far more than that. It's a fictional universe so we should'nt been grounding these characters in our world. Have an Art Deco City of Tomorrow Metropolis with a timeless art direction. Have a Gothic Revival Gotham City with Blimps, retro cars, thugs with tommy guns etc.


Ouuu man of steel would be really fun

Andrew S

Though I voted for Ready Player One, Man of steel is a great movie that needs to be watched either way, watch it after Ready Player One if it WINS, if not watch Ready Player One after Man of Steel if it wins, also you need to watch BOTH TOP GUNS soon


Man of Steel is epic


Lmaoo I didn’t even realize it said men of steel 😂😂


We did it guys. I’m very proud of this community.


it's a pretty average movie, don't get the hype for it. The older superman movies are way better


But Zack Snyder’s Justice League is a cinematic experience that should be felt by everyone. Can’t get there until we start with MoS.


It’s the best movie on this list tho lmao , and it’s still a pretty good movie

Jedi Mandalore (Dylan)

Please don't overhype it, There's so many explains of reactors who just did not care for Man of Steel as they had zero connection with the characters (Clark and Lois is the heart and soul of Superman) and just didn't care for the tone or just had so many questions that the film skipped relating to who is Superman. Last thing people want is to hype a film up and for the reactors to just dislike it or come away mixed. "You didn't understand the film" etc. Then they get reviews bombed.


Are you guys stupid? You act like I said it’s the greatest movie in the world💀 I said it’s pretty good. PRETTY GOOD. I didn’t fucking say it’s a god tier movie


Say that to the people sending in whole ass books about how much they hate this movie lady


So I’m not allowed to be hyped over movies I like, but you’re allowed to get hyped over mediocre cheesy Marvel movies and bad Star Wars films? 😅 You can’t just assume what a reactor is going to like based on your own opinions. Everyone thought they were going to love The Batman just because everyone else loved it, and they did not. They gave it a brutal review and said the acting was horrible. So who knows what they will think of Man of Steel. And you spoke of Ant Man 2 and lots of bad Marvel movies like they are some cinematic masterpieces, so I’m not sure if I trust your opinions on movies Dylan…..


Some of y'all mfs in these comments need to start smokin weed n chill out lmao

Coelacanth (edited)

Comment edits

2023-07-15 23:46:10 Ready Player One is a far superior film than generic Man of Steel (and the other 3 choices). Dont get me wrong, its a fun-ish film with some cool visuals, but Man of Steel is generic white savior crap with cheesy one liner type dialogue. Its about as "good" as Top Gun. I dont remember Godzilla much but its probably the worst one out of the bunch. Although a lot of folks hype up the Monsterverse, so maybe its a bit better than I am remembering it. As for Snyder, dude is an open borderline-supremacist who puts in his shitty philosophical beliefs in his filmmaking. I mean the man is literally trying to make Fountainhead as his next film......Granted I do think he is somewhat of an auteur, but his ideas and belief system is trash. (Highly individualistic, almost amoral, white savior/supremacist undertones, extremely capitalistic, almost entirely materialist world view with the weird mixing in of Christian idealism but oddly lacking a strong spiritual component that always feels tacked on to fuel American elitism. Ayn Rand had some cancerous ideas and this man Snyder is knee-deep in them. Think of the things Clark's dad says to him in Man of Steel and recontextualize them taking into account Ayn Rand's philosophy.......thats why I cant stand movies like 300 and Snyderverse since I cant unsee Snyder's horrible outlook imprinted in them. They are fun and exciting from a superficial viewing of them, but any contextualization and they become distasteful.
2023-07-15 21:41:05 Ready Player One is a far superior film than generic Man of Steel (and the other 3 choices). Dont get me wrong, its a fun-ish film with some cool visuals, but Man of Steel is generic white savior crap with cheesy one liner type dialogue. Its about as "good" as Top Gun. I dont remember Godzilla much but its probably the worst one out of the bunch. Although a lot of folks hype up the Monsterverse, so maybe its a bit better than I am remembering it. As for Snyder, dude is an open borderline-supremacist who puts in his shitty philosophical beliefs in his filmmaking. I mean the man is literally trying to make Fountainhead as his next film......Granted I do think he is somewhat of an auteur, but his ideas and belief system is trash. [Highly individualistic, almost amoral, white savior/supremacist undertones, extremely capitalistic, almost entirely materialist world view with the weird mixing in of Christian idealism but oddly lacking a true strong spiritual component but instead added are bastardized emotive structures that always feels tacked on to fuel and justify American elitism (or just white in reality but Snyder will tell you he incudes anyone that subscribes to his shitty beliefs of course).] Ayn Rand had some cancerous ideas and this man Snyder is knee-deep in them. Think of the things Clark's dad says to him in Man of Steel and recontextualize them taking into account Ayn Rand's philosophy.......thats why I cant stand movies like 300 and Snyderverse since I cant unsee Snyder's horrible outlook imprinted in them. They are fun and exciting from a superficial viewing of them, but any contextualization and they become distasteful.

Ready Player One is a far superior film than generic Man of Steel (and the other 3 choices). Dont get me wrong, its a fun-ish film with some cool visuals, but Man of Steel is generic white savior crap with cheesy one liner type dialogue. Its about as "good" as Top Gun. I dont remember Godzilla much but its probably the worst one out of the bunch. Although a lot of folks hype up the Monsterverse, so maybe its a bit better than I am remembering it. As for Snyder, dude is an open borderline-supremacist who puts in his shitty philosophical beliefs in his filmmaking. I mean the man is literally trying to make Fountainhead as his next film......Granted I do think he is somewhat of an auteur, but his ideas and belief system is trash. [Highly individualistic, almost amoral, white savior/supremacist undertones, extremely capitalistic, almost entirely materialist world view with the weird mixing in of Christian idealism but oddly lacking a true strong spiritual component but instead added are bastardized emotive structures that always feels tacked on to fuel and justify American elitism (or just white in reality but Snyder will tell you he incudes anyone that subscribes to his shitty beliefs of course).] Ayn Rand had some cancerous ideas and this man Snyder is knee-deep in them. Think of the things Clark's dad says to him in Man of Steel and recontextualize them taking into account Ayn Rand's philosophy.......thats why I cant stand movies like 300 and Snyderverse since I cant unsee Snyder's horrible outlook imprinted in them. They are fun and exciting from a superficial viewing of them, but any contextualization and they become distasteful.

Cole Snitker

I’m honestly surprised transfomers ain’t on this list it tops all em only one that comes close is man of steel

Super Saiyan God

Please watch Blade I, II, and III. I'm assuming most of your audience must be really young otherwise Blade would be getting more mentions as it was one of the first ever marvel movies.


I’m not young I just don’t care for the movies 😂 and it’s not like we requested them to watch marvel they started the journey on their own