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Life is Beautiful

A Bronx Tale


Pearl Harbor

Cadillac Records

Star Wars: Episode 8 - The Last Jedi

Star Trek ll: The Wrath of Khan


Trayvon Brown

Have you guys seen into the spider-verse? With all the hype about the new one right now it'd be dope if you watched the first one if you haven't seen it yet.


A little advice: If at any point in time you guys plan to watch the Venom sequel : "Venom - Let there be carnage", watch it after seeing Tom Holland's second Spider-Man movie. There are some really heavy spoilers that involves the word...........Multiverse. That's all i can say.

Lina Distadio

I am so excited that you guys are watching Pearl Harbor this month because my great-uncle Frank Sagona was actually stationed at Pearl Harbor and survived the attack there. A lot of my relatives and older family members had fought in the second world war so I love when you guys watch things from or about that time period ❤️‍🔥

Theo Sebuliba

A Bronx tale is one of my favorites,so I can’t wait to watch you react to than movie

Jihad Lee

Cant wait for Cadillac Records!

David Crabtree

So excited for Pearl Harbor snd Wrath of Khan!

Fred Fonseca

When is the homecoming reaction coming


The witch part 2 the other one when😌👀


We gotta get Amazing Spider-Man 1+2 in next month fellas

Chriis Josiiah

will we get transformers 5 in the future?


If you’re going to watch Wrath of Kahn you really should watch Star Trek: The Motion Picture first.


I just assumed they had already watched it. Plenty just watch the movies but the real experience is to watch the original series first but I know that's too big an ask. Wish CBS wasn't so terrible to reactors because it's the comfiest show of all time.

Chris H

The Motion Picture is a tall ask for anyone who is not already a huge Trek fan and also a huge fan of sci-fi. I like the movie ok but I still struggle to watch it all in one go. I agree with starting at Wrath of Khan.

Justin M Borowski

I think they should start with Star Trek the Motion Picture.... they'll have more connection to the characters. It's not a bad movie. Yall got them watching singing in the rain and they can't watch Star Trek 1? Pft.


Meh, I think they should just watch the new Star Trek movies.....old ones probably wont get them invested at all into the TrekUniverse.. This gets them in feeling more connected at first ad then can check out what's considered "better" in terms of storytelling. First though, you want folks to get into a franchise and be familiar with it rather than try and force your own nostalgic feelings. That usually doesn't work with really old stuff. (Star Wars may be an exception simply because its one contiguous story.)

Justin Cross

Venom!!! YEaaaaaaaa buddy!!!

Simon Howard

Venom yay!!! Also kudos on Cadillac Records, really good film


SPOILERS FOR THOSE WHO HAVENT WATCHED THE SEQUEL TRILOGY! -----Rian Johnson literally lived for a number of days with George Lucas on his ranch to make sure he got his vision down and wrote TLJ in completing the Hero's Journey format that Lucas was inspired by.......but its the backlash from people like you who caused Disney to backtrack and try to appease everyone in the 9th movie that made the whole last trilogy way more odd than it needed to be. Lucas's vision for the 9 movies was basically the plot of his 2015 animated film - Strange Magic.....its basically a love story......like AniPadme's and then a reverse one for Kylo/Rey.....with obviously the Star Wars universe as the setting of the love story. ----- I'm not saying Lucas is a good storyteller or that this idea he had was even all that unique or interesting (not the worldbuilding but the love story and then reverse love story/beauty and the beast situation)............this narrative of Disney/Directors, especially Rian Johnson, not knowing a Lucas's original vision/not understanding Star Wars isnt true.........its just that everyone else doesn't follow any of that and just want cool battles and fights and action, etc......and while I agree that Star Wars as a franchise could simply have better storytelling and that Lucas's love story vision isnt that good to begin with, its still remains true that the folks knew what Lucas wanted, especially Johnson who wrote a fantastic script for TLJ even with the basicness that JJ Abrams and cowriters brought to TFA. And of course in the end Disney executives would go: "forget Lucas's vision, etc, just give us something to win over the vocal fans back".....which ended up being more disastrous funny enough. Instead of following through completely what was started and at least being true to what was started, they half=baked in Rey kissing Kylo and then ham fisting her as a Palpatine/Skywalker to try and appease fans and all that. Instead she was supposed to be like Anakin, a creation of the force to bring the actual balance he was supposed to and have a healthy relationship/or at least a proper resolution with Kylo, etc........but it is what it is. Its like the last season of Game of Thrones.....on paper, where the characters end up/direction they take is perfectly in line with GRRMartin's vision, but very poorly executed (mainly that they rushed it like crazy), but the plot points is essentially whats gonna happen in the last book ro two, as GRRMartin already let the showrunners know his future plot for the books he hasnt finished writing yet.


TL;DR: (1) Disney/filmmakers all knew exactly what Lucas's original vision is as Rian Johnson even lived with him a couple days when writing the script which he did an incredible job with, especially all the parallel shots (rhyming cinematography) from the previous films, like both Padme and Rey in coffin shots ---------- (2) There was too much backlash with TLJ movie because fanboys just wanted to see more cool action and storytelling regarding politics and battles instead of the Lucas's original love story/reverse love story vision he had for the 3 trilogies ---------- (3) Frankly, Lucas's vision and storytelling is quite subpar and the movies not being as good as they could have been is due to him actually not being that great of a writer/filmmaker, BUT having said that, I would have preferred they didn't try to appease anyone and just double down and finish the vision as warranted. BUT.....money wins and executives always think they know better. ---------- (4) If you wanna see what the 9 movies really were about (besides the obvious Star Wars sci-fi world as the backdrop), just watch Strange Magic, 2015 animated film by George Lucas where he does the full love story for the characters)

Justin Cross

You could go without watching the newer Star Wars trilogy... the new age creators that worked on it basically ruined them. They didn't stick to George Lucas original vision, nor would they take advice from him as they made them... And they ended up being "less" because of it... plus flip flopping firing and rehiring directors changed the direction of the story 2ce within the three newer films. I know you'll still likely watch them.. but it would be better to just go straight into the Clone Wars TV series, as well as the Mandalorian TV series.


Stfu man the movies aren’t that bad to where they don’t need to watch them , if anything they’re better than the mandalorian show so chill tf out let them watch what they want. They not bout to go on a full Star Wars journey with the shows they’re tryna watch the movies


I haven't seen the new season yet but the first two seasons of The Mandalorian are superior to all other Star Wars except perhaps the original trilogy. I agree the sequel trilogy isn't as bad as people make them out to be but your take on Mando is outrageous.


FYI Han died because that was the only stipulation Harrison Ford made in order to come back and play him again. He originally wanted him to die off in Episode V. He hates the character lol