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HEY Rangers, here is another episode of AOT hope you guys enjoy!!


aot s4 ep8.mp4

This is "aot s4 ep8.mp4" by Vince Shoshana on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.



Great reaction! I love how the story doesnt spell out the zeke thing to the audience til the very last second. The only hint to it prior is Eren having a baseball. Masterful writing imo.

Sean Carroll

I am one of the rare people who never cared about Sasha, when she died I was disappointed but got over it instantly, she never brought anything interesting to the story. All she did was have bad and overused food jokes which got old quick.

Lexi Browning

Sasha brought humanity and light into a world that lacked it. She was pretty integral in keeping people sane


So I don't think it was totally random that Gabi shot Sasha, specifically. Gabi watched Sasha shoot those two gate guards that were friendly with her, and we see in this episode that Gabi has incredible aim. I assume Gabi, in that split-second moment, decided to shoot the woman she'd seen before, who shot the guards. rip Sasha though.

Sean Carroll

funnily enough there are quite a few hints that Zeke is against Marley which even go back to season 3, prepare for a longer comment but it is very interesting. here they are: 1. In season 3 episode 15, he talks to Reiner and Bertolt saying that he wants their cursed history to end, this shows that he is on the side of Eldian freedom from their torment. 2. In season 3 episode 16 Zeke throws rocks at everyone while using baseball terms, when Eren and Falco meet the second time Eren is holding a baseball and baseball glove, this is the biggest hint towards Zeke's betrayal of Marley 3. In season 3 episode 17, Zeke sees the scouts riding towards him and is disappointed at the situation, saying its a shame that they lost their memories and that they essentially dont know what they are doing, constantly fighting and sacrificing themselves. In that moment Zeke felt true pity for them. 3. In season 3 episode 18 he finally met Eren and said that Grisha brainwashed Eren, he then said that one day he will come back to rescue Eren. 4. In season 4 episode 2 Colt asks why Zeke is so special, saying his power reminds him of the foudning titan. Zeke knows he has royal blood but chooses to keep that fact secret from everyone. 5. in the same episode Zeke and Magath discuss the scout ships sent to Paradis island 3 years ago, in total 32 ships were sent and none returned, as we know now, these soldiers were Zekes followers, a secret he kept from Magath. 6. In the same episode, he holds a meeting with the warriors and Porco asks where Magath and the other Marleyans are. Zeke replies "not in this room". Zeke knew that Magath etc were listening in and used that as a hint to them to not say anything agasint the Marleyan soldiers etc. 7. In seaosn 4 episode 4, just before Willy Tyburs play Falco wants to bring Reiner to meet Eren in the basement, while everyone else says that the play is about to begin Zeke is the only one who says its fine and they should have plenty of time. As we know from Eren having possession of a baseball and glove Eren and Zeke have talked. Zeke knew that Falco was bringing Reiner down there to meet Eren. 8. In season 4 episode 5 during Willys play, Yelena gets Zeke, Porco and Pieck to follow her, she only tells Zeke to wait at the front gate, he leaves and Yelena traps Pieck and Porco underground. Zeke was supposed to wait for the airship and make a clean escape while pretending to Marley that he was captured. 9. In season 4 episode 6 and 7 Pieck and Porco escape the underground and join the battle, this was not a part of the plan so Zeke had to join the battle and improvise by throwing rocks at the scouts in order to not make Marley suspicious. He also says again that Eren is not his enemy which catches Pieck and Porcos attention. He then yells out that Levi is running out of time and then we see Levi holding a pocket watch. This signals that they need to escape quickly on the airship or they will miss their chance. 10. In season 4 episode 7 Levi defeats Zeke easily and pretends in front of Magath that he has killed Zeke with a grenade. this was a lie however as Zeke wanted to be defeated so that they could escape together. Hope this helps and you find it interesting

Sean Carroll

im talking about the wider story, yes she is a nice person but she literally never does anything of actual note


Being a nice person IS bringing something to the wider story. Her being the first named character to be xenophobic is also a tonal motif that isnt introduced til given her backstory. Shes not just comedy but also world-building. This transfers over to her being the focal point in the Reiner dinner scene with his family. As a writer, you HAVE to use Sasha to showcase the humanity of the "evil" island devils. It shows the audience that Reiner is obviously lying to his family and to himself, by using something as silly and mundane as the potato scene. Say what you will about your taste in comedy. But saying it's all she did is painfully false.

Sean Carroll

she made so many mistakes during the first three seasons and really didnt bring anything much to the story, you list a couple of examples but it just doesnt really come across to the same effect as literally every other character from Paradis. Lets just say this, I understand what she brought to the story, my issue is just that it was so miniscule and uninteresting that it never had the effect on me that it did on other people.

Rick Turpentine

Dont forget what Jean told Eren in season 1. Not everyone gets a heroic death. War is hell. Thats actually one of the reasons I like this show. If every main character that dies goes out sacrificing themselves heroically for some victory I think a story feels a little too much like a fairytale. I always felt like if you added this whole titan / eldian component to our world it would go exactly the same way.

aubrey !!

Hey, just a quick correction, the blonde guy that you originally thought was Armin is actually a woman despite her appearance, her name is yelena :)

Peter Wyatt

Right. Because a person needs to be grieved over when they're thought upon as a tool, not as a human. That makes it look like you don't even understand the premise of this show, even though you've been acting as the "information expert", here.

Sean Carroll

How does not being a fan of a certain character not make me understand the premise of the show. I didn’t want her to die but also wasn’t that bothered either. You are conflating the point in a ridiculous way

Peter Wyatt

It's because you surmised that in order to grieve over the characters of this show, they must have done something that wasn't "miniscule" or they had to accomplish an action-oriented feat that wasn't riddled with mistakes as you described it. The premise of AoT, without even venturing into spoiler territory, is for two sides of a coin to come to know how, beyond the surface, or rather, "beyond the walls" and "beyond the sea", people are more alike than you know. As you must know, seeing as you are the information expert, Reiner was sent to Paradis Island with the same brainwashing dealt to him as we see with Gabi. He ended up being conflicted, enough to split apart his personality, because he began to see these similarities from "within the walls". This split in his personality was caused, because he was sent there, as both a tool of warfare as a human titan and as a child who couldn't have possibly been able to question his country's motives. He had to learn the truth, firsthand. For you to call off Sasha's death, as you described its "lesser impact" on you, translates to your ignorance not only of the purpose of Sasha's death, though also of the existence of Reiner, Gabi and also Eren's purpose in this show as characters. Again, the premise of this show is to understand characters less like tools for war, and more as humans who are more alike than what's merely seen on the surface. Just as Eren was once, in his youth as a child, ignorant of what was beyond the walls, Reiner had been ignorant of what was within the walls. And you saw it, just as these reactors saw it, when Eren broke Reiner in saying to him, "We are the same."

Sean Carroll

everything you just said I have covered off by saying in an earlier comment that I understood what Sasha brought to the show, I understand every bit of it. My issue is that her character for the most part was used as bad comedy and in general being on the fringes of the group without doing anything major to the story. I find her far more interesting after her death because at least now she has major impact on characters in the story. My disliking of her character has nothing to do with my knowledge of what she brought to this show so your argument is moot. Try again

Peter Wyatt

You do realize that you contradicted yourself, with your own "argument", right? Here's you saying that her character, in life, didn't bring anything "major" to the story. Then, you go on to say that after her death, she had affected the other characters and brought about their development. Isn't that more to do with her "life", and also a reflection of her major relations and affects upon others, within the world of AoT? Now that The Perfect Mix has seen episode 13, uploaded on their Patreon only an hour ago, I can mention this: Sasha's affect on Kaya was not due to her death, though because of her memories to her life. And there's another thing you fail to recognize about the premise of this show... memories. I won't get too far into that, because that's more spoiler territory. You contradicted yourself in disregarding Sasha's character, in life, though proceeded to go on about saying that after her death, you found her character to be more interesting. That's a contradiction because that would mean you find her character, in life, to be more interesting for how those other characters, impacted as you mentioned it, remember her, in life. Whether it's Conny, Niccolo, or Kaya... these people remember her, as she was, in life.