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Hey Rangers, here is another episode of the boys hope you guys enjoy our reaction!




Vince why you blushing so much when the two homelanders were getting cosy? 🤭🤭🤭


She didn't choose 'this boy' over him (nor this 'lifestyle', she chose her son who she even calles Ryan, because that's his name. That point seems stupid, but I'm trying to drive the idea that people watching this show view him as 'this boy' who obviously homelander and vought would be after, and so they can easily see him as a 'resource' that makes leaving with him a pragmatic impossibility. But Becca, who made the painful decision to keep her child after being raped (A tough decision in itself), then raised Ryan, who she named, for 10+ years. Even if you can view that pragmatically, you don't view your son as a resource not worth fighting for, but as a loved one worth dying for. I think the trivializing of her decision is what people are reacting negatively to. Butcher makes it clear he didn't really care to save Ryan as an afterthought, to get his wife to go with him in the first place. Also, the racism from stormfront feels weird only because she is good at using social media ('get with the times, I did'), but she definitely showed obvious signs of it. When she kills the people in the building last episode when going after kimiko and her brother, she kills all the bystanders, who are all black. Her use of an asian racial slur in the last episode was just the nail in the coffin to confirm her racism for those paying close attention, but they still need episodes like this to really make it obvious to everyone (and not just a speculated trait)

Geno Montez

I mean I think any parent should chose their child over anyone