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HEY Rangers, not sure if you are aware of this news, but a lot of creators in our community have been hit with copyright infringement on both Patreon and Youtube. Now as for us it's only been on Patreon, so we have had to delete some content on here. We had to delete episode 1 and 2 of Death note plus pretty much all of season 2 of Demon slayer. Just giving you guys a head up since you probably been wondering why we haven't posted another Death note episode is because we're just trying to figure out things on our end with patreon. Love you guys and we really appreciate your support! 


Ghost 4T4

Copyright is So Lame Ruining This For Us 🫤

Peter Wyatt

I believe it might be better to start using the method of adding a timer to the bottom of the screen in the full-length reactions. That always evades the copyright laws, since you're not even showing the episode, itself. Many other Patreon reactors use this method, as well.

Rob Yung

Lucky one guy I'm subbed too had to take his whole patron down


seems like alot of channels are suffering rn

T- Fam

Yeah, it's sad that a lot of Patreon creators are being hit with this, but apparently, even some that use timers and don't even show any footage of the anime got hit with a copyright, too!

T- Fam

I'll share by copy paste what 1 of the Patreon Creator that I'm following, who gave further insightful info about this issue.... From what the Patreon creator said: "in the Anime/Asian shows, I noticed very very strict practices on creators..... I posted earlier that a bunch of us got hit by claims.  Folks suggested even timer reactions...that would not have worked.. Even The Normies got hit and they show ZERO footage...This person making the claims went through claiming shows without ANY investigation lol...didn't matter, so it's has nothing to do with legit copyright rules...They are mass attacking posts that even mention the show.

T- Fam

I'm going to share responses from some of the comments that we, too, would've said: "I don't even understand how can timer be copyrighted or claimed? It's just timer running, whatever show they watching nothing is shown and everybody else use their own copy of it. Internet laws is just baffling how they weave, slip and wave constantly". "That’s crazy that they were striking timer reactions and even just posts with the names in them. At that point it’s just patreon not bothering to even try and distinguish what would have the copyrighted stuff in them". In response: "Patreon dont wanna anger big companies coz lawsuits are expensive". The P. Creator's response: "CORRECT. So the companies don’t require proof of anything, really. They click claim, and it’s virtually automatically approved and takes us 20 days to work out, and the damage is done. Patreon is avoiding a mediator role. The difference today is that they have a method to hit multiple people faster and multiple videos faster than ever. This is actually not a new problem".

T- Fam (edited)

Comment edits

2023-04-21 21:19:39 Here's from some very sincere nice comments that just wanted to help out, just like on here with suggestions: "A solution I've been seeing a lot of people do is using a site like Vimeo or Streamable for your reaction, then making a Google doc with links to those videos and put a link to that in the pinned post on your page. Since you aren't monetizing your vimeo or streamable account, they can't copyright strike those videos and since your patreon is just linking to the Google doc, it's less likely to raise any flags. The extra hoops it would have to go through also helps with any AI software these services use to flag videos". And here's what I didn't know just like this nice person, that the Patreon Creator replied back to say: "Thanks I’m aware of it. People reshare links and that affects the cost of bandwidth so you dont wanna rely on it 100% for your videos if possible. Vimeo was about to charge me $10,000 a year and keep raising. Thats why i stopped using them in the first place"... [so, me just sharing my personal thoughts to this, I'm not sure if there's more options of payment plans that are more affordable or see if other sites such as using Streamable and maybe Drop Box could be more cheaper than Vimeo, etc.! But I guess that's something the creator would need to look more into and see if they can utilize that solution before deciding on]! Another had suggested this: "I know it might be a hassle. But maybe you should start your own website where you could post your reactions. Just a reccommendation". But another thoughtful comment in response had said this to heavily consider: "Thats probably more dangerous though because then any copyrighted stuff would hit him directly as a person, rather than as warnings/closed accounts like with vimeo & things like that. They could get sued or fined since they are hosting copyrighted material". And the Patreon Creator also agreed to that response! ANYWHO, JUST WANTED TO SHARE THIS HELPFUL DISCUSSION FROM SUCH SWEET COMMENTORS AND FROM THE 1 PATREON CREATOR THAT SHARED FURTHER FACTUAL INFO ON THEIR PATREON PAGE, SO IT CAN AT LEAST FILL IN THE BLANKS TO ALL OTHERS WHO DIDN'T KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS SAD MATTER AND I KNOW ALOT OF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE READING LONG COMMENTS LIKE THE FEW I POSTED BUT I TRULY HOPE ALL WILL STILL TAKE THE TIME TO READ THESE!
2023-03-24 23:16:27 Here's from some very sincere nice comments that just wanted to help out, just like on here with suggestions: "A solution I've been seeing a lot of people do is using a site like Vimeo or Streamable for your reaction, then making a Google doc with links to those videos and put a link to that in the pinned post on your page. Since you aren't monetizing your vimeo or streamable account, they can't copyright strike those videos and since your patreon is just linking to the Google doc, it's less likely to raise any flags. The extra hoops it would have to go through also helps with any AI software these services use to flag videos". And here's what I didn't know just like this nice person, that the Patreon Creator replied back to say: "Thanks I’m aware of it. People reshare links and that affects the cost of bandwidth so you dont wanna rely on it 100% for your videos if possible. Vimeo was about to charge me $10,000 a year and keep raising. Thats why i stopped using them in the first place"... [so, me just sharing my personal thoughts to this, I'm not sure if there's more options of payment plans that are more affordable or see if other sites such as using Streamable and maybe Drop Box could be more cheaper than Vimeo, etc.! But I guess that's something the creator would need to look more into and see if they can utilize that solution before deciding on]! Another had suggested this: "I know it might be a hassle. But maybe you should start your own website where you could post your reactions. Just a reccommendation". But another thoughtful comment in response had said this to heavily consider: "Thats probably more dangerous though because then any copyrighted stuff would hit him directly as a person, rather than as warnings/closed accounts like with vimeo & things like that. They could get sued or fined since they are hosting copyrighted material". And the Patreon Creator also agreed to that response! ANYWHO, JUST WANTED TO SHARE THIS HELPFUL DISCUSSION FROM SUCH SWEET COMMENTORS AND FROM THE 1 PATREON CREATOR THAT SHARED FURTHER FACTUAL INFO ON THEIR PATREON PAGE, SO IT CAN AT LEAST FILL IN THE BLANKS TO ALL OTHERS WHO DIDN'T KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS SAD MATTER AND I KNOW ALOT OF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE READING LONG COMMENTS LIKE THE FEW I POSTED BUT I TRULY HOPE ALL WILL STILL TAKE THE TIME TO READ THESE!

Here's from some very sincere nice comments that just wanted to help out, just like on here with suggestions: "A solution I've been seeing a lot of people do is using a site like Vimeo or Streamable for your reaction, then making a Google doc with links to those videos and put a link to that in the pinned post on your page. Since you aren't monetizing your vimeo or streamable account, they can't copyright strike those videos and since your patreon is just linking to the Google doc, it's less likely to raise any flags. The extra hoops it would have to go through also helps with any AI software these services use to flag videos". And here's what I didn't know just like this nice person, that the Patreon Creator replied back to say: "Thanks I’m aware of it. People reshare links and that affects the cost of bandwidth so you dont wanna rely on it 100% for your videos if possible. Vimeo was about to charge me $10,000 a year and keep raising. Thats why i stopped using them in the first place"... [so, me just sharing my personal thoughts to this, I'm not sure if there's more options of payment plans that are more affordable or see if other sites such as using Streamable and maybe Drop Box could be more cheaper than Vimeo, etc.! But I guess that's something the creator would need to look more into and see if they can utilize that solution before deciding on]! Another had suggested this: "I know it might be a hassle. But maybe you should start your own website where you could post your reactions. Just a reccommendation". But another thoughtful comment in response had said this to heavily consider: "Thats probably more dangerous though because then any copyrighted stuff would hit him directly as a person, rather than as warnings/closed accounts like with vimeo & things like that. They could get sued or fined since they are hosting copyrighted material". And the Patreon Creator also agreed to that response! ANYWHO, JUST WANTED TO SHARE THIS HELPFUL DISCUSSION FROM SUCH SWEET COMMENTORS AND FROM THE 1 PATREON CREATOR THAT SHARED FURTHER FACTUAL INFO ON THEIR PATREON PAGE, SO IT CAN AT LEAST FILL IN THE BLANKS TO ALL OTHERS WHO DIDN'T KNOW MORE ABOUT THIS SAD MATTER AND I KNOW ALOT OF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE READING LONG COMMENTS LIKE THE FEW I POSTED BUT I TRULY HOPE ALL WILL STILL TAKE THE TIME TO READ THESE!

T- Fam

Oh, also to the Perfect Mix that if you had read any of the shared comments I posted above, here could be a helpful suggested solution from 1 of the Patreon Creators, who was just going to ""rename the titles with hints of clues to all those who are patreon to them"" of all the listed animes that they have knowledge of from other close creators that's told of what's being targeted for copyright... But if you already know this from any of the creators you're close friends with, then disregard my comment. I TRULY HOPE SOMEWAY SOME NICE SOLUTION WORKS OUT FOR YOU BOTH AND HERE'S ME, LIKE EVERYONE ELSE HERE HOPING THE BEST FOR YOU BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE THAT YOU BOTH ARE TO US ALL🙏🏾💛🙏🏾✌🏾