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Hey Rangers, here is early access to The Batman hope you guys enjoy!!



This is "THE BATMAN" by Vince Shoshana on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



I really love the honesty. I really didn't like this movie


Respect to those who do like it. It just wasn't for me.


Just so you guys know by the way the riddler doesn’t know Batman is Bruce Wayne! He was just upset he didn’t kill Bruce that’s why he kept saying his name


Are we getting Ant-Man 2 today?


Start Zack Snyder’s trilogy starring with man of steel

Rudolph Koch

yes Snyder's version of the Justice League series

Mark W

eh, didn't care for this batman but i'm glad you two enjoyed it!


Matt Reeves got the Batman gig after his outstanding work with Dawn & War of the Planet of The Apes. Also did Cloverfield together with JJ Abrams. Dude got top tier talent. They are working on The Batman part II as we speak. Andy Serkis is Gollum/Smeagol in LOTR, Caesar in Planet of the Apes, Snoke in Star Wars and as you said Klaue in the MCU.

Hate Us Cuz They Aint Us

All you saying you didnt like it are simple showing that you arent batman fans because in the comics and in the animated series/movies he is the worlds greatest detective before anything else, only the comics and the animated series/movies have gotten his character right until now, this is the fire life action depiction of batman truly


I thought it was fine. If there hadn't been the Nolan trilogy, it would be considered a masterpiece by everyone. Classic Paul Dano of course. Before TDKR, I always said Riddler could be done this way in that world. But it's like, ok Batfleck was great. Probably the best part of the Snyderverse. And now here we go again, rebooted once more and connected to nothing and never will be. Right after Joker which was a vastly superior film. It also had no business being 3 hours long. Shouldn't have to marathon a movie.

Justin M Borowski

I think Pattinson was a good batman, but he didn't get Bruce Wayne right at all. Kind of bizarre because he looks like a preppy rich kid. I almost feel like he tried harder to nail batman and didn't get BW. And since he's so opposite in his look and normal demeanor, it made everything weird. I like him though and i'm glad he gets more respect than just "twilight guy"


Bro he was supposed to act like that as Bruce lol, he nailed it, the character is goin to develop...they didn't want to just start him off as a playboy


Many ppl view this a top 5 cbm, some have it over TDK...this is it's own Batverse which so far has been working...not everything in film has to be connected to everything


Excuses for what? It's a widely loved film, u don't know shit


Is it the style of it being an action/noir instead of a regular action/adventure? Bc superhero media needed this film imo

Mitchell Smilie

Being the world's greatest detective doesn't mean it has to be a snore-fest. Too long, takes itself too seriously. Have a little fun, for fuck's sake. The Arkham games remain the best representation of Batman outside the comics.


I didn't like the interpretation of Batman or Gotham. I only like Falcone because Turturro is an amazing actor. But I just didn't enjoy the movie. I've watched it 3 times and I like it less each time.


That’s the whole point of Batman tho idiot. Gotham isn’t a fun place, it’s a messed up place with so many serial killers and crazy ass mfs. It’s how is is in the comics and everything else. Tho only time there’s funny shit involved if it’s with joker or the robins and they’re not in this

Lina Distadio

Orrrrr people are entitled to their opinions even if they are fans of the original material. Not everyone prefers things the original way, not everyone likes how it was acted or shot and everyone is entitled to their own viewpoint.

Kevin Matthew

It was year 2 batman so he didn't know how to be bruce Wayne yet. At the end he realizes he needs to be more. In the next movie he will be more the bruce wayne we see in other movies.


Zoe is cool af man...some delusional ppl made it seem as if she done something wrong...glad she finally got the respect she deserves with this